Riyu's Back File 2011

Day Entertainment 2011 Chapter 11

Therefore, Nozomi Sasaki has been exhausted in the past few days, and all kinds of thoughtfulness have made Miyazaki Aosuke very useful.

"Nothing, I was thinking about how to arrange a good ending for "Eternal Sleep"." Miyazaki Sosuke took Sasaki Nozomi's hands from his forehead, kissed him close to his mouth, and then hung it in front of him. Rub your thumb lightly.After thinking for a while, Nozomi Sasaki went out to buy some daily necessities, Miyazaki Aosuke rationalized his thoughts, and continued to possess his pen.


Today’s weather seems to be exceptionally good, clearing the blue wash, and cloudless, the only regret is that the temperature in summer is a bit sultry.

On a beach near Tokyo, Sosuke Miyazaki accompanies Mr. Yasuo Fukuda on a walk on the beach.Accompanied by Fukuda Tatsuo, who had just returned to Tokyo from Gunma Prefecture, was also the eldest son of Fukuda Yasuo. The current political leader of the Fukuda family is preparing to run for Congress in Gunma Prefecture next year and formally step into politics. He has served as the chief secretary of his father Yasuo Fukuda for a long time, and has accumulated rich experience and contacts.

Because the story deliberately splashed the rising water on the East Asia Economic Research Council, and maliciously set the governor of Tokyo as the behind-the-scenes man, Miyazaki Sosuke did not forget to visit Yasuo Fukuda's family while writing, trying to find a safer To counteract the possible political retaliation of Shintaro Ishihara and the Tokeikai.After all, he could not guess that when the novel was published, the malicious speculation that attracted the society would make these people "successfully" let him commit suicide and apologize.But it is impossible for him to give up publishing novels and give up revenge against the Eastern Economic Association.So since the structure of the novel was set up, he often came to visit the old man in an attempt to seek the blessing of the Fukuda family.

The Fukuda family belongs to the Machimura faction politically and is the largest faction of the Liberal Democratic Party. There are more than 80 members of the Senate and House of Representatives who belong to the Machimura faction. Since 2000, the RB has four consecutive prime ministers including Mori Shiro, Koizumi, Both Abe and Fukuda are from the Machimura School.

Yasuo Fukuda was elected to the House of Representatives six times and served as Chief Cabinet Secretary.In 2000, he began serving as Chief Cabinet Secretary in the Mori cabinet and then stayed in the Koizumi cabinet for a term of 1,289 days, setting a record for the longest term of office as a cabinet minister.In the 2006 Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, Yasuo Fukuda withdrew from the competition on the grounds of "age".

Afterwards, Abe, who served as prime minister, led the Liberal Democratic Party to a major defeat in the RB Senate election, which caused the Liberal Democratic Party to lose its 52-year-long position as the largest party in the Senate. Abe had to reorganize his cabinet, but still resigned under pressure.After Abe resigned, all parties, including the Liberal Democratic Party, asked Fukuda to run for the new president.

In September 2007, Yasuo Fukuda formally became president of the Liberal Democratic Party and successfully formed a cabinet, as the 91st prime minister of RB.At that time, the Machimura faction’s leadership structure consisted of the "Representative World Speaker System" composed of the Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura, Hidenao Nakagawa, and Hidezen Tanigawa, the president of both houses.

Because the Fukuda cabinet is a multi-party cabinet, it lacks cohesion. There are also rifts within the towns and villages. The chairman, Machimura, and the former secretary general of Nakagawa are at odds. The leader of the towns and villages, and the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Nobutaka Machimura becomes the chief secretary of the Fukuda cabinet, and Nakagawa has the power of the towns and villages. , Is the actual "chairman" of the Machimura School.So Yasuo Fukuda tried his best to maintain the cabinet until the next year's general election, and formally resigned from politics after resigning as prime minister and the party.

The Fukuda family has been active in RB politics since World War II and is a traditional political family.Fukuda's father was the mayor of Kinko Town, Gunma Prefecture, equivalent to the mayor of the mainland.Since their sons Takeo Fukuda and Yoshiharu Fukuda entered politics, the Fukuda family has become an inaccessible threshold in RB politics. After three generations, the Fukuda family’s network of relationships has spread throughout RB.

For example, Fukuda Yasuo’s father-in-law is the former president of the Mainichi Shimbun, one of the four major newspapers in RB, and his father-in-law is the former Minister of Finance, and his eldest son is Yukio Sakura. He also served as the speaker of the RB House of Representatives. When Yasuo Fukuda formed the cabinet, Sakurauchi's son-in-law Seiichi Ota was the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

It can be seen that the Fukuda family is relying on the dense network of relationships that has kept the RB political arena for decades.But after so much talk, still can't get rid of the fact that the Fukuda family is just a political family and not a political clan.Both Fukuda and Yasuo once served as prime ministers, but no one in the Fukuda family can lead a political faction and become the actual political leader. This is also the biggest problem of the Fukuda family.

Simply put, it is because the Futian family has no money.

RB has experienced incomplete reforms in the United States after World War II, and was deeply influenced by it.In the democratized RB political circle, the most important core resource is sufficient financial support. The reason is simple, elections need money.Election requires money, and whoever has the power to allocate funds is the leader.

After Yasuo Fukuda stepped down, the successors of Taro Aso and Yukio Hatoyama, because of the strong family strength and the large amount of funds in their hands, will be followed by congressmen. Even the two dared to speak wildly about the relationship between the United States and Japan. It's because I have money and courage.

It's just that Taro Aso and Yukio Hatoyama have suffered big losses in the relationship between the United States and Japan, which proves that money is not omnipotent in front of American fathers.

And Shintaro Ishihara’s Eastern Economic Association is a special group he used to raise political donations.Miyazaki Sosuke can think of it with his ass. The 20 billion of Miyazaki Construction Club is most likely to be touched by this group, otherwise Ishihara’s money is planning to buy people’s hearts and form a new party, and he is also preparing to help The son created momentum to help him run for the position of president of the Liberal Democratic Party and peeped into the prime minister.We must know that Ishihara participates in an election for the governor of Tokyo, and his campaign funds are often around four to five billion yen.

The problem that has plagued the three generations of the Futian family is a major issue for them. After all, finding money is difficult for anyone, and no one's money is blown by the wind.But for the reborn Miyazaki Sosuke, it was just a side mission completed by the way.But Miyazaki Sosuke was not ready to dig his heart out with the Fukuda family at this time, but was ready to wait until he grew stronger before starting to invest in the Fukuda family.

"Recently, I heard that Ishihara is very active. Prime Minister Naoto Kan has been criticized for the earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident. I heard that he is going to resign next month. The Democratic Party seems to be showing signs of decline, and next year's election may not be passed. Ishihara’s son Nobuhiro Ishihara wants to run for the party leader next year. Recently, he has been helping his son win people’s hearts." Yasuo Fukuda leaned on a cane, Miyazaki helped him walk forward slowly, leaving two rows of footprints on the beach, in the sea. The formation dissipated due to the scouring, and Fukuda took the call under the parasol in the distance.

"If I guessed right, the 20 billion should have been misappropriated by the Eastern Jinghui." Miyazaki Aosuke said blankly, as if his father was not the one who died.

"Oh, yes. Your father has been helping Ishihara secretly raise political donations since the 1990s. This is the main reason why the Fukuda family hasn't waited to see your father. That loan is not just a shortfall in the past few years, it's actually a long time. Earlier, the East Economic Association had used your father’s company to launder a large amount of funds provided by various parties, and secretly sent political contributions to the Ishihara and his sons to help them win the hearts of the party. However, later your father’s company had a problem with the operation of the loan. Your father was pushed out as a scapegoat for a while.” Yasuo Fukuda patted Miyazaki Sosuke’s hand and said kindly to him, “Ishihara’s momentum is not low now, your father belongs to his family. Followers, it is not easy for us to come forward to investigate things. We can only try to make your mother and child less wronged."

"Don't worry, I won't impulsively hit an egg with a stone. I will keep this grudge in my heart." Miyazaki Aosuke learned that when he and his mother were taken away by the Metropolitan Police Department, they were taken that night. Released, with the help of the Futian family.I was curious at the beginning, how could the investigation of their mother and child end so soon.

The old man patted his hand, then said nothing, and continued to walk forward with his support.

For Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara, Miyazaki Sosuke must be defeated.It is not that the two have any interests, but from the perspective of outsiders who understand their internal affairs, if they can forgive even killing their father and enemy, Miyazaki will bear a "bully" label on him. Once he develops After that, there will be a steady stream of people trying to profit from Miyazaki Sosuke.

### Chapter eighteenth chapter despise chain###

In mid-July, the nominations for the Akutagawa Award and the Naoki Award were published in the latest issue of Literary Spring and Autumn Magazine, and "Spark" steadily became one of the strong competitors for the Akutagawa Award in the first half of the year.The Literary Spring and Autumn Period notified Miyazaki Cangsuke and several other nominees to attend the publicity press conference at the magazine.

Although the Akutagawa Award and the Naoki Award are the two most important awards in the RB literary world, they have been inextricably linked with the Literary Spring and Autumn Group since their inception.At the beginning, under the pressure of public opinion, the Spring and Autumn of Literature and Art handed over the holding and selection of the Akutagawa and Naoki Awards and transferred them to the newly established RB Literature Promotion Association. However, the two have always worked together, and the Literature Promotion Association has even conference rooms. It is arranged in the Literary Spring and Autumn Building. Each year, the nine review committees of the review committee come to the famous material pavilion "New Joy" to meet and vote for the winners of the Akutagawa and Naoki Awards.The Naoki Award review meeting was held on the second floor of the store, and the Akutagawa Award review meeting was held on the first floor of the store.

Moreover, although the RB literature class also has a serious chain of contempt, for example, the status of pure literary works is higher than that of popular literature. In popular literature, the historical fiction school and the social fiction school are at the top of the list, despising the mystery school, and mystery fiction despising love novels. , And all novels together despise light novels, of course light novels can also despise online literature.

As the novel faction with the largest market share of RB, mystery fiction has a more complicated chain of contempt, which is worthy of narration.

European and American classical inferences stand on the top of the mountain. Quinn, grandmothers and others despise the Japanese old men of the 60s. Just like a sentence in the original inferences, European and American mysteries know the RB mystery writers who borrowed from them. What will it do?——They probably didn’t know that there was an RB mystery writer.

The old men, such as Matsumoto Kiyaki and Masashi Yokozomi, looked down on the new Honkaku factions such as Shimada Shoji and Ayatsuji Kyoto, and even said that Ayatsuji Kyoto should be attributed to folk literature rather than reasoning literature.

After this, they are the first-rate novelists, who refer to the works that everyone knows, the authors, and no one knows.Usually there is only one book that is popular, and it is the works of the gods, such as the authors of "Sakura Drawing" and "Scissors Man", um, I don't remember the name.

The authors of Yibenliu are often grouped together with rookies in reasoning, and rookies in reasoning refer to Hidesuke Michio and Yugo Aozaki who have become popular in recent years.They have one or two works that are small and famous, but they are not as good as the first-class, because considering the future growth, they often belong to the ranks of the first-class authors.

And the two authors, Mino Jiamiao and Yiyi, who are downstream in the chain of contempt, because their works mainly write multi-line narratives and are bloody and tyrannical. In addition to dark themes, they also have healing works, but there are few reasoning elements, and " "Confession" and "ZOO" are still very popular. They are often considered not to be writers of mystery novels, and they are ridiculed by writers of the older generation as mystery novels of youth pain literature.

As for the bottom of the mystery world, it is the famous Higashino Keigo.Yes, you read it right.The reason why Higashino Keigo despise the bottom of the chain is that his work is the most famous, the highest output, and the number of translations into foreign languages, which causes the quality of his works to vary, such as "Devotion of Suspect X" Able to win Naoki rewards, but bad ones are bad.

The bad books of other authors are often not known because of poor sales, but Dongye's bad books have been well-known because of their sophomore sales. Instead, they have been criticized a lot and attracted ridicule by public opinion.Like "Masked Hotel" and others, it was once considered ghostwriting, and it was a ghostwriting for newcomers.The second reason is that Keigo Higashino has written a lot of works on the theme of transcending soul-changing spirits, which are so low.The third is because the Beishan Mengbang who is at the end of the chain of contempt is not popular enough.

The reason why Beishan Mengbang is at the end of the chain of contempt, I believe that as long as you know him, you will feel the same.After all, in his masterpiece "Alice in the Mirror City Murder Case", the murderer killed people only to allow the corpse to neutralize the pH of the soil in order to achieve environmental protection.This trend of thought can compete with that of the little Swedish princess, and Nobel feels that he owes him too much.

Of course, these anecdotes are all in the process of Miyazaki's communication with the old man Shoji Shimada. The old man stood from the perspective of a representative of the new reasoning, and his personal opinion of popular science also opened Miyazaki's eyes. .

However, the RB literary world does not have such a serious contempt chain as the old man said. The authors who write pure literary and historical social works will also embrace the promotion of variety shows in the media, and even are happy to appear in various current affairs and politics or historical science programs. Those who write light novels can also be treated differently by the society to writers, and they will be regarded as teachers or gentlemen by the media.

After all, writers are also living people, living in RB, a highly developed capitalist country, not in space. As long as they can bring benefits, they are respectable and good people.Therefore, the people in the RB literary world are not very different from the news media. They all like to make big news to attract the attention of the public, even the review committees of Akutagawa and Naoki are no exception.It can be said that as long as the quality of the work is qualified, which work can cause social upsurge, which work has a high probability of winning.The judging committee does not engage in artistic aesthetics. It is like a European film festival that engages in chair aesthetics, which is very popular.

"If nothing goes wrong, "Spark" should be able to securely win the Akutagawa Award in the first half of the year. Of course, Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing House will do its best to recommend your work to the judges. If Miyazaki-san can continue Keep the heat and keep the huge influence of "Spark" until next month, then the probability of winning will be greater." Tomoko Hanada smiled and said to Miyazaki Sosuke sitting opposite. After the press conference, Tomoko Hanada made an appointment. As Miyazaki Sosuke came to the conference room to discuss the matter of competing for the Akutagawa Award, "Spark" sold more than 1.5 million in the past two months, becoming the best-selling work in 2011, which made her responsible for promoting the book. I have gained a lot of fame and praise, and I have always been in a good mood, especially when I met Miyazaki Sosuke.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because this beautiful mature woman has any thoughts about Miyazaki Cousuke, but Miyazaki Cousuke is a fortune in her career. She and Murai Ken have a general idea. With the same feeling, as the editor in charge of Miyazaki Sosuke, his status in the Spring and Autumn Period has been significantly improved. Newcomers and younger generations have begun to call him Mr. instead of Senior.

In Japanese, teachers, lawyers, politicians, doctors, and writers with high social status are collectively called "Mr.", which is a kind of professional respect for helping others.Therefore, although it is called Mr. in Japanese, when translating, it will be translated into different titles according to different occupations.But Ken Murai, who has only graduated for three years, can be called "Mr." just like the old editor in the agency for more than ten years, and it is also the great blessing of Miyazaki Sosuke.

"Thank you Hua Tian-sang for your wholehearted recommendation. I am responsible for the screenwriting of "Spark", which is now broadcast on RB TV. The ratings have been very good. In the next month, the ratings should continue to increase. After all, like the novel, the most exciting We put the plot of "Spark" at the end. I think, with this popularity, the influence of "Spark" will continue to increase until September. "Although Miyazaki Aosuke is already preparing for the publication of the next book , But whether "Spark" can get the Akutagawa reward, this is an important issue concerning its continued rapid growth in sales and its own status in the literary world and society. He should not care about it.

Just like Miyazaki Sosuke’s "formal opponent" Ishihara Shintaro, as long as he has a qualification endorsement such as Akutagawa reward, whether he continues to write or switch to politics in the future, he will have a sufficiently exciting start.

"But what I am worried about is whether Governor Ishihara on the judging committee will be biased against "Spark". Although I am embarrassed, I still wanted to say that my father's case and Governor Ishihara have some inexplicable relationship, which may attract The malice of Governor Ishihara." Miyazaki Sosuke vaguely worried about the old man Ishihara who suddenly appeared on the judging committee.

"Oh, but it was Ishihara-san when he voted before, but he praised Miyazaki-san, saying that Miyazaki-san is a genius who has been rare in the literary world for 20 years. I thought it was Governor Ishihara and Miyazaki. Saki-san himself is looking for a supporter." Tomoko Hanada was surprised when he heard Miyazaki Sosuke’s words. When the jury selected the candidates for the Akutagawa Award in the first half of the year, Shintaro Ishihara strongly recommended "Spark" and Miyazaki Sosuke. Let the literature and art spring and autumn think that the other party is the help of Miyazaki Cangsuke.

"That's good, as long as Governor Ishihara doesn't have any special views on me, I feel relieved." Miyazaki Sosuke was also very surprised when he heard it, but after thinking about it for a moment, combined with the news that Father Yasuo Fukuda had revealed to him, it was probably also Understand the thoughts of Shintaro Ishihara.

The reason why Shintaro Ishihara strongly supports Miyazaki Sosuke is because Miyazaki Sosuke’s father has been a core member and supporter of the Eastern Economic Association since the nineties, although the reason behind the stone is that the account cannot fill the loopholes. , And put forward Miyazaki Yuichiro's crime, but he still expressed goodwill to Miyazaki Sosuke, to ease the internal dissent of the Eastern Economic Association, in simple terms, is to treat the descendants of Miyazaki Yuichiro to appease other people in the Eastern Economic Association, so as not to avoid They were disgusted by Ishihara's harshness.Of course, this is not the main reason, the main reason is because Miyazaki Aosuke is a member of the Fukuda family.

Although Shintaro Ishihara was elected the new governor of Tokyo this year, he has already planned to resign from the position of Governor of Tokyo next year and prepare to run for Congress. His son Shinko Ishihara wants to run for the position of president of the party. At this time To show good wishes to Miyazaki Cangsuke is nothing more than trying to win over the Fukuda family and win the support of the Fukuda family.

But if Shintaro Ishihara knew that Miyazaki Aosuke portrayed him as the man behind the loan fraud in the second novel, then Governor Ishihara might not be able to laugh.

### Chapter Nineteenth Roller Coaster###

August 2011, Manhattan, New York.

The weather in New York in summer is always overcast. While the warm current of the Atlantic Ocean brings abundant fish resources, light rain is also accompanied by warm and humid air.

After a heavy rain last night, Miyazaki Sosuke walked out of the door of the Waldorf Astoria and found that the high temperature in summer caused the rain to evaporate quickly, and today's weather seemed a bit sultry.

After Sosuke Miyazaki was nominated for the Akutagawa Award at the end of July, the total sales of "Spark" single-volume books also exceeded 1.6 million, becoming the top of the RB book sales list in the first half of 2011, and Miyazaki Sosuke also received The first batch of royalties received by Literary Spring and Autumn was 200 million yen.

Arriving at the entrance of the hotel, a black Rolls-Royce stopped by the road and saw Miyazaki Cangsuke walking out of the hotel’s door. The driver in uniform trot out of the car, opened the rear door, and bowed respectfully. Hold the door with one hand and block the door with the other to prevent guests from colliding with their heads.After Miyazaki Sosuke got into the car, the driver quickly closed the car door and returned to the driver's seat.

"Mr. Mike, where are we going now?" The driver drove slowly toward Center Avenue and asked Aosuke Miyazaki in the rearview mirror. Mike is the English name of Aosuke Miyazaki. He is I didn't like the sloppy Japanese address of the Americans, so I took the English name of the previous life and used it.

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