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Zhang Tuohai cautiously came to the front of the chaos, squatted down, and carefully looked at the liquid inside.

A fragrance penetrated my mind.

[Be careful, this is a venom pool. After drinking it, you will be poisoned and unconscious. If you inhale the vapor from the pool for a long time, you will also fall into a coma. 】

The prompt system immediately pops up a prompt.

"Venom Pool?" Zhang Tuohai quickly backed away, pulling the bolt of the gun.

Seeing Zhang Tuohai's appearance, Vladimir and Li Feiyu also understood that something was not right, and immediately armed themselves on alert.

When the macaque saw the matter revealed, he gave a strange cry and ran towards the forest.

However, two steps before it ran out, a hatchet smashed into the air, chopped it to its tail, and nailed it firmly in place.

"Squeak--" the macaque screamed.

Zhang Tuohai walked quickly to the macaque, stepped on one of the macaque’s feet, put a gun against its head, and said with a sneer: “Yes, I dare to fool my head. Your lessons are not enough."

"Davari, that wine..." Vladimir came over and asked.

"It's poison." Zhang Tuohai said with a cold expression.


Vladimir's expression became solemn.

Then, a look of regret appeared on his face.

Such a good-smelling wine is actually made into poison, it is a violent thing!

Flackey Milton thumped his chest and felt sad for the lack of good wine in the world.

"Let's talk about it, what is your purpose for doing this?" Zhang Tuohai asked, carrying the macaque.

"Huh." The macaque turned his head with a cold hum.

"Don't speak." Zhang Tuohai picked up the macaque and threw it directly into the venom pool in the middle.


The macaque yelled in a panic, and flopped about to climb ashore.

However, after it flopped twice, it collapsed into the pool.

"So toxic?"

Zhang Tuohai took a deep breath, and then anger appeared in his eyes.

He was almost fooled by a monkey.

This can be tolerated.

The puzzled Zhang Tuohai took out two Molotov cocktails and threw them in, then lit a big fire and directly lit the poison pool.

The black gas evaporated, giving out a pungent smell.

After a while, the liquid in the pool was burned out, exposing the bottom of the pool.

At the bottom of the pool, in addition to the remains of various fruits, there are bones section by section, and there are traces of gnawing on the bones.

"It's actually a bunch of meat-eating stuff."

Zhang Tuohai's expression became cold.

He understood that everything the macaques said before was a lie, and the black-haired tribe and the sacrifices to their ancestors were all to trick them into the mountains and drink the poisonous wine.

If you are fooled, you will eventually become a member of this poisonous wine.

"If you dare to lie to me, don't blame me for being rude."

Zhang Tuohai's heart became cold.

At this moment, Xiao Ai sent a message through the bracelet.

"Commander, a lot of monkeys suddenly appeared outside, besieging the car, and I am fighting back. However, there are too many, please increase the staff quickly."

"hold onto!"

After Zhang Tuohai finished speaking, he immediately returned to the fruit forest with Vladimir and Li Feiyu.

At this time, nearly a hundred monkeys were besieging several people's cars.

However, because Zhao Wanwan released Fat Tiger and others, she barely supported it, and did not cause much damage to the monkeys.

"Dare to dismantle my car and die!"

Vladimir pulled the trigger at the monkey group.

Da Da Da, a series of bullets swept across, and immediately seven or eight monkeys were hit.

Li Feiyu cut out with two hatchets, and immediately two monkeys were cut in half.

Seeing a few people leaving the woods safely, these monkeys knew that the situation was gone, threw away the stones in their hands, and fled into the woods hastily.

"Dare to run!" Seeing this, Vladimir wanted to chase, but Zhang Tuohai held him back.

"Don't worry, you don't need to waste bullets against these guys."

"Then how to deal with it?" Vladimir asked angrily.

"Use this!" Zhang Tuohai took out a few flamethrowers from the car, "Since they hid in the woods, burn the woods to see where they can hide."

Seeing Zhang Tuohai's flamethrower, Vladimir's eyes lit up and he slapped his head fiercely.

"If you don't tell me, I forgot, I still have this thing." Vladimir said that he got out an aerial bomb from the car and threw it on the ground.

"What is this?" Zhang Tuohai asked suspiciously.

"Temperature bomb!" Vladimir said with a smile.

"Just one, it can burn the forest in an instant. The effective killing radius is 600 meters, and the shock wave radius is 200 meters."

"Hiss!" Zhang Tuohai took a breath.

As soon as this thing exploded, let alone the entire forest, the entire hill had to be razed to the ground.

"Is this your killer? Are you really willing to use it?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"They dare to make fine wine into venom, their sin is unforgivable!" Vladimir said righteously.

Sure enough, wine is the inverted scale of the bear, and the macaques have touched the inverted scale of the bear. Today, this thermobaric bomb is ready.

"That's all right, you arrange it, I'll help you watch it." Zhang Tuohai said, standing beside Mao Xiong with a flamethrower, waiting for Mao Xiong to install the detonator.

A few macaques wanted to come and see what happened. Zhang Tuohai expelled two flames and lit two nearby trees. The scared macaques ran around everywhere.

"Okay." Vladimir installed the detonator properly.


Zhang Tuohai quickly drove down the mountain with everyone.

Many macaques saw Vladimir leave behind a large cone-shaped object and left. They couldn't help but wonder what it was, and surrounded them one after another.

Two macaques invited an old macaque out: "My lord, what do you think this is?"

The old macaque wandered around the thermobaric bomb for three times and didn't understand it, but it couldn't say that it didn't know, that would affect its prestige.

"It's the two-legged beast who left an apologize. They were scared away by us."

The old macaque said loudly.

"Long live!"

Numerous macaques jumped and jumped around the thermobaric bomb, and some even climbed directly on it.

"My lord, my lord, there is something shiny here." A macaque found the detonator.

"What~www.readwn.com~ let me see." The old macaque pushed aside the macaque supported on both sides and came to the detonator.

But it is too short to reach.

"You two, take the ladder below." The old macaque said.

Several young macaques lay on the ground, set up a ladder, and lifted the old macaques up.

There is an iron box on the detonator. In addition to the flashing red light, there is also a line of LCD screens.

The countdown is on the screen.

"3, 2, 1, 0"


A bright white light flashed, and the old macaque felt like he saw the sun.

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