Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1113: Demon's Roar

"Huh?" Zhang Tuohai took the musket in his hand.

This musket is very beautiful in shape. It uses a forged copper barrel. The muzzle is the head of a black goat. The handle is made of ivory. postmodern aesthetics.

Looking carefully at the muzzle, there are actually four spiral rifling inside.

The final thing is that this thing actually has a magazine with six magazines, and it turns out to be a revolver.

A line of game tips popped up.

[Devil's Roar: A fine gun made by the forge master Antonio, special effects: precision, unlimited ammunition. 】

[Accuracy: Master Antonio discovered by chance that carving lines in the barrel of the gun can ensure the stability of the bullet's trajectory. Using this gun to shoot will make you shoot more accurately. 】

[Unlimited Ammo: An ice bomb composed of sea water is generated every three seconds, and the ice bomb contains demonic fire. Can burn the internal organs of people hit by bullets. 】

[Remarks: Because of the use of unknown materials, when using this gun, you will also suffer the accompanying curse. When you wear this gun, you will always feel thirsty and irritable, and need to drink alcohol to feel calm. 】

"This gun is good." Zhang Tuohai liked this gun very much.

He has long been fed up with the old-fashioned flintlock gun, not to mention the trouble of reloading, and waste of time. It is difficult to have sufficient time and opportunity on the battlefield for him to use the flintlock gun as the main battle weapon.

If it weren't for the possibility of using the gunfire judgment skill to gain more skill points, he would have slashed people with a dagger long ago.

With this demon's roar, the problems of the flintlock gun were perfectly solved.

He can also use the musket as the main battle weapon.

As for the negative problem, it's not a big problem. He has the rum skill, he won't get drunk after drinking it, he can also increase his attack power and defense power, and also has the effect of recovering injuries, which is a perfect fit.

Zhang Tuohai felt that this gun was tailor-made for him.

"Yes, you are very good. From now on, you are the captain of the boat. When you divide the spoils, you will get half a point." Zhang Tuohai patted the pirate on the shoulder and said.

Zhang Tuohai, who got the equipment, was in a good mood, and the reward was a lot.

"Thank you, Captain, thank you, Captain."

The pirate smiled brightly.

He just gave this gun to Zhang Tuohai out of gratitude. Unexpectedly, Zhang Tuohai directly promoted him to be a sailor, and he was promoted from a common pirate to a management team.

The pirate's face was full of smiles, thanking him repeatedly.

"Captain, what about the two ships?" a pirate asked.

In this era, a ship is an extremely valuable property, and it can be sold for a large amount of money as long as it is towed to the port. Therefore, even though some artillery pieces are installed on merchant ships in this era, the mainstream is still jumping gang wars and taking side wars. , the goal is to capture the opponent's ship.

Compared with ships, sailors' lives are simply too cheap, and a little pension can be dealt with.

Those pirates looked at the two ships with enthusiasm.

However, Zhang Tuohai doesn't see it that way. He is now dissatisfied with the crew of one ship. Carrying two ships is simply a burden, and it is easy to become the target of the Targaryen family, causing the opponent to hunt and kill, which is not worth the loss.

"Remove the useful parts of the ship and scuttle them." Zhang Tuohai shook his head and said.

Hearing Zhang Tuohai's orders, although the pirates were very reluctant, they were used to obeying Zhang Tuohai's orders and did not dare to disobey.

They removed some fragile parts from these boats, some good boards, and large pieces of sails and cables, which are all important materials on the boat.

When these things were transported to the ship, the whole ship was full of stuff. Finally, the pirates reluctantly scuttled the two ships.

Seeing that the ship had completely sank, and no traces could be seen on the sea, Zhang Tuohai nodded with satisfaction, and controlled the ship to continue heading towards Cheese City.

He decided that after going to Cheese City this time, he would have to take a look around the other seas. This area is already full of danger. This time it was two wealthy children, and next time it might be a professional bounty hunter. He needs to change. place, develop for a period of time.

Zhang Tuohai drove the boat to Cheese City.

Because he was delayed for a while by a sudden battle, Zhang Tuohai was already in the middle of the moon when he arrived at Cheese City.

However, the port area is still brightly lit, and those sailors who have been at sea for several months will not leave without spending the last dinar in their pockets in the tavern.

The business of the technicians is also very good. Those sailors who have been on the boat for a few months will not be picky. As long as they are not too tired, they can pick up ten full sets a day.

A large number of sailors are waiting in line.

Zhang Tuohai got off the boat quietly. The purpose of his trip was not to experience the nightlife in the port area of ​​Cheese City, but to get a chart.

A chart that can go to other seas.

Without a chart, rushing to unfamiliar waters to open up wasteland is an act of courting death. Every mature route has been explored by countless people with bones, and every reef group has sunk countless ships.

Although Zhang Tuohai found two nautical charts from those two ships, they were all from this area, and the things marked on them were not even all marked on the chart on the White Bird. At least that Fish information is not marked on the two charts.

Zhang Tuohai's initial target was the ships in the port area, but unfortunately, after turning over those ships, they were all charts of the nearby area, and there were no charts in the distance.

Helpless, Zhang Tuohai could only choose to go to the land to find it.

Where should one look on land?

Zhang Tuohai pondered for a while and set his target on the local big family. Zhang Tuohai would not believe that such a big family in a port city did not have a chart in hand.

This is the foundation of every big family's life, and they will definitely copy a few copies and keep them well.

Therefore, as long as you can find a large local family, there is a high probability that you will be able to find a chart.

So how do you find rich areas in a city?

In this era, it is very simple, that is to find the brightest place at night, where it is bright, where is the rich area.

The wealthy area is the wealthy area. It is already midnight, and the lights are still lit up. From time to time, there are patrolling soldiers with muskets on their backs.

In the most loyal mansion, the lights are bright, and the sound of the band can be heard from time to time.

"It's so late, and a banquet is still being held? Just in time, let's taste your local specialties."

Zhang Tuohai tidied up his clothes, hid in the shadows, and sneaked to the big mansion in the center of the wealthy area.

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