Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 201: Scary snowman

Zhang Tuohai was sprinting down the boundless snowfield.

   has been running for two hours, and Zhang Tuohai hasn't even seen the shadow of a resting place.

   "Where did the rest area be repaired? You should be able to see the service area even on the highway?"

   Zhang Tuohai looked at the lonely snowfield, feeling infinite melancholy.

   At this moment, a touch of red suddenly appeared in front of him.

   "Resting place?" Zhang Tuohai suddenly came to his mind.

   "Quickly, drive over and take a look." Zhang Tuohai exclaimed excitedly.


   Xiao Ai speeded up and drove over.

   After seeing the appearance of the building clearly, Zhang Tuohai shouted that he was deceived.

   It turned out that it was not a resting place, but an entrance to the track.

   [Welcome players to the Snowman Chase! 】

   [After entering the track, you will be chased by a powerful snowman! All you need to do is to escape as fast as you can. Before being swallowed by the snowman, you will win and get a prize when you reach the end. 】

  【You can choose to accept it heroically, or you can choose to leave like a coward. 】

  【The decision is in your hands. 】

   [Note: If you leave like a coward, the game system will randomly confiscate certain points as punishment. 】

   "That must be participation."

   Zhang Tuohai managed to get more than two thousand coupons, so he found a resting place to exchange for something good.

   How can I leave?

   And, if you participate, you will definitely get a lot of lottery tickets. Maybe, the vending machine in the next rest area can be emptied by him.

   As for the powerful snowman, Zhang Tuohai really doesn't care too much. Isn't it even more powerful than RPG7?

   Are there any anti-tank fighters that are powerful?

   Zhang Tuohai does not believe it.

   "Little Ai, let's join that snowman chase to see how good the bird snowman is."

   Zhang Tuohai said.

   "Understand, Commander."

   Xiao Ai adjusted his direction and drove towards the track not far away.

   As soon as the wheel crossed the starting line, a snowman suddenly appeared ten meters behind Zhang Tuohai.

   It is said that the snowman is actually a big snowball, more than two meters in diameter, with a nose, eyes and mouth painted on the snowball.

   Carrot nose, black briquettes eyes, gravel mouth, it looks like a roadside snowman piled up by children.

  Although the materials are common, Zhang Tuohai finds the more strange the snowman.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   is very common, but it gives people a strange feeling.

   makes people feel frustrated.

   If I have to describe it, then this must be the snowman of the horror studio.

  【You are frightened by the snowman, and your mood is reduced by 10 points. 】

  【You get DEBUFF, panic, reduce your mood by 1 point every minute for 10 minutes. 】

   "Dare to scare me!"

   Zhang Tuohai was in anger.

   Lost 20 points for nothing. Who can stand it?

   Zhang Tuohai immediately lowered the car window and pulled out the AK74 to face the snowman.

  The snow on the snowman hit by the tungsten alloy warhead broke apart, but it still had no effect on the snowman's main body.

   Accompanied by the gunshot, the snowman seemed to be activated, rolling his round body and rushing towards Zhang Tuohai.

   "Drive fast! Speed ​​up and get rid of it." Zhang Tuohai roared loudly.

   The six-wheeled off-road vehicle jumped forward violently.

   The speed increased to 200 miles in a blink of an eye.

   Zhang Tuohai thought that this speed was enough to get rid of the snowball.

   However, the snowball was still chasing closely behind, about ten meters away from Zhang Tuohai, neither far nor near.

   "200-mile snowball? Are you kidding? Come and try this!" Zhang Tuohai took out an anti-tank grenade and threw it at the snowball behind him.


   The anti-tank grenades hit the snowball's body and burst into pieces.

   The two-meter-diameter snowball suddenly turned into fragments, scattered everywhere.

   "Hey, let you chase me, is this all over?" Zhang Tuohai sneered looking at the fragments of the snowball.

   At this moment, a crystal of crystal rose from the snowflakes, and the scattered snow flakes quickly gathered towards the crystal. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a small snowball, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

   "What's the matter? Resurrected from the dead, reborn from the blood?"

   Zhang Tuohai has never seen such a situation.

   [Only by crushing the snowman core can the snowman be killed temporarily, but every time the snowman core is crushed, it will regroup, and every death will make it stronger. 】

  【However, every time you kill it, you will get rich rewards. 】

   Hearing the first paragraph of the prompt system, Zhang Tuohai wanted to make Xiao Ai run away.

   However, when he heard the second paragraph, Zhang Tuohai returned.

   There is a reward for not saying it early.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  , I lost 20 mood points and wasted an anti-tank grenade. If I don’t kill you once, my thoughts are not smooth.

   Zhang Tuohai jumped out of the car with a flamethrower on his back, and sprayed the snowball that hadn't recovered.


   The blazing flame spurted out, enveloping the snowball.

   Zhang Tuohai adjustment button to adjust the flame to the maximum.

   In the blink of an eye, the fireball was completely ablated.

   Even the crystal disappeared.

   "What can't be burned to death, isn't it all burned out?"

   There was joy on Zhang Tuohai's face.

   However, as soon as his voice fell, another crystal rose from the ground.

   Countless snowflakes gathered on the snowball, the speed of gathering was obviously much faster than before.

[The core of the snowman is the soul If you can’t hurt the soul, you can’t kill it completely, and every time you kill it, its strength will increase. Kill it three times with your current strength. , Just can't run it. 】

   the system prompts.

   "So awesome?"

   Zhang Tuohai quickly burned the snowman in front of him when he heard the words, then jumped into the car, turned his head and ran.

  Sure enough, after Zhang Tuohai ablated the snowman, a piece of crystal rose from the ground, and countless snowflakes gathered quickly.

   Within ten seconds, it gathered into a snowball the same size as before.

   Moreover, the convergence speed of the snowflakes did not stop, but faster.

   Thirty seconds later, it has become a huge snowball ten meters high.

   is still black briquettes eyes, carrot nose, gravel mouth.

   But now it looks even more terrifying.

  【You are stared by the snowman: Mood value is -10. 】

   [You have received DEBUFF: The mood value is reduced by 2 points every minute for 30 minutes. 】

   Two lines of game system prompts popped up.

   "Sweet pear stuffed!"

   Zhang Tuohai yelled and drank hot coffee quickly, which made him feel better.

   at the same time hugged Sister Baoer's pillow tightly.

   "Quack." The snowman let out a harsh scream, and then rolled towards Zhang Tuohai.

   Snowball ten meters high.

   The momentum of rolling is surprisingly amazing, as if overwhelming, he pressed towards Zhang Tuohai.


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