Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 233: Red Fort Special Hunting Gun

"Concubine? This thing is also used as a reward?" Zhang Tuohai was taken aback.

"Of course, and it's the village chief's favorite concubine. It is said to be the daughter of a nobleman, but the settlement was broken by a group of mutated monsters. I have seen it several times. The skin is really white, tusk."

The man in leather said.

"How do I believe that these are true? What if you lie to me? What if you don't pay the scythes if I really eliminate those sickle monsters?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

This is not a game. You can get the bounty after the task is completed. Beware of the other party's misconduct.

"All of us are here. Are you afraid that we will run away? Well, this gun is used as a deposit. If you complete the reward and don't get paid, just use this to break my head."

The man in leather picked up a revolver from the stall and handed it to Zhang Tuohai.

This revolver still inherits the unique style of this world. The whole body is cast in brass, it is polished and shiny. There are thick exposed gears on the edge of the gun body. You can smell the strong smell of engine oil. The muzzle is very thick and looks more The m500 is one size bigger, and it's very heavy.

[Hongbao special hunting gun: revolver with 6 rounds of ammunition and an effective range of 50 meters. The use of a special transmission mechanism greatly reduces the recoil, but it also makes it very heavy and can penetrate ordinary police body armor. 】

This is a hint given by the game system.

"My dear, you can live up to it."

"And this matching belt and 50 rounds of ammunition are all given to you. What do you think. This is made of mutant organs, and it is my most cherished treasure." The leather man looked at Zhang Tuohai and seemed unmoved. Increase immediately.

[Attention, this belt is smeared with special powder, which will cause the attack of the sickle monster. 】

The prompt system suddenly pops up a prompt.


Hearing this, Zhang Tuohai raised his eyebrows, and he became more vigilant. He felt that the man in leather jacket was not at ease, and there must be some follow-up arrangements.

"You seem to value the valley very much." Zhang Tuohai took the belt and the bullets over in a calm manner, seeming to ask casually.

"Well, I also have a share in that mine. If I don't start work, I will lose a lot." The man in leather said.

Zhang Tuohai took a serious look at the man in the leather jacket, and then said: "Well, I can go and see, but there is no guarantee that I will succeed. If I have completed the commission, how can I hand in the task and ask you?"

"Yes, I will always be here. If I'm not here, just ask the surrounding residents. They all know where I am usually. By the way, my name is Picto. What's your name?"

Pictor asked.

"Just call me Constantine." Zhang Tuohai casually reported a false name and left.

Although the probability of the opponent using a name to curse is extremely low, Zhang Tuohai instinctively made up a fake name just in case.

However, why is this name so familiar?

After getting in the car, Zhang Tuohai remembered that this was Wangcai's original name.

"I just borrowed it, it shouldn't care, right?"

Zhang Tuohai glanced at Wangcai who was sleeping in the doghouse.

At this time Wangcai was sleeping, feeling cold for no reason, and shivering involuntarily.

"This kennel is comfortable, but it's not warm by the stove." Wangcai muttered, turning over and covering it with his own quilt.

"Student Xiaoai, go, look to the canyon to the east."

Zhang Tuohai said.

He wanted to see what tricks that Pictor was trying to do.


Classmate Xiao Ai drove out of the village, and indeed found two roads at the entrance of the village, one to the east and the other to the south, extending to nowhere.

The two embarked on the road to the east.

The road is smoother, and the sides of the road are more tidy, at least there are no ruins and bones on this road.

After driving forward for about half an hour, Zhang Tuohai saw a valley. The valley is not high on both sides, about fifty meters or so, and the mountain is a bit steep, but if you dare to take risks, powerful off-road vehicles or the like can still be used. Passable.

A lot of big rocks were scattered at the entrance of the valley, blocking most of the entrance to the valley, leaving only a road for only one car to pass.

Through the gaps of these stones, you can see occasionally a dark shadow passing by in the valley. Judging from the slow motion playback of the camera, it is a monster more than two meters long with a slender body, which looks like a magnified version. Praying mantis, but the body is not green but black with red stripes. There are three compound eyes on the head and a mouth full of spikes. The most notable feature is that the two forelimbs are a pair of sharp bone sickles with serrations.

The bone sickle was more than one meter long, and it was still full of jagged teeth, which looked unusually sharp.

"This is the sickle monster? It doesn't seem to be particularly difficult to deal with. Moreover, you can use the huge rock at the mouth of the valley as an obstacle to sniper, without worrying about being surrounded by the sickle monster. This is Pictor's arrangement? Why does he do this? Isn't this convenient for me to hunt the sickle monster?"

Zhang Tuohai found that he was a little confused about what Pictor wanted to do.

However, he decided to hunt down a few sickle monsters to try their color first.

Zhang Tuohai drove to the valley mouth.

At this time, there was a buzzing reputation in the valley.

Then several sickle monsters with black and red patterns on their bodies rushed out from the depths of the valley and rushed towards Zhang Tuohai's direction.

"Little Ai, tentative shooting."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Yes." Xiao Ai controlled the two mechanical arms, holding the ak47 and pulling the trigger at those guys.

Da da da.

The bullet hit them accurately and directly hit these guys in the head.

With a bang, those guys' heads burst like a watermelon, and the green liquid sprayed out.

After the liquid splashed on the ground there was a sizzling noise, and white smoke came out.

"Good fellow, blood is still corrosive, it's really hard for ordinary people to deal with."

Zhang Tuohai raised his eyebrows and said to Xiao Ai: "Keep shooting at this frequency. Don't shoot fast or slow. Also, don't let those guys come close."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Understood." Xiao Ai continued to shoot.

Several sickle monsters rushing over were killed one after another.

Before Zhang Tuohai could take a breath, there was another noisy sound from the depths of the valley, and then a large number of sickle monsters rushed out from the depths of the valley and rushed towards Zhang Tuohai's direction.

"So many, keep shooting, don't let them get one step closer." Zhang Tuohaicuo said flatly.


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