Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1181: Summon 9 Serpent Guards

Zhang Tuohai stepped on the hot obsidian and walked all the way to the center of the island.

In the center of the island is an obsidian peak, with billowing white steam that seems to have a faint red glow through the steam.

"Is there something there?"

Zhang Tuohai climbed all the way to the top of the mountain.

The road to the top of the mountain is full of sharp and sharp obsidian, criss-crossing like sharp knives and swords, densely packed like a mountain of knives.

If it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to act in this environment at all, and if you take a few steps, I am afraid that you will be bruised all over your body.

But Zhang Tuohai was different. His skin was far harder than obsidian, and these obstacles were not much different from massage for him.

Holding the sharp obsidian, Zhang Tuohai climbed all the way up. The more he climbed, the more Zhang Tuohai felt that the temperature was rising. When he was about to reach the top of the mountain, the heat wave was already rolling in, and the big beads of sweat were dripping down. On the obsidian, there was a stinging sound, and then it was evaporated into water vapor in an instant.

A red light flashed ahead.

Zhang Tuohai looked towards the place where the red light flickered. It was a huge furnace, which was full of hot magma and scorching flames. Before he got close, he felt the rolling heat wave, and the moisture in the air was evaporated and dried. The hot air seemed to burn at any moment.

Zhang Tuohai's clothes had already begun to smell of burning lake, and small strands of flames appeared from time to time, and the fibrous clothes had begun to spontaneously ignite.

"Where is this place? The entrance to hell?" Zhang Tuohai looked around and walked towards the furnace.

[Congratulations on discovering the Forbidden Book Furnace of Superworld Wonders. 】

[Forbidden Book Furnace: You can put multiple ordinary banned books into it to get more advanced banned books. The more you put in, the higher the success rate of synthesizing advanced banned books, and the higher the level of banned books. 】

[Appearance time: The night of the full moon]

"It's kind of interesting."

Zhang Tuohai happened to have a lot of forbidden books in his hands, most of which were obtained from the court scholars in the Dragon Cemetery, and some were obtained from the court scholars of various city-states and the royal navy fleet.

These forbidden books are useless, every forbidden book records an extraordinary ability.

But you have to say it is useful, every kind of extraordinary ability is really unbearable to use, at least most of these banned books in Zhang Tuohai's hands are not as easy to use as artillery.

Even a few powerful ones are inferior to Alduin.

In general, it is impossible to achieve high performance. For Zhang Tuohai, it is a tasteless existence. In most cases, he can only throw the bottom tank as a ballast stone.

Now that you have this furnace, you have a chance to smelt. If you can get a good forbidden book, it is better than being a ballast stone.

Zhang Tuohai immediately ran back, borrowed a space ring from Yin Lisabai, packed all the forbidden books, and returned to the furnace again.

Zhang Tuohai directly threw thousands of forbidden books into the furnace.

The flames in the furnace instantly rose, and the forbidden books that were invulnerable to water and fire slowly melted under the flames of the furnace.

Zhang Tuohai squatted beside the furnace and waited.

The flames in the furnace kept licking the forbidden books, turning them into liquid.

I don't know how long it took, the flames in the furnace gradually turned from red to golden, and a forbidden book was slowly taking shape.


With a muffled sound, a forbidden book fell out of the furnace.

Zhang Tuohai hurriedly picked up the forbidden book from the ground.

The temperature on the book was very high, the surface changed from rusted bronze to pure silver, and the silver pages inside were all turned into pure gold.

A line of game tips popped up.

[Advanced Forbidden Book: Summon Hydra guards. 】

[Summon Hydra Guard: Summons a Hydra as a guard to guard the safety of the surrounding area for 1 hour. 】

"Advanced banned book? It looks so advanced. Hydra looks very powerful. Can you find a place to test it?"

Zhang Tuohai picked up the forbidden book and was about to test it. At this moment, the island under his feet shook for a while, and Zhang Tuohai, who was caught off guard, almost lost his footing.


With a roar, the island began to sink.

"This island is sinking!"

Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai quickly ran back to the boat. At this time, the obsidian island finally sank into the deep sea and disappeared between the waves.

Zhang Tuohai raised his head, the moon was already sinking, and the sky was white with fish belly.

"Sure enough, it can only appear on the night of the full moon." Zhang Tuohai stood on the slipway and looked at the calm sea.

"The Royal Navy must be driven out of this area."

This is Zhang Tuohai's second thought.

This thing has a huge effect on Zhang Tuohai, and the same is true for the Royal Navy.

If the Royal Navy can get this thing, with the huge stock of banned books, even if it is a small amount, they can make up basically powerful banned books, and then they will be in trouble.

Therefore, the Royal Navy must be driven out of this area.

The Royal Navy must not find this place, otherwise, its advantage will be weakened.

How to quickly drive the Royal Navy out of here?

Zhang Tuohai had an idea.


The steering wheel in Zhang Tuohai's hand was spinning, and the Shiratori made a 180-degree turn at sea, driving rapidly in the direction from which it came.

"Where are we going?" Moriel asked.

"Go to Port Royal!" Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

"Port Royal? That is the core port of the Royal Navy in the Char Sea, the backbone of the Royal Navy here, and the anchorage of the Seventh Fleet!"

Moriel said in astonishment.

"It is precisely because of this that we have to destroy this place," Zhang Tuohai said with a smile, "Only when the Royal Navy is beaten will they gather and be eaten by us in one bite. In the entire Xia Yahai, it is very difficult for us to annihilate their main force alone, and even if we want to do it, it will take too much time, so I am going to attack Huanglong."

"Really?" Moriel asked.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I'll be fine, let's go!"

Zhang Tuohai controlled the rope and pulled up the sail. The Shiratori's speed reached its maximum speed and hurried towards Port Royal.

Port Royal is located on Gem Island, where the land is fertile and rich in minerals, especially gems.

The largest gem in the king's crown is produced here.

Because of the abundant resources, good hydrological conditions, and at the same time guarding the main traffic routes of the Xia Yahai, this place has naturally become the core of the empire's rule in the Xia Yahai, and it is also the anchorage of the Seventh Fleet.

The entire naval port is lined with masts, densely packed like trees.

A huge barracks was built on the shore, and an elite army was stationed here for a long time.

The Empire's most advanced large-caliber artillery is installed in the fort on the mountain, which is enough to show the importance the Empire attaches to this place.

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