Riyu's Back File 2011

Day Entertainment 2011 Chapter 140

"Nagano-san, do I have any other activities for these two?" Xinmu Yuko lowered her and pressed her calf silently, and asked heartily.

At the scene of the ribbon-cutting event, she almost drank the champagne in her hand. Only when she suddenly saw Nozomi Nagano staring at her backstage, she realized that one of her personal settings was that she could not drink. When Nagano Nozomi saw it and revealed it to Miyazaki Cangsuke, she was finished.


With the territorial disputes between the mainland and Japan, the diplomatic relations between the two countries are getting colder due to the clamor of Japanese right-wingers. Miyazaki finally prepared a visiting delegation in early October, which opened his first visit to China. In the itinerary of the visit, the members of the delegation included a lot of left-wing politicians of the former Machimura faction who had withdrawn from politics.

In Japanese society, factional disputes are extremely serious. To put it in exaggeration, two people can have three factions.This is especially true of Japanese political parties. There are many factions, and they cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

The disputes between the ruling party in Japan, especially the Liberal Democratic Party, are even more complicated and ever-changing.To talk about the party struggles in Japan in the pre-Abe era, even political scholars or future scholars will feel tricky and can only make some assumptions, inferences, and predictions.

The political forces of Miyazaki Sosuke and the Fukuda family belonged to the Machimura faction, the largest power in the Liberal Democratic Party. The Machimura faction was formerly the Mori faction, which is the faction led by the current chairman of the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee Mori Yoshiro. A wonderful history of struggle.

In April 2001, Koizumi became Japan's new prime minister and threatened to smash the Liberal Democratic Party factions.One of the main reasons is that he belonged to the less powerful Mori faction at that time, and was repeatedly overwhelmed by the powerful Hashimoto Ryutaro faction and other big factions until he participated in the Liberal Democratic Party presidential election for the third time. Use other factions and the power of the local Liberal Democratic Party to ascend the throne of prime minister.

Although Koizumi was once elected as the head and acting president of the Mori faction, he broke away from the Mori faction and became an unaffiliated Liberal Democratic Party politician before he was elected as the president and even prime minister of the Liberal Democratic Party.It was during Koizumi's five-and-a-half years as prime minister that other factions were disintegrated by him. As a result, his original Mori faction became the largest faction that could call the wind and rain, and be invincible.

Prime Minister Abe is the heir carefully cultivated by the former Prime Minister Koizumi.Abe himself was originally the backbone of the Mori faction.Historical experience shows that no matter how big the faction is, it will be difficult to be elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party without the effective support of other factions.

Abe also followed Koizumi and left the Mori faction before electing the president.This move by Abe, like Koizumi, is widely supported by different factions and Liberal Democratic Party members.As a result, he was on the throne of the president and even the prime minister.After all, within the Liberal Democratic Party, which is lined with factions, even the largest faction, the Machimura faction, has far less than half of the votes in hand.

This point can be glimpsed from the opinions of critics when Abe first formed the cabinet in September 2006.Among the 17 ministers in the Abe cabinet, only 4 are ministers belonging to the machimura faction. In addition, the powerful Liberal Democratic Party secretary-general is also served by Hidenao Nakagawa of the machimura faction. This is also criticized by the outside world that the Abe cabinet is the Mori- The cabinet of the Machimura faction.

The purpose of Abe's transformation in this way is nothing more than two: First, it is to reform and not be bound by the factional struggle of the Liberal Democratic Party.In particular, Japanese people are very tired of the factional struggles and struggles for power within the ruling party in Japan in the 60 years after the war.The second is to unite vertically and horizontally, to maximize the support and support of other factions.

This move by Abe, like Koizumi, is widely supported by different factions and Liberal Democratic Party members.As a result, he was on the throne of the president and even the prime minister.

After that, Yoshiro Mori became the top adviser of the faction, but because Miyazaki Sosuke’s grandfather Yasuo Fukuda refused to become the president of the Mori faction, Nobutaka Machimura replaced Yoshiro Mori and the Mori faction was renamed the Machimura faction.

Yoshiro Mori also handed over the power of the faction chairman to Nobutaka Machimura.

The reason why Miyazaki Sosuke’s grandfather Yasuo Fukuda refused to become the leader of the faction is unknown, but after Abe came to power for the first time, the instability of the foundation caused by the rush to form a cabinet, finally ended up in a "retreat" end. , You can see one or two.

However, time has passed until October 2012.Since the Noda cabinet in power in the first half of the year has been declining because of its support rate, Prime Minister Abe's ambitions have also driven him to implement a series of coalitions.

In order to distinguish it from the Noda cabinet completely on the right, the members of this delegation also included some powerful figures of the Machimura faction. The purpose is to get Prime Minister Abe to come to power again to connect and improve relations between the two countries.

From October 2nd to 4th, 2012, a group of 9 members of the Japan-China Friendship Parliamentary Union, chaired by Masahiko Takamura, vice president of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party, officially visited Beijing on this National Day.

Masahiko Takamura served as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the cabinet of Yasuo Fukuda in 2007. He has a deep relationship with the Fukuda family. He is also one of the most important senior politicians in the Japanese parliament who advocates friendship with China.

Since the relations between the two countries have deteriorated due to the full rightward movement of the Noda cabinet, in this sensitive period, the internal view of the Liberal Democratic Party is that who will meet with the heavyweight Takamura in Japan’s largest party will reflect China’s experience How willing to improve Sino-Japanese relations.

Japan’s current ruling Noda cabinet is also very concerned about this visit to China by the Liberal Democratic Party.Some people within the government analyzed that during Gaocun’s visit to China, whether he could see a great elder would be the criterion for observing China’s attitude.

However, until the delegation boarded the plane, everyone didn’t know who the object of the talks would be. Although this kind of situation is common when parliamentarians visit China, but the hazy feeling is like a lucky draw. It's exciting.

Miyazaki took a look at the itinerary while sitting on the plane. There was a large blank on it. The only person who could be sure of the meeting was the head of the China-Japan Friendship Association. The rest were tentative, tentative, and tentative.

Minami Tanaka sat in the side seat, quietly reading a book in front of the plane's lights.Hearing Miyazaki Sosuke tapping on the itinerary on her hand, she closed her hand, who couldn't get in, and didn't make a sound to remind her, but looked at Miyazaki Sosuke with fire in her eyes.

Miyazaki Sosuke rhythmically tapped the itinerary with his index finger, while still thinking in his mind who he could meet in the meetings that he could participate in this visit, and what would happen to his plan. It was not until the small turbulence caused by the airflow that the airplane discovered Tanaka Minami's small angry eyes.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm thinking about things." Miyazaki Sosuke stopped his percussion, put the schedule sheet in his hand into the bag under the seat, and stretched out his hands to try to touch Tanaka Minami's cheeks. A "smile" was pulled up, but it was knocked out by Minami Tanaka.

"Why did I promise you to come to Beijing together? Are you crazy?" Tanaka Minami put down the books in her hand and fought with Aosuke Miyazaki. Every time the other party reached out her hand, she would fight back, but in the end it was still Failed to stop the other party's intention to make him smile.

"Because you are my Minami!" Miyazaki Sosuke stretched out two index fingers, and finally made a cute smile on Minami Tanaka's face and made a pouting look.

Seeing Tanaka Mina roll her eyes helplessly, Miyazaki Cangsuke couldn't help but stretch his hand over the other's forehead with her cute look, and kissed her fiercely.

### Fan Wai 8: Ai Aragaki Yui's Target ###

Yuko Shinki’s manager, Nozomi Nagano, took out an Ipad from her bag and took a look at Cheng Dao, “You won’t have any activities for the next week, just...”

"It's just what?" Xinki Yuko felt that there was no activity, and her heart was relaxed. After a long time, she could finally take a break, but Nagano Nozomi's tone came back to her heart.

"It's just that Mr. Miyazaki temporarily decided to come back from Los Angeles tomorrow night, so that you must wait for him in Hakusan's apartment then." Nozomi Nagano said lightly.

"Huh? Is he coming back? Well, okay." Shinki Yuko was surprised when he heard it, and then calmly nodded, without showing anything else.

The Mercedes-Benz drove slowly on the No. 3 Line of the Capital Expressway, and after some conversation in the carriage, it became quiet.Nozomi Nagano continued to handle some work with the tablet, while Yuko Shinki took out her phone and started to use it.

The live photos of Bai's commercial activities have come out. Nozomi Nagano reposted the news of the Gucci brand through her Twitter account. At this time, Yuko Shinki logged in with her account "I like to be beautiful."

As the name suggests, this is a social account that showcases her cooking skills. However, in addition to sharing some delicacies, Yuko Shinki also shares a lot of cosmetics and frequent complaints, so a certain Shiseido cream was later received by the other party’s official After reposting on Twitter, her account gradually attracted 10,000 or 20,000 fans.

Shinki Yuko's Twitter large "Niki Yuko" has always been managed by Nagano Nozomi's agent, and she rarely uses it.This is also a regulation of many artist offices. Artrao social accounts cannot be used without authorization. They are managed by the office staff.

Therefore, Yuko Shinki herself often logs in to her account, and she also likes to interact with fans on her account.

Yuko Shinki watched the photos of the three female celebrities in the group photo taken on Twitter were cut out and displayed separately. She took a closer look and was very satisfied with her state in the photo. It is worthwhile to take care of her every month. And more than one million yuan spent on beauty.

She looked at her photo, thought about it for a moment, and then reposted this tweet, with a post saying, "It's so beautiful!" After that, she waited nervously for comments from fans on the account.This is the first time that she has used her account to retweet related tweets. She doesn't know whether these fans who like the beauty of the material will like this three-dimensional female star Yuko Shinki.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening, which was the peak time for people to use mobile phones. Soon after Yuko Shinki's Twitter, many fans continued to leave comments.

"Mika, which one of the three in the picture is pretty? Isn't it Yuko Shinki? No? No? No?"

"Meixiang forwarded Gucci, did you want a gift? [Big mistake]"

"It shouldn't be Yuko Shinki, shouldn't it be Rie Miyazawa who is a literary artist like Mika? It should be the queen who likes this actress after watching her movies."

"Don't you think that the face of Yuko Shinki is very annoying? Last time we chatted with 007, I couldn't let go of it. All the male MCs coaxed her all the way. What else can I do besides pretending to cry and spread?

"I often ask, is Yuko Shinki popular today? No, hahahaha!"

"Chang asked again, is Yuko Shinki the princess of which chaebol? She is only a second-tier artist, so she must be her father to be so cruel!"

"It doesn't have to be a pro-dad, it may be called a dad every night. [Big mistake]


Shinki Yuko looked at the comments of the fans in the comment area, and her hand holding the phone gradually showed blue veins, and her heart was completely cold.

Originally, she thought that although there are two accounts, they are all the same person. Those fans who follow her account should not have any bad impression of themselves in reality. However, she did not expect her popularity to be true. To the extreme.

If it weren't for her heart to be strong enough, Shinki Yuko looked at these dense negative comments on the Internet, she would not know what she would do.

Yuko Shinki shoved her mobile phone into her bag, and her heart was disappointed. She suddenly couldn't understand. Miyazaki Cangsuke was so afflicted with her hair and tears, how could these weapons of her own use in the public no longer work.

To be honest, Yuko Shinki himself can’t really see Miyazaki Sosuke. Since the two have been together since 15 years, he has accumulated various resources for himself every time he starred in the TV series. When the movie box office crashed, Yuko Shinki herself would be so frightened that she could not wait to ask her to be guilty in person, for fear that the other party would scold her for nothing.

It turned out not to be bad. No matter how much Miyazaki loses, he will not frown and comfort her. These are all money. Then he asked Beta Entertainment Group to arrange various TV series and movie resources for her, and let Dentsu. A lot of endorsements have been arranged.

Not only that, Miyazaki Aosuke will even take her to some social occasions. Almost everyone in his social circle knows that Aosuke Miyazaki of the Alpha Consortium is a newcomer in the entertainment circle who has not become popular recently. The gold master behind You.

Even because of this incident, other women on the side of Cangsuke Miyazaki were jealous and targeted.

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