Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 252: Faction choice? Take all 2 heads!

Classmate Xiao Ai drove the car up high ground.

Zhang Tuohaiche discovered that there was a valley in front of him.

There are more than a dozen large cars in the middle of the valley. These cars are all steam-styled and made of metal. The outside is full of brass rivets. Each car has a thick exhaust pipe with gurgling black smoke. .

These cars formed a circle, and many people were standing on the roof guarding the convoy with steam rifles in their hands.

On the periphery of the car wall, a group of guys dressed in leather jackets, dyed hair and pierced tattoos are riding a motorcycle around the car wall.

Whistling from time to time, there was also a bolder guy, holding the stick in his hand and tapping the shell of the car wall from time to time, making a bang.

A prompt popped up in the game system.

[To trigger the camp mission, you can choose to join the Wanderer camp to help the Wanderer camp repel the predators, or you can choose to join the Predator camp to help break the camp of the Wanderer camp. Of course, you can also choose to stand by or take a detour. 】

[Note: When choosing a camp, please consider carefully, as this will affect your future development. 】

[Excuse me if you join the camp. 】

"No." Zhang Tuohai decisively chose no.

If he hadn't seen the strength of Blackrock City, he might wait and see for a while, and then choose a more powerful team to help.

However, after seeing the strength of Black Rock City, the two teams in front of him were not enough in Zhang Tuohai's eyes.

A group of rubbish, I am afraid that even the artillery line of defense on the walls of Blackrock City can't be penetrated.

What is the future of joining such a camp?

However, not joining the camp does not mean that you must stand on the sidelines.

Zhang Tuohai observed the situation below. He found that on the opposite soil slope, there was an all-terrain vehicle. In the vehicle was sitting a strong man with a beard and a moxi dry head. A pair of sunglasses, a pair of steam pistols with exaggerated shapes around his waist, and a few killers who are also riding motorcycles.

Zhang Tuohai estimated that this guy is the non-mainstream boss of the following group of villages.

The leader of the predators.

"Student Xiaoai, did you see the bearded man wearing sunglasses on the other side pretending to be a criminal? Think of a way to give him a shot!"

Zhang Tuohai said coldly.

You ask Zhang Tuohai why he wants to fight the predators?

It's purely because the boss is not pleasing to the eye.

Zhang Tuohai himself didn't wear sunglasses to pretend to be forceful, so why do you wear sunglasses and pretend to be like a person?

"Within the range and aiming, do you want to fire?" Xiao Ai quickly adjusted the angle.


Zhang Tuohai waved down with one hand!


Cannonballs containing 7.4 kilograms of high explosives blasted towards the leader of the predators.

"What?" The man in sunglasses raised his head. Before he could see what was going on, he saw a cannonball hit.

The man in sunglasses was guilty of death, and quickly wanted to lie down and hide.

However, it was too late.

The cannonball exploded in front of him.


The 7.4 kilograms of high explosive completely tore the objects within a range of more than ten meters into pieces.

Whether it is a person or a motorcycle, all have become parts and scattered everywhere.

When the group of people in the valley heard the sound of the cannon, they couldn't help but stared in the direction from which the sound of the cannon came.

"Good job!"

Zhang Tuohai waved his fist excitedly, and said to Xiao Ai: "Aim at those who killed Matt and continue to fire. Use the steam machine gun at the distance and the artillery at the distance. Be sure to wipe them out!"

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Observe the commander." Classmate Xiao Ai immediately popped out the robotic arms, each holding a steam machine gun in each of them, and killed those who killed Matt.

Seeing Zhang Tuohai rush down, those who killed Matt were frightened and fled around.

The boss is dead, and it doesn't make much sense for them to stay here.

However, a few small bosses saw hope in the upper ranks.

Usually when the boss is in power, they can only be small bosses. Now that the boss is dead, who should inherit the boss’s inheritance?

People, vehicles, sites, materials, former sister-in-law...

Everything will be reshuffled.

At this time, whoever can be the first to establish prestige will have the greatest advantage!

"Little ones, rush to me. He has only one car. He wants to avenge the boss. He is willing to follow me. Each one has a piece of dried meat!" a boss shouted.

"Jerky!" Those who killed Matt couldn't move after hearing these two words, and drool came out of the corners of their mouths.

In this world, food is a very precious resource, and meat is a precious resource.

Usually, they can't eat meat at all, and only before fighting can they get a piece of jerky.

Hearing that there was jerky to eat, these people's eyes were red, and they were ready to fight Zhang Tuohai.

"Follow me!" The leader shouted loudly and pulled the trigger at Zhang Tuohai's infantry chariot.


The bullet from the steam rifle accurately hit the shell of the rivet armor.

The boss’s steam rifle has been specially modified, and the special warhead can penetrate ordinary rivet armor.

He has the confidence to penetrate the chariot, kill Zhang Tuohai, and avenge the leader. From now on, this car will be his car.

However, something he didn't expect happened.

The bullet of the steam rifle was flew out by the rivet armor projectile.

"How is this possible?" The boss looked at the rivet armor in disbelief, suspecting that he had read it wrong.

He didn't believe in evil, and continued to aim at the infantry chariot to prepare and continue shooting.

At this moment, the steam machine gun in the hand of the robotic arm rang.

Da Da Da Da.

A series of bullets fired at everyone.

The group of killing Matt fell in pieces like wheat.

The metal storm woven by the four steam machine guns is simply not something ordinary people with 0 armor can resist.

Even the car next to them was affected, punching a few big holes.

When the rest of the killer saw this, he didn't dare to fall in love again, and ran away in a hurry.

Zhang Tuohai killed a few slow runners and lost his interest.

A group of poor ghosts, what a chase, at most everyone can find a mutant organ.

In contrast this team looks to be richer.

Zhang Tuohai drove to the circle formed by the convoy.

The two cars moved away and flashed out a road.

Several people in linen clothes walked out of the convoy, each holding a steam rifle, led by a middle-aged man wearing a black leather jacket and a blindfold on his right eye.

The middle-aged man carried the steam rifle on his shoulders and said to Zhang Tuohai: "Hello, this respected bounty hunter, I am the leader of this team, Yasuo, thank you for taking our poor people from These wicked robbers were rescued from the hands, thank you for your help."

Yasuo said, bowing slightly to Zhang Tuohai.

The people behind him also owed their bodies.

"You don't need to say thank you. What are you going to use to show your gratitude?" Zhang Tuohai asked with the speaker.


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