"Go, take him, let's go to Baishan." Jill said loudly.

Zhang Tuohai lowered his head and glanced at the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks and found that his eyes were straight and he was looking at a daze somewhere, secretly saying that he was not good.

This guy is like this, I am afraid it is sending a message, maybe it is a whistleblowing.

Zhang Tuohai stepped on his neck fiercely, staring at each other fiercely, and whispered in his ear: "Boy, you are very dishonest. You actually want to secretly send a message, do you want to talk to him? Secretly cooperate over there and arrange a trap to kill us all at once?"

"You, how did you know?" The sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks horrified, "I see, you are playing..."

Before he finished speaking, a wrist blade popped out of Zhang Tuohai's armguard, piercing his neck.


The pointed-mouthed monkey was covering his neck with his cheeks, his eyes were round, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

However, no matter how hard he struggles, it will be of no avail. He can only watch his life go by, but he can't do anything.

A few seconds later, the sharp-mouthed monkey died in anger.

"How did you kill him?" Jill looked at Zhang Tuohai in astonishment.

"Oh, this steam-powered exoskeleton made it. I'm not very familiar with it. I just wanted to grab him. I didn't expect that there was a wrist blade inside. I accidentally got it out and killed him like this. "

Zhang Tuohai said innocently.

In fact, he had studied the wrist blade in the power exoskeleton a long time ago, and it was only deliberately just now.

It is too dangerous to keep a guy in the team who can confide in the news at any time. He can't tell Gilming yet and can only use this method.

"Well, anyway, a barbarian in White Rock City will die if he dies. Fortunately, I am very familiar with Baishan. It shouldn't be a problem to find a mine."

Jill nodded when he heard the words, she could accept this reason.

When she used the steam exoskeleton for the first time, she even had a problem with walking normally, let alone fighting.

Zhang Tuohai's accidental triggering of the wrist blade is entirely reasonable.

Moreover, the sharp-mouthed monkey gill is just a barbarian of White Rock City to her, and if she dies, she will die, which is nothing at all.

"Well, don't blame yourself, this kind of exoskeleton is nothing difficult, just get used to it for a few days and you will get used to the practice."

Jill actually started to comfort Zhang Tuohai in the opposite direction.

This strong sense of contrast gave Zhang Tuohai a sense of inexplicability.

After sorting out, the group moved on to the Baishan Mine.

This section of Lu Jill is very familiar, and she leads people to lead the way.

And Zhang Tuohai followed Zhao Wanwan behind the team.

"Brother Zhang, are we just running around with them like this?" Zhao Wanwan asked.

"No, first use their hands to kill the White Tiger Group, and then find a way to get a batch of Frost Silver Mine out. I guess that something that can be valued so much by the Red Fort must be a good thing, and maybe it can be used for profit. "

"Isn't the scrap metal in that small town collected?" Zhao Wanwan said as she looked back at the small town farther and farther away. The ground was full of scrap metal, which is all for Zhang Tuohai. Priceless.

"It doesn't matter, these scrap metals can be collected whenever they come back. The key now is to destroy the White Tiger Group. As long as the White Tiger Group falls, I can obtain a lot of wealth from the regional channel. These petty profits, let them go first. "

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Understood, when is my dinner ready?" Zhao Wanwan asked.

Zhang Tuohai: "..."

He understands that the front is all foreshadowing, and the last sentence is the key point.

It was almost evening now, and it was time for dinner again.

Zhang Tuohai looked back at his material reserves and cut a whole piece of ham, plus two catties of sausage to make claypot rice.

It's not that he is extravagant, but that what he cooks is really not enough to eat.

For the team, because Jill was eager to find the Baishan Mine, he didn't even stop the car along the way. Dinner was solved by eating canned food in the car.

This is a good thing for Zhang Tuohai, which saves everyone the embarrassment of getting together to finish a meal.

To be honest, Zhang Tuohai has lingering fears about the food of this world, even canned food is no exception.

However, Jill finally asked Zhang Tuohai for a cup of milk tea.

Ever since she drank this, she was fascinated by the sweetness of the milk tea, and she fell deeply into it, and missed it every day if she didn't drink it.

During the period, she tried to use the manufacturing drawings of an 88mm artillery to replace the milk tea manufacturing formula, but Zhang Tuohai decisively refused.

He can still tell the difference between a full meal.

Now it's a seller's market, and he can wait and sell.

As long as he holds the milk tea formula in his hand, Jill will continue to win over him.

The recipe can be sold, but only when it is going to go, not now.

It was getting dark, and the team turned on the lights and gas expelling lights. However, Zhang Tuohai's purpose was that the gas expelling lights in the Gil's convoy were obviously better than his own.

Not only the workmanship is more refined, but the aperture is also larger.

Ordinary mutant creatures can hardly be seen in sight.

Only occasionally, mutant creatures that looked very powerful flashed past the beam of light.

"This Mobutu, when you buy this kind of strategic-level thing, you can only buy this second-class product. It's really stingy. Shouldn't you get a kickback from the buyer?"

Zhang Tuohai thought secretly.

He decided to find another opportunity next time to get two gas expulsion lights of this level.

He is now Jill's person in name. Those military dealers should not dare to fool themselves with such second-class goods?

I was very boring, Zhang Tuohai opened the regional channel to see how the leeks were doing today.

He roughly flipped through it and found that apart from the wave of artillery in Huangsha Town that killed more than 100 members of the Tigers, there was not much casualty in the regional channel.

Only a few 30 have died so far, and the causes of death are also varied. Some were killed by mutant creatures, some were poisoned to death after eating mutant meat, and some were killed by counter-killing who wanted to rob merchants.

However, most of the players are alive and well, and the channel is very lively. There are a lot of exchanges about which force is better to enter, which force has high welfare, and which force is difficult to get started.

A happy scene ~www.readwn.com~ made Zhang Tuohai almost think that he was in the wrong place.

Zhang Tuohai glanced at the existing number of regional channels: 4,232.

Today is the third day, and fewer than 700 people have died. Compared with the previous two worlds, he is simply a good person.

Zhang Tuohai really thought that he was here to travel.

However, Zhang Tuohai knew that this game system was definitely not so kind.

The calmer it is now, the more likely the disaster on the seventh day will be, and it is likely to be earth-shattering and will cause the death of most players.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the game system is so gentle now, even deliberately helping players grow.

"What exactly does the game system want to do?"

Zhang Tuohai clutched his hair and thought in distress.

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