Riverside police

Chapter 985 There is someone to take care of you!

In the evening, Han Xiangning drove a small Qingqi back to the family courtyard of the Meteorological Bureau.

As soon as I arrived at the carport downstairs, I smelled the spicy and spicy aroma, which whetted my appetite.

What made her even more unbelievable was that several retired comrades from the Meteorological Bureau were gathered downstairs, talking and looking upstairs from time to time.

"Ningning is back, Ningning, is there any happy event in your family today?"

"Nothing happy."

"Then why did your family invite a chef to come back to cook? The chef bought a lot of vegetables and worked all afternoon. His skills must be good and they smell delicious."

When there is a happy event in a rural home, a chef is usually invited to the home to help with the banquet.

The situation in urban areas is different from that in rural areas. In the past, the conditions were not good, and it was impossible to go to a big hotel. Usually, they would borrow the workplace canteen and ask the chef from the workplace to cook in the cafeteria.

The economy has developed rapidly in recent years, and the scale of cities has continued to grow. Former farmers have become citizens due to land acquisition and demolition, and many of their previous habits have been retained.

For example, in the community next to the Meteorological Bureau, most of the residents are farmers who have moved upstairs due to land acquisition and demolition. When their families have troubles, they will set up sheds downstairs in the community and hire chefs to cook.

Some retired comrades from the Meteorological Bureau often went to watch the fun when they had nothing to do. When they saw how well organized they were, and the food they cooked tasted better than what was cooked in the canteen, and it was cheaper than cooking in the canteen, they followed suit, otherwise they wouldn't be like this. Just ask.

Han Xiangning was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "It's my cousin who buys and cooks food. My cousin and his girlfriend came from Xichuan and arrived in the morning."

"Your cousin can cook?"

"My mother can also cook, and everyone in Xichuan can cook. But my cousin can cook better than my mother. He is really a chef and has worked in a big hotel!"

"I asked why it smells so good. It smells delicious and makes my mouth water."

"Uncle Wang, Aunt Wu, come up together and try my cousin's craftsmanship."

"No, no, if your relatives come to your home, it doesn't matter if we go."

After joking with the elders at the Meteorological Bureau for a while, Han Xiangning picked up her bag and ran upstairs.

When I opened the door and walked into the living room, I was shocked to find that my cousin and his girlfriend were actually hosting a banquet!

There are four cold dishes on the dining table, including chicken, meat, and vegetarian dishes. The little cousin is still busy in the kitchen, and the little cousin's girlfriend is setting the dishes.

Turning around, I saw that the house was neatly tidied and clean. I could see that the coffee table, TV and even the phone had been wiped.

I am busy at work, but my junior students are not idle either.

My parents are not at home. The house was a bit sloppy before, but now it looks like I have gone to the wrong place.

Han Xiangning was embarrassed, and Zhang Hongmei smiled happily and said, "Sister, you came back just in time. I called my brother-in-law and he said he would be back soon."

"Cooking so many delicious foods?"

"A few home-cooked meals."

"What kind of chicken is this?"

"This is saliva chicken, this is white meat with garlic paste, this is cucumber, and this is red oil ear shreds." Zhang Hongmei smiled and accompanied the deputy mayor's cousin to the kitchen door, looking at the dishes that had just been prepared and hiding in the kitchen. The boyfriend, who was smoking, introduced it in detail: "The braised pork is cooked and stewed in the pot. There is also a pickled fish, which I will cook when my brother-in-law comes back."

His little cousin and his little girlfriend came to seek refuge with him. How could he turn one of them into a chef who helps him cook, and the other a nanny who cleans up the house?

Han Xiangning glanced at her cousin who was giggling, opened the lid of the pot, picked up a piece of braised pork with chopsticks, found that it was not very hot, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It's so delicious! Aidong, who did you learn this skill from?"

"Learned it in a restaurant."

"Didn't you learn it from the master?"

"I also learned it from a master. I have worked in many restaurants and met many masters, but I have never really learned from a master."

"You learned it just by watching it?"

“Watching the master cooking on the stove every day, I can’t do it anymore.”

"Aidong, you are so smart! The chef in our Maritime Safety Administration cafeteria graduated from a vocational high school. He studied cooking and has a second-level chef certificate. However, the food he cooks is terrible. We all doubt his diploma and... Is the chef’s certificate fake?”

"A chef who graduated from school?"


Before Xiang Aidong could speak, Zhang Hongmei chuckled and said, "We've seen a lot of chefs who graduated from schools, but they can't cook. They can't cook on the stove at all when they go to a restaurant, they can only prepare dishes and make salad. When they meet clumsy ones, I’m not qualified to serve as a caterer or do delivery, so I can only be a handyman!”

Han Xiangning finished the meat in his mouth and asked curiously: "I know the side dishes, what does Dahe do?"

"It's almost like working as a handyman."

"Aidong, what about you, have you ever had sex?"

"No." Xiang Aidong quickly turned on the faucet and put out the cigarette, and said with a smile: "I used to work in small restaurants, and small restaurants don't need special people to do the work. When I first started working as a handyman for others, I just picked vegetables and washed dishes. , learning how to prepare dishes while doing it.”

Han Xiangning asked: "What happened next?"

"Later, the side dish chef left because the salary was low, so the boss asked me to prepare side dishes. The restaurant was small, and I not only had to make side dishes, but also cold dishes. Later, the cooking chef resigned to open a restaurant, and the boss asked me to cook on the stove. See My cooking was pretty good, so I didn’t hire a chef, I just hired a side dish person to help me.”

"Did the boss give you a salary increase?"

"It's gone up. When I was a handyman, it was only 160 a month. When I was making side dishes, it was 280. When I was cooking, it was 500."

"Is the salary as high as that of previous chefs?"

"No, the boss said I'm not a chef. I thought I learned my skills from others. If the boss doesn't let me work on the stove, I will always be a side dish, so I didn't say anything."

To grow from a handyman picking vegetables and washing dishes to a chef requires not only hard study and hard work, but also opportunities.

Han Xiangning reacted, thought about it and then smiled and asked, "What about later."

Recalling his experiences over the years, Xiang Aidong said with a bit of embarrassment: "The business of that store was getting better and better. The boss wanted to make it bigger, so he believed a friend's advice and went to Chendu to open a big hotel. But Chendu is different from the county town, with so many restaurants. What we cooked in the county town before was home-cooked food, with no special features and no regular customers.

The rent and staff wages were so high, and a lot of money was spent on decoration. Our food prices were not very affordable, and there were only a few tables occupied in a day. It closed within three months of opening. The boss lost all the money he made from opening the store in his hometown, and still owes him a lot of money. "

"Sister, Ai Dong and I met in that restaurant." Zhang Hongmei smiled, then thought about it and muttered: "That boss still owes Ai Dong and I one month's salary. I don't know where he is hiding. I want to You can’t even get it.”

Han Xiangning nodded and asked, "What happens next?"

"The hotel was closed. We didn't want to go back to our hometown, so we looked for jobs in Chendu. We worked in several stores and knew a lot of people." Zhang Hongmei turned to look at her boyfriend and said with an embarrassed smile: "I have always been a waiter, love Dong Ye has been working in the kitchen, and we also worked in a five-star hotel."

"We don't have many five-star hotels in Binjiang. Why did you quit?"

"The kitchen of a large hotel is contracted out to others, a bit like an engineering team. The head chef contracts the kitchen and takes the chefs, side dishes, chargers and handymen to work. After a period of time, it is either because the wages are not paid in time or the work is difficult. If a hotel wants to change dishes or taste, it needs to change people. Anyway, working in a big hotel won’t last long, and the salary in a big hotel is not high.”

"Aidong, have you ever contracted the kitchen of a big hotel?"

"I didn't. I just followed others."

While chatting, Han Yu came back.

Han Yu, like Han Xiangning, was shocked by the delicious food prepared and the neatly tidied and clean living room. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Aidong, Hongmei, I'm going to take you to the cafeteria to eat. You guys He even bought and cooked food for us!"

"We went to the wholesale market in the afternoon and saw a lot of people selling vegetables and seasonings, so we bought some and made our own."

"You guys went to the wholesale market again after trying the dishes in the afternoon?"

"I...I want to see what kind of dishes are here and what kind of condiments are there."

It’s really about doing what you do and loving what you do.

Han Yu realized that his little cousin was more sensible and outstanding than he thought, and was about to ask how the discussions with the owners of other restaurants went in the afternoon. The little cousin put the braised pork on a plate and urged him and Han Xiangning to go out. Eat first.

"Don't worry, we'll wait for you and we'll eat together."

"Don't wait for me, I'll be right away."

Zhang Hongmei put the braised pork with delicious flavor and flavor on the table, picked up a bottle of juice and turned around to say hello: "Sister, brother-in-law, let's eat first, we really don't have to wait!"

My mother is like this when she is cooking at home. She always likes to watch others eat the food she cooks.

Han Yu could understand the chef's feelings, so he simply washed his hands, sat down and said with a smile, "Okay, let's eat and wait."

It turns out that professional chefs are better than the amateur chef who is the mother-in-law.

The saliva chicken is spicy and fragrant, the garlic white meat is not greasy at all, and the red oil ear shreds are fragrant and crispy.

Han Yu's favorite thing to eat is the pickled fish made by his little cousin. The fish is cut into thin slices with a blade. There are no spines. It is very tender and fragrant and melts in your mouth. The thick fish soup tastes better and is especially appetizing...

"San'er, don't you eat fish?" Han Xiangning couldn't help but laugh when she saw him eating non-stop.

"This is pickled fish. The fish is delicious and so is the pickled cabbage!"

Han Yu took a sip of the soup, raised his head and said with a smile: "Aidong, don't throw away this soup later, keep it for me to cook noodles for tomorrow morning. It must be delicious under the fish soup."

"I want it!" My cousin and cousin-in-law liked the food they cooked, and Xiang Aidong felt a sense of accomplishment.

Han Yu smiled and said: "I almost forgot to ask, how many people did you talk to this afternoon?"

Han Xiangning didn't know why and subconsciously asked: "What are you talking about?"

"Talk about work, Aidong and Hongmei went out to look for jobs today."

"Are you going out to find a job on your own?"

Before Xiang Aidong could speak, Zhang Hongmei said matter-of-factly: "We all look for jobs on our own. Sometimes we are introduced by friends, but mainly we look for jobs on our own."

Han Xiangning couldn't believe her ears and asked in surprise: "How to find it?"

"Go out for a run. Whenever a restaurant is recruiting people, they will write a recruitment sign at the door. Go in and ask the boss directly. The agencies are all scammers. The hotels we worked in before didn't let agencies help recruit people at all, but the agencies still took their money. The agency fee will be paid to our hotel."

"Did you find it?"

"We found it. We looked for it and talked with several. In the end, we decided that the small restaurant being renovated behind Wenfeng Mall was the best."

The little cousin and the little cousin’s girlfriend found jobs now!

Han Xiangning was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Han Yu asked with a smile: "Why do you think that one is better?"

Xiang Aidong took a sip of the drink and explained: "Although the store is small, there are several large shopping malls around the store, many selling mobile phones. The market is good and there are many people. As long as the food is well cooked and the price is affordable, business will It won’t be bad. Only when the boss makes money can he have money to pay us wages.”

"Aidong, you have skills and vision, you can open your own shop and be the boss!"

"Brother-in-law, our goal is to open our own restaurant in the future." Zhang Hongmei looked back at her boyfriend, full of beautiful longings for the future.

Xiang Aidong felt a little embarrassed and hesitated for a moment before saying, "When we make enough money, we will go back to our hometown to build a building."

If you have a goal, you will be motivated. If you have a dream, you will work hard for it.

Han Xiangning realized that she could no longer treat her little cousin as a child, but as a young man with ideals, goals, and a strong sense of responsibility for his girlfriend and the entire family. He couldn't help but ask: "Let's talk to that boss." Yet?"

"It was agreed that the boss was opening a restaurant for the first time, but he had a friend who opened a restaurant. He took me to his friend's restaurant in the afternoon to try out the dishes. After we tried the dishes and talked for more than half an hour, he asked me to be the head chef of his restaurant. Let Hongmei be the foreman and let us go to work in the store tomorrow."

"How much does it cost per month?"



"Two thousand two."

Han Xiangning exclaimed: "So many!"

This is not much...

Xiang Aidong felt that the deputy mayor's cousin seemed to have never seen the world, and he laughed and said: "His shop not only makes stir-fry dishes, but also hot pot. I not only make stir-fry dishes, but also help him stir-fry hot pot ingredients. The boss still wants to open for business. At twelve o'clock at night, there is a lot of work to be done and the time is still long, and I have to help him with the kitchen, which is about two thousand two thousand a month."

My little cousin is so capable!

Han Xiangning asked happily: "Where is the red plum?"

"My salary is not as high as Dongfang's. The boss said that he would let me be the foreman, but his restaurant is so small, with only 16 tables and a small box. In fact, I am just a waiter. I am 500 a month, but the boss said that I can sell it The commission from selling wine and drinks goes to the waiter.”

"Is there a commission on drinks?"

"Yes, there is commission for selling apple cider vinegar and beer. It's just not much, but it adds up. If the sales are good, you can get one or two hundred a month."

"Who will give this commission?"

"The person who specializes in delivering drinks to the restaurant gives it to the boss. The boss gets the profit, and the waiter gets the waiter's commission."

It's like a mountain apart. I didn't expect that there are so many ways to go to a hotel.

Just when Han Yu was thinking about having time to go to that restaurant, his little cousin actually put down his chopsticks and said cautiously: "Sister, brother-in-law, the boss has rented a house above the hotel. We have to keep an eye on him in the store as soon as we go to work." Now, we need to buy a lot of things for decoration and help recruit people. When the business opens, there will be more work. The boss and the landlady want us to move here."

"You have to move over there!"

"It's easy to move here."

It could be seen that not only the hotel owner and his wife wanted them to move there, but they themselves also wanted to move there.

Han Yu and Han Xiangning had no choice but to agree.

In the evening, he called his mother-in-law who was far away in the East China Sea. Han Yu said with a wry smile: "Mom, they found their own jobs. They will move there tomorrow. There will be nothing wrong with Ning Ning and me!"

Director Xiang was very happy that his nephew was going to be successful. He couldn't help but smile and said, "You don't have to worry about it. Isn't that great?"

The senior sister went shopping with her younger cousin and her younger cousin's girlfriend. There were no outsiders at home. Han Yu didn't have any scruples and said with a smile: "But they came to us, and we didn't help with anything. It's embarrassing to think about it." Yes. Moreover, Aidong’s craftsmanship is really good, and Hongmei’s girl is also very smart and capable. They can find jobs anywhere, so there is no need to come to Binjiang.”

"What are you talking about?"

He asked the director back and said with emotion: "The reason why I insisted on persuading them to go to Binjiang. The reason why your uncle and your aunt are so supportive is not for other reasons, but because they think that with you and Ning Ning here, they can have a happy life." Take care of me. San'er, when Hanhan grows up and goes to school or work in other places, you and Ningning will know what it means to worry about your son traveling thousands of miles away."

"Just want someone to take care of you?"

"Isn't this enough?" Director Xiang smiled and continued: "The two children are sensible and don't need you to worry about. You can't be so careless. Didn't he find a job? He is still working as a chef in a restaurant. In the future, If you have the opportunity, take care of the business of other people’s restaurants.”

"I know, I will definitely go, and I will take Xiaoyu there when the time comes."

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