Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1082: mysterious woman

Highway Survival, I Have a Hint System Chapter 1082 Mysterious Woman

After pointing at Yaodaoji, Zhang Tuohai became idle.

He opened the door and wanted to take the opportunity to pull another guest in.

However, when he opened the door, it was empty and there was not a single monster.

"Huh. Where are those monsters?" Zhang Tuohai looked left and right in confusion.

When Yaodaoji came in before, he saw that there were still many monsters coming outside, how could it be all gone in a blink of an eye?

"Where are those monsters?" Zhang Tuohai turned to Yaodaoji and asked.

"I don't know, but every time I pass through certain places and go back through those places, those places will become very clean, and there will not be a single monster left." Yao Dao Ji practiced the sword technique Zhang Tuohai gave her. , said while saying.

Zhang Tuohai: "…"

He never thought that this demon sword girl also had the property of Jingjie, and all the monsters and monsters would shy away from it.


Put on such an apprentice.

Zhang Tuohai was trying to find an idea to let Yao Dao Ji go away. She has always been difficult to attract guests here.

Just when Zhang Tuohai was about to close the door, the pig demon came in.

Zhang Tuohai was overjoyed when he saw it.

He grabbed the pig demon's hoof: "Brother Pig, it's just right, hurry up, the water is almost boiled, just wait for you to cook."

After that, no matter what the pig demon is, go straight to the pot and sprinkle onion, ginger, and garlic to get rid of the fishy smell.

"What are you doing today? Let's keep it simple, let's have a braised pork ribs with sauce."

Zhang Tuohai cut the meat from the pig demon, put it in the pot, blanched it, stir-fried it, added the sauce and water and simmered slowly.

"Okay, your business is over." Zhang Tuohai drove the pig demon out, "Remember to give a five-star praise."

"Well, big brother, it must be a five-star praise." The pig demon left.

In the eyes of others, it is suffering, but in its own eyes, it is atonement for those innocent people who ate it in the first place.

If Zhang Tuohai didn't let him, he would have cut himself off long ago.

Yao Dao Ji, who has been beside her, watched the interaction between the two thoughtfully.

"So the master likes this?"

"Well, the basics have been handed over to you. Come over after you understand the practice, and I will teach you the follow-up." Zhang Tuohai said.

"Yes, master." Yaodaoji turned around and left.

Zhang Tuohai was guarding the pot and waiting for the ribs.

Until the ribs were eaten, there was still no monster outside.

Zhang Tuohai estimated that there were no monsters tonight, and he would have to wait until tomorrow to have business.

However, today is not a waste of work. In addition to harvesting the thug of Yaodaoji, I also ate a pound of pork ribs, and my physique has grown a lot.

Now it's about twice as many as the average person.

Zhang Tuohai estimated that when he finished eating the pig demon, his physical fitness would be at least five to ten times that of an ordinary person.

When he was idle and bored, Zhang Tuohai took out his mobile phone to watch a movie.

Seeing that the sun was about to come out, when Zhang Tuohai was about to close the door to rest, Yao Dao Ji suddenly came in from outside, carrying a carp spirit and a mountain rabbit spirit in his hands.

"Master, I was in a hurry before and I didn't prepare to be repaired, so I will make up for it. I hope the master will not take offense."

After Yaodaoji finished speaking, she respectfully presented the corpses of the carp spirit and the mountain rabbit spirit.

Zhang Tuohai: "…"

Looking at the gift presented by Yaodaoji, Zhang Tuohai didn't know what to say.

It's all because Yao Dao Ji misunderstood. In fact, he prefers the living one to the dead one.

At least there are more ways to play, and if you die, you can only eat.

However, he finally accepted it, all because of his apprentice's filial piety. His poor master made his apprentice sad and disappointed.

After Yaodaoji left, Zhang Tuohai made boiled fish and spicy rabbit head with tears.

After eating the two demons, Zhang Tuohai's resistance to water, ice, snow and other magic reached the full value.

Others use ice magic to beat him without losing blood, and he can even lie on the ice and sleep.

"It's also a good improvement." Zhang Tuohai picked his teeth, thinking about when to let Yaodaoji fight a few more monsters to brush up his resistance.

Lying on the soft slump, Zhang Tuohai fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Tuohai was awakened by a knock on the door.

Zhang Tuohai opened the door and found a half-human-high frog standing in front of him.

"Get up quickly, a respected adult invites you to come to serve, hurry up."

The half-human frog shouted.

"Door service? How can I go to the street at this time?" Zhang Tuohai asked suspiciously, "Didn't you say you can't go to the street during the day?"

"Of course it's not possible under normal circumstances, but if you sit in the noble's sedan chair, it's no problem to go."

The half-human-high frog urged.

"Okay," Zhang Tuohai put the things into a log and walked out.

There is a sedan chair parked at the entrance of the large bath. The most amazing thing is that this sedan chair is actually made of white paper, and the front and rear sedan chairmen are also all made of white paper. Moreover, it is extremely simple. It looks like An urchin casually cut it out on paper with scissors, and there was a bearer whose legs were not evenly aligned, making Zhang Tuohai very suspicious of the quality of the sedan chair.

However, at the urging of the tall frog next to him, Zhang Tuohai got into the sedan chair.

Although the sedan chair doesn't look very good, it is still very strong. Except for the uncomfortable feeling of the sedan chair being upside down, the rest is fine, and nothing happened.

Moreover, after seeing this sedan chair, the monsters on UU Reading avoided it far away for fear of approaching.

"It seems that the identity of the owner of this sedan chair is also very extraordinary."

Zhang Tuohai guessed.

The sedan chair stopped in front of a large house.

Zhang Tuohai carried the bucket into the mansion.

This is an exquisite courtyard with a few green bamboos planted in the corners. The courtyard is paved with bluestone. In the middle of the courtyard is a small pavilion. In the middle of the pavilion sits a woman with a beautiful face, wearing layers of clothing. The long skirt, the skirt is scattered all over the pavilion.

Looking at such a long skirt, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but guess, this woman is wearing such a long skirt, isn't she afraid of tripping herself?

After Zhang Tuohai entered the courtyard, the woman opened her eyes.

"Are you the rookie bather who is rumored to be amazing?"

"It's not magical, the newcomer is real." Zhang Tuohai said.

"I heard that you can make people forget their dissatisfaction and regret?" the woman asked again.

"That's not true, but it can get rid of the sin in people's heart." Zhang Tuohai said.

"That's fine. If you can get rid of the sin in my heart, I will allow you to fulfill a wish. As long as it is within the town of Soul Town, all wishes are fine."

said the woman.

"So loud?" Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard the words, making any wish in Soul Street.

Could this be the owner of Soul Town?

"If there is no objection, then prepare to start."

The woman snapped her fingers as she spoke, and the surrounding scenery changed, and the bluestone courtyard turned into a hot spring pool in the bamboo forest. +Bookmark+

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