
"Could you not, it looks a bit ugly." Zhao Wanwan was a little disgusted.

"This thing allows your car to be consistent in appearance with that world. As long as it doesn't make a big mistake, it will be treated as a native and its identity can be hidden." Zhang Tuohai said.

"By the way, do you have tracked wheels? If not, I will ask Li Feiyu to order a set of tracked wheels, and replace them when I meet indigenous people." Zhang Tuohai said.

"Okay." Zhao Wanwan is not the kind of unruly girl who doesn't know the generality. Although she doesn't like this style, she still accepts Zhang Tuohai's arrangement.

"By the way, there is this thing too." Zhang Tuohai threw a brass shotgun produced in Hongbao to Zhao Wanwan.

"Aug is too eye-catching in that world. When there are natives, try to use this weapon."

"And this mask, you must wear it when you get off the car. The air in that world is not so good."

"By the way, if possible, wear a headgear and gloves to block the skin." Zhang Tuohai said.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Wanwan asked.

"Your skin is too white and delicate. It's not like a person begging for life in the wasteland. It's easy to show your feet."

Zhang Tuohai said.

After his observation, the indigenous skins of the wasteland world are relatively rough, and there are obvious sun marks on their faces and bodies, even Pictor’s wives.

Even if you look closely at that Bai Yuanyuan, it is not the same as the people who live in the city all the year round.

Zhao Wanwan is different. Although she has experienced the end of the world for more than ten days, her living conditions are relatively good, and her skin is still very fair. Up to now, she is even one pound fatter than before...

A woman with a modern urban style like Zhao Wanwan is too eye-catching in that world.

If you don't cover it up, it is estimated that she will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles because of her appearance.

Zhang Tuohai decided to kill these hidden dangers in the bud.

"Understood." Zhao Wanwan is not a woman who can't tell the importance of things. Although she doesn't like these things, she still tidied up according to Zhang Tuohai's instructions.

"By the way, that world is wasteland. Rivers, soil and even the air are heavily polluted. Don't get food in that world easily. Prepare more water. Even if it is non-drinking water, try to bring it from this world. "

Zhang Tuohai urged.

"Well, I see." Zhao Wanwan recorded these points one by one.

What she needs to prepare is relatively simple, that is, reserve more water. As for the three meals, Zhang Tuohai takes care of it.

Zhao Wanwan thought for a while, and then transplanted all the crops from her own place to Zhang Tuohai's advanced ecological garden.

She is worried that the air from the waste soil can seep into the car body and affect the growth of crops.

Zhang Tuohai looked at the fields, there was still a lot of vacant land, and then agreed.

The two discussed the main points of the next world before Zhao Wanwan left.

After sending away Zhao Wanwan, Zhang Tuohai sent a private message to Cang Xiaokong: "Sell weapons, buy a lot of food and bottled water."

"Boss, this is..." Cang Xiaokong didn't understand why Zhang Tuohai did this.

"If conditions permit, you should also prepare more yourself."

Zhang Tuohai did not intend to explain in detail, but Cang Xiaokong was a smart person, and she would understand what he meant.

"Understood, I will proceed carefully, and will not show my feet." Although Cang Xiaokong did not understand why Zhang Tuohai did this, she knew that Zhang Tuohai must have some reliance.

After arranging these follow-ups, Zhang Tuohai stared at the heavy snow outside.

Tomorrow is the last day of this world, I don't know what other moths are waiting for me.

The remaining people in the regional channel don’t know how many can survive this world and enter the next world.

Looking at the falling snow outside the window, Zhang Tuohai actually fell asleep in a daze.

Lacking the blessing of a comfortable double bed, Zhang Tuohai slept until about 5 in the morning before waking up slowly.

Zhang Tuohai rubbed his bewildered eyes and wandered around in the high-level ecological garden.

He found that Wangcai, who was also confused, was milking the cow in the cowshed.

"Did you milk the cow so early?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"It's already five o'clock, and this guy usually milks at this point every day, otherwise the rise will be uncomfortable." Wangcai mumbled.

"It's so late."

Zhang Tuohai glanced at the clock, hurriedly ran to the kitchen to start stewing meat, and directly stewed more than 20 kilograms, and directly stewed all the amount for a day.

Based on his understanding of the game system, he will definitely produce a lot of moths today. Don't think about cooking halfway through, or it's better to make them in the morning.

Cang Xiaokong also sent the results of last night's battle. Various canned foods and fast foods were exchanged for a few boxes, and various fresh meats were exchanged for several hundred catties.

Because the weapons in everyone's hands have been greatly improved, the ordinary beasts have also changed from hunters to prey, and many people have surplus food in their hands. Therefore, a large amount of meat appears on the trading market.

Of course, bottled water is the most, and I got nearly 100 boxes.

Nowadays, water resources are extremely abundant. Just dig some snow from outside and boil a lot of drinking water.

The price of bottled water is extremely low, and it usually exists as a partner.

Zhang Tuohai was very satisfied with this. In addition to the split, he also gave two more bags of badan wood as a reward.

Zhang Tuohai planned to release things like steam rifles slowly after entering the next world.

Vladimir sent a private message to Zhang Tuohai early and exchanged six reindeer for 30 bottles of rum.

Had it not been for Zhang Tuohai's expansion of production, it would almost be out of supply.

"You robbed Santa Claus? Why are there so many reindeer?"

Zhang Tuohai decomposed the reindeer one by one and made sausages.

In order to express the sense of ritual, a red bow was specially tied on the box containing the sausage.

"At that time, I saw four reindeer fighting for the leadership of the herd. As a result, these four guys got their horns together. When I passed by, they were still entangled and inseparable."

As Vladimir said, he sent a photo of several reindeer entangled together~www.readwn.com~ By the way, would you like this thing? "Vladimir said and sent a photo.

Inside are some seeds, and durian seeds.

"You can harvest a lot of durians by planting this thing. This is a good thing. Why don't you keep it for yourself?"

Zhang Tuohai asked curiously.

"The smell of this thing is too strange, I can't stand it, do you need it? Just give me a bottle of wine. If you don't want it, I will list it on the market."

Vladimir said.

"Give it to me." Zhang Tuohai exchanged a bottle of gin for durian seeds in line with the principle of enriching the types of fruits.

"This thing, even if it is used as a throwing weapon, is estimated to be effective."

Zhang Tuohai looked at the durian seed in his hand and thought.

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