Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 211: The upgrade direction of level 4 cars


No way, you have to use your real skills, or you will rush over.

Zhang Tuohai looked at the snow monster approaching, raised his muzzle decisively, and fired several shots at the snow monster's head.

Da da da.

A few tungsten core bullets pierced the snow monster's head.

Puff through.

The snow monster finally stopped struggling, and the body fell to the ground.


Zhang Tuohai walked over and inspected the snow monster's body.

Zhao Wanwan also followed Zhang Tuohai.

"How? Did you find anything?"

Zhao Wanwan asked from the side.

"The skin is like leather armor. It is very flexible. Ordinary daggers are difficult to pierce. It also has a certain venting effect on small-caliber pistol bullets. The bones are very hard. The military daggers cut them up without leaving any traces. It is tough and can prevent cutting. In addition, the ribs are denser and can block bullets with insufficient kinetic energy. Moreover, the vitality is extremely tenacious. Only the head is the weak point. The best way to meet this guy is to smash his head as soon as possible, otherwise, just You can run as far as you can."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"So amazing?" Zhao Wanwan was a little surprised.

Although she had seen the powerful vitality of the snow monster just now, she was still taken aback by Zhang Tuohai's analysis.

"Then if ordinary players encounter this guy, wouldn't they be very passive?"

"Well, so, my suggestion is to run quickly." Zhang Tuohai said.

After speaking, Zhang Tuohai took out an advanced skinning knife from his arms and stabbed it into the snow monster.

If you kill a new creature, you have to see if you can break it down.

"I can't eat it."

Zhang Tuohai showed a look of regret.

However, in line with the principle of not taking nothing for nothing, Zhang Tuohai still took this heart into the car.

In case it is useful later.

After getting in the car, Zhang Tuohai and Zhao Wanwan continued their unfinished dinner.

Zhang Tuohai opened the regional channel while eating. At this time, there were several red obituaries passing by, and the cause of death was being attacked by a snow monster.

Zhang Tuohai didn't want to die too much of the leek, so he sorted out the basic information of the snow monster and posted it.

And tell everyone that if you hear the knock on the door, don't open the door casually, and run immediately, as fast as you can.

Zhang Tuohai's analysis of the snow monster's strength immediately caused a heated discussion among the players.

"Fuck, the big guy is the big guy, and he can already get the strength data of the snow monster, awesome."

"Really, fake, isn't it a lie?"

Some players still don't believe it, thinking that Zhang Tuohai is alarmist.

"Go look at the obituaries in those channels and find out how many people died in the hands of the snow monsters today. How many supplies did the boss sell to everyone? You don’t know how much? , I will run right away."

"I just don't believe it. They were killed by the snow monsters because they were too weak. They wanted to kill the snow monsters with a small broken pistol? I laughed to death. I am a professional hunter with a hunter's license, who specializes in helping the rich to hunt. A big beast, and I have a special bear hunting gun in my hand. I have hunted three brown bears. When the snow monsters come, I will show you the picture above so that you can see what a real monster hunter is. Hey, there's a knock on the door, you guys wait, I'm going to open the door now."

Everyone: "..."

Looking at the chaotic regional channels, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but shook his head.

These guys just didn't see the South Wall and didn't look back. He had already told what he could tell, and the rest of them had nothing to do with him. He could only hope that the snow monster would do it lightly and don't pull out all the leeks for him.

Originally, Zhang Tuohai was also going to share the ghost face bat information.

However, seeing the appearance of the regional channel, I felt that it was nothing but to share the information with a few familiar people.

"It turns out that this is the case. Just now someone always knocked on the door. I took the gun and walked for a few laps and found nothing. When I came back, I saw blood under my feet and thought it was a seal killer. I didn't care. It seems that the ghost-faced bat should have been knocked out by me when I opened the door, and then I stepped to death."

Vladimir said.

"Can you sell me the heart of the snow monster? I can change it." Li Feiyu sent a private message.

"Yes, yes, what do you want this stuff for?" Zhang Tuohai asked curiously.

This thing can't be eaten, he really can't figure out why Li Feiyu wants this thing, is it poisoning?

The bullets are so powerful, but they have to be poisoned?

Can't figure it out.

"I have a little pet, and I prefer poisonous things." Li Feiyu said, "I can trade it with the same weight of meat."

"I gave it to you, it's not an important thing." Zhang Tuohai threw the snow monster's heart to Li Feiyu casually.

Anyway, this thing is useless in his hands. It's better to be personal and improve the relationship.

"Thank you so much. In that case, I will give you these earthworms." Li Feiyu said that he traded some brown earthworms.

"These earthworms are specially cultivated, which can loosen the soil, increase plant morale and speed up growth, and can be eaten in emergencies. However, when eating, it is best to cut in half and throw the remaining half back into the soil to continue growing. "

Li Feiyu said.

"Thank you." Zhang Tuohai threw these earthworms into the planting pot.

Usually, Wangcai takes a small shovel to help loosen the Now with the help of earthworms, the workload is greatly reduced.

After eating, Zhang Tuohai sent Zhao Wanwan back to his car, and then began to prepare to upgrade the vehicle.

Zhang Tuohai took out the upgrade diagram and said: "System, upgrade the fourth-level car.",

The game system lists a lot of pictures and instructions.

In the first picture is a picture similar to a Paramount Predator.

Nearly high wheels, high trump cards, and military coatings, it looks like an off-road vehicle with excellent performance.

The second picture shows an eight-wheeled armored vehicle without any additional weapons. It looks a bit like Stryker.

The third picture is a luxurious eighteen-wheeled RV. Just looking at the picture, you can feel its huge body.

The fourth picture has a hint of steampunk. The picture shows a giant vehicle with tracked wheels. The body of the car is made of iron and rivets. There is also a full tube next to it. Smoky.

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