Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 258: The power of the grenade

Boom, boom!

Seven-five rapid-fire cannons fired one after another, smashing the steel at the gate of the city. Several guards on duty with steam rifles were also hit by broken shrapnel and fell to the ground.

Those in front of the city gate waiting in line to enter the city saw Zhang Tuohai dared to fire at the city gate, and immediately scattered and fled.

The defenders on the city wall never thought that someone would dare to bombard the city gate in broad daylight. They were stunned for a while and almost didn't react.

After waiting for a few seconds, they came back to their senses and turned their guns to prepare to counterattack.

But at this time, Xiao Ai had already aimed 26 steam machine guns at the city wall.

Da da da.

The bricks and soil on the wall hit by the dense metal storm were flying, and the defenders could not lift their heads.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhang Tuohai drove an infantry fighting vehicle into the city gate.

Inside the city gate is a small square. Zhao Wanwan’s six-wheeled off-road vehicle is parked in the center of the square. Around it are eight steam tanks, blocking the escape route of the off-road vehicle.

Those steam tanks were draped in heavy rivet armor, and a large-caliber artillery was mounted on the turret. The chimney at the rear was full of black smoke, which was hard to deal with at first glance.

Among these steam tanks, there are hundreds of infantrymen armed with steam rifles.

Don't mention Zhao Wanwan about this lineup, it won't be able to rush out if it is ten times more.

Nothing else, as long as she dares to move, those steam tanks can break her into pieces.

This situation, for Zhao Wanwan, is a dead end.

However, not for Zhang Tuohai.

"Student Xiaoai, throw anti-tank missiles! Kill those tanks!"

Zhang Tuohai said loudly.

These steam tanks are real enemies because they have the ability to destroy Zhao Wanwan.


Following Zhang Tuohai's order, the steam machine gun in the robotic arm turned into an anti-tank grenade and threw it at those steam tanks.


One after another anti-tank grenades fell on the steam tank and exploded.

These anti-tank grenades can handle even Tiger tanks, not to mention these steam tanks.

Moreover, these old-fashioned steam tanks do not pay attention to human-machine coordination at all, and there is no shock absorption and noise reduction equipment at all.

Even if the anti-tank grenade cannot explode the rivet armor outside the tank for a while, the violent vibration is enough to temporarily disable the drivers in the tank.

In the blink of an eye, eight powerful steam tanks lost their combat capability in a short time.

Bang bang bang.

Some alert infantry also reacted, hiding behind the steam tank, and began to counterattack.

The chariot hit by the bullets of the steam rifle banged.

A few sharpshooters even broke the joints of a few robotic arms, causing them to lose control.

"Kill them with a revolver chaser!"

Zhang Tuohai shouted angrily.

These robotic arms are his treasures, each of them consumes three units of high-grade metal ingots. Usually, the treasures are so terrible, they are actually lost here. Is it worth it?

Boom, boom!

The runner chaser roared.

The pursuit guns fired all grenade shells.

The outside of the grenade bomb is a thin layer of iron, which contains dense metal pellets. These shells explode on the enemy's head. The metal pellets inside are blasted in all directions under the impulse of the shock wave, completely covering 360 degrees without dead angles.

After two grenade bombs.

There were no infantrymen who could stand up in the entire square.

The unshielded infantrymen were completely torn into pieces by thousands of metal pellets, and turned into pieces of meat on the ground.

As for those steam tanks, they are very strong. Many metal projectiles are embedded in the outer rivet armor, but none of them penetrates the armor.

"Really strong."

Zhang Tuohai snorted coldly.

Subsequently, he controlled the robotic arm and threw the anti-tank grenades into the barrel of the steam tank.

No matter how thick your armor is, can the barrel be so strong?


A violent explosion sounded.

The gun barrel of the steam tank was blown out, and a large black hole was exposed at the connection of the turret, and the driver inside was only half of his body left.

Seeing the effect, Zhang Tuohai grabbed the medicine and killed the remaining steam tanks one by one.

"How is it, are you injured? Can you still act?"

Zhang Tuohai asked Zhao Wanwan.

"No problem, you can still act." Zhao Wanwan quietly wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

She never expected that Zhang Tuohai would rush in to rescue her.

With eight steam tanks and a hundred infantrymen, isn't he afraid of death?

"It's fine, just rush out with me."

Damn it!

A dull sound came from behind.

Zhang Tuohai looked back and found that the city gate had not been closed.

And a huge brass gate slowly lowered from the city head.

The thickness is almost one meter, which is very strong.

The defenders on the city wall also reacted, turning their guns and artillery one after another, preparing to encircle the two.

"I was not careful and made you fall in too. I'll hold them back. You can find a chance to rush out."

Zhao Wanwan said.

"No, there is still a chance."

Zhang Tuohai also has 8 cornet anti-tank missiles, which can blast out a gap in the city wall and rush out.

Just when Zhang Tuohai was about to do it, the prompt system rang.

[It is recommended to retreat back. At this time, the defenders in the city have not fully reacted. There is a factory at 8 o'clock, where the defense is very weak. There is an abandoned intercity subway tunnel under the factory, and you can leave from there. 】

Zhang Tuohai's eyes lit up, and he turned the camera. At eight o'clock, there was a huge factory, iron walls, thick chimneys billowing black smoke, and there were roaring mechanical noises from time to time.

From time to time, there are groups of soldiers carrying steam rifles on patrol, but their firepower is much worse than the city walls.

"That's it!"

"follow me!"

Zhang Tuohai greeted him and turned the front of the car and rushed towards the defenders on the city wall were anxious. The factory is very important. If it fails, it will be a huge blow to the entire Limestone City. .

However, it was too important there, and the artillery was not afraid to fire.

And because of the shooting range and angle of those steam machine guns, only a small part of them could attack Zhang Tuohai.

To Zhang Tuohai, who had two layers of armor, these bullets were like an itchy boot. Except for some rivets dropped, the damage was almost zero.

The guards on patrol saw someone rushing over and quickly organized a counterattack.

But before they could disperse, a grenade shot hit their heads.

With a loud noise, a group of soldiers turned into pieces of meat.

Damn it!

Zhang Tuohai's infantry fighting vehicle broke through the iron wall of the factory and rushed in.

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