Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 231: Redstone Town

"There is a businessman!" Zhang Tuohai grasped the key information in the prompt.

  Before, in other worlds, shopping was done with vending machines. More than 90% of the enemies were all kinds of beasts and natural disasters. It was impossible to find people to communicate.

   Now, there are merchants in this world.

   Doesn’t it mean that there are people in this world who can communicate, and there are even certain social structures and camps, so you can have a deeper understanding of some inside information.

   Such as the composition of these worlds.

   Moreover, as long as a living person can communicate, there are unlimited possibilities.

   Zhang Tuohai's mind became active.

   "Be sure to find those businessmen and have a good chat."

   Zhang Tuohai put the mutant tissue dropped by the monster into his pocket and got into the car again.

   In the car, he immediately felt that the air was much fresher.

   The air quality outside feels like a foggy city at the peak of industrial revolution/life.

   Unspeakable choking.

   Zhang Tuohai looked at the statue of the goddess of cleanliness and bathing in the car.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to get this statue in that copy. I can clean the air and various toxic substances in the car regularly and lower it below the safety line. Otherwise, living in this world for a week, I am afraid that you will suffer from serious respiratory diseases. .

  In this world, illness basically means death.

   "It seems that various medicines and protective equipment are also the top priority."

   Zhang Takuhai took out his notebook and jotted down the main points.

   "By the way, we must also check the pollution of the surrounding environment. Since the air is so bad and there are weird mutant creatures, it means that there may be problems with the soil and water sources."

   "If this is the case, the value of clean water will rise again."

   In the original ice and snow world, because there was ice and firewood everywhere, water was the cheapest thing, but I didn’t expect the price to soar after changing the world.

   Zhang Tuohai feels that when I go back this time, I can get more water, vegetables and food.

   Just by relying on these things, you can make a fortune.

   "It seems that the establishment of this high-level ecological park is quite timely."

   Zhang Tuohai thought.

   Then, Zhang Tuohai ordered Xiao Ai to drive on, searching for any information he might find.

   Not long after, Zhang Tuohai once again saw a monster behind a piece of ruin.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   This monster has a long body, like an elongated person, with a height of three meters, gray skin, and various pustules. The green liquid was flowing, the man had five arms, two of the forelimbs were not hands, but bone blades like sickles, and he gasped in his mouth.

   The monster's legs are thin and long, and it slowly walked towards Zhang Tuohai's infantry chariot step by step.

   "Test the strength with AK47." Zhang Tuohai said.

Da da da.

   Two AKs fired.

   The results of the test made Zhang Tuohai frowned.

   The strength of this monster is not strong, but its vitality is extremely tenacious. It can continue to move forward if it blows its head. The sharp bone blade even left a trace on the armor, and its blood is corrosive.

   Zhang Tuohai finally used a flamethrower to completely wipe it out.

After    wiped out the monster, Zhang Tuohai found a small piece of bone fragment.

  According to the game system prompts, this is also a mutant organization left by the monster, which can be traded with merchants.

   Zhang Tuohai understood why the game system called this thing a mutant organization instead of a crystal nucleus.

   It turns out that each monster drops differently.

   If this is the case, you can only get the mutant tissue by completely burning the monster every time, otherwise you may not be able to find it.

   Zhang Tuohai put away this mutant organization and continued to explore.

   drove forward for about an hour before Zhang Tuohai drove out of the ruins, and at the same time harvested seven or eight mutant organizations.

   These mutated tissues are strangely shaped, with hearts, bones, carapace, and some even a piece of hair. If it weren't for the reminder of the reminder system, Zhang Tuohai would almost drop this thing.

   "Commander, a village was found ahead and signs of life activity were found. Are you close?"

   Xiao Ai asked.

   "Signs of vital activity? Come on the display."

   Zhang Tuohai said immediately.

   Soon, a village appeared on his display.

   However, this village looks a little strange.

  Normal villages are built with soil, stones or wood.

   However, this village is different. It is built of metal.

   is not to say that a certain building is metal, all the buildings in the village are metal.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Whether it is the tall houses in the middle of the village or the dilapidated sheds built with iron sheets, the whole body is made of metal.

   The rust stains spread all over the village. Several tall and dark chimneys are seven or eight meters high, and they are still emitting black smoke and white steam, and they seem to be still working.

   The whole village looks so weird.

   Zhang Tuohai can guarantee that this place is said to be the shooting location of a certain science fiction crew, he believes it.

   Zhang Tuohai guessed that the merchant mentioned by the game system should live here.

  "Go, take a look, but stay vigilant to prevent mutant Zhang Tuohai also grabbed AK74 and said cautiously.

  The infantry chariot drove slowly into the village.

   Zhang Tuohai found that there were signs of life activity in the village, the clothes line at the door was still hanging clothes that had just been washed, and the streets were obviously cleaned.

   The doors and windows in the distance closed violently. From the thermal imaging camera, the humanoid creatures hiding behind the doors and windows peeked.

   Zhang Tuohai couldn't help looking at the village, except that it was made of steel, it seemed to be no different from an ordinary village.

The car came to the center of the village. This was a small square. There were no people in the square. A middle-aged man in a leather jacket and cowboy hat was sitting in a corner. There was a stall in front of him. Strange things.

There are brass telescopes, a flintlock spear made of metal, bones made of crystal, spears that are broken in half, and some animal arthropods and weird little things. I don’t know what they are doing. of.

   "This is the businessman?"

   Zhang Tuohai decided to investigate the situation, got out of the car with the AK74 on his back, and walked towards the stall owner.

   However, he also made Xiao Ai prepared, ready to pick up his gun at any time.

   "Are you a businessman here?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

The stall owner heard the sound, raised his head, glanced at Zhang Tuohai, then at the car behind him, and then smiled: "It turns out to be a visitor from afar. Welcome to Redstone Town. What can I do? ?"

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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