Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 612: Full offense

Latest website: In the thick poisonous fog, several people stood in the car and stared into the distance.

"Boss, as expected, you still have a vision. You send Dasha and them to explore the way. I didn't expect that these grandsons really have heavy weapons. Good deeds, the drones are all up. If we rush out stupidly, we will be the ones who were bombed. ."

Said a young man who was covered with gray spikes, like a porcupine.

"Why don't you say that Big Brother is Big Brother? What you think is more thoughtful than us, Big Brother, what do you think we should do next?" asked a man next to him who was covered with scales and his hands turned into pitch-black sharp claws.

"How did you find the tunnel you were looking for?"

A young man in a suit who looked like ordinary people put down the telescope in his hand and asked.

"I have found it and measured the location. It is only tens of meters away from United Pharmaceutical's No. 1 line of defense."

The scaly man responded.

"Dig the tunnel to the back of the defense line with all your strength, and when the large forces press on the front, you suddenly slam out from behind, trying to defeat their defense line in one fell swoop."

Said the young man in a suit.

"It will probably take until the evening." The scaly man thought for a while and said.

"Don't do it yet?" The young man in the suit said coldly.


The scaly man hurried back to dig a tunnel.

"Don't stop the positive plan, hurry up these animals and consume their ammunition!" said the young man in the suit.

"Yes." The people around immediately went down to make arrangements.

More and more mutants were driven out from the virus mist and marched toward the valley.

There are mutants everywhere in the valley. These people are like ocean waves, submerging one mountain after another, filling up one gorge after another, constantly squeezing the players' living space, and rushing towards the defense line of United Pharmaceutical.

In the beginning, the players still didn't care much about these mutants, and wanted to fight hard and kill them.

However, they soon discovered that they were wrong.

These mutants are actually much better than before, and they could be shot in two with a single shot, making them incapacitated.

Now it needs seven or eight guns, and some even need to use rpg and artillery to solve it.

The most important thing is that these guys are like endless, dense and endless where they enter the eye, they can't be killed at all.

"Made, why are there so many, quickly retreat, retreat to the laboratory side, it is better to fight over there."

Facing the mutants like the tide, the players finally retreated. They felt that the joint pharmaceutical defense line with the trenched wire fence looked better to break through.

A large number of players turned around one after another and rushed towards United Pharmaceutical's defense line.

"How dare you rush over? Then I'll give you a ride."

Seeing a large number of players retreating in the direction of the defense line, Zhang Tuohai directly issued an order to let the personnel in charge of the defense line stick to the end and never let one break through.

"With so many, it seems that this base is going to be unstoppable." Leonard looked at the mutants on the screen like a wave, and his heart was lost.

This base had conducted special training before, but the training has its limits, and he just checked the ammunition of the base.

According to the current usage, the existing ammunition in the base can last until the night at most, when the ammunition is exhausted, how can I resist it?

"Is there any way? Don't tell me you have no way out, you can only stay here."

Zhang Tuohai asked with a smile.

He didn't believe that Leonard would have no way out.

"Alcatraz is the closest way to retreat, there is a strait blocking over there..." Leonard said immediately.

"Are there any other places?"

Zhang Tuohai interrupted immediately.

The place has been hollowed out by myself, and there is no advantage to go there.

"Here, there is still one, 200 nautical miles to the northwest, there is a place on a deserted island, and there is a hidden supply station over there."

"How to get there?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"There is a Gulfstream and a large transport plane in the hangar, which can transport some important things."

Leonard said immediately.

"You go to arrange."

Zhang Tuohai thought for a while and said.

Although he can fly directly with the propeller of the car, why not use a transport plane?

Leonard arranged to go immediately.

The large transport plane was overhauled and stopped on the runway.

Forklifts began to pack some important materials into boxes and load them on the plane.

The sun went down a little bit, and the hot machine gun fired on the front line of United Pharmaceutical finally stopped firing.

"Boss, the tunnel has been dug, and now there is only less than one meter away, and it can be dug right away."

The scaly man said to the young man in suit.

"Take people over and do it right away."

The young man in a suit put down the telescope in his hand and said.

"Aren't you waiting? It's going to get dark soon."

The scaly man said.

"No, it's fine now. It's getting dark. Instead, it's the advantage of their night vision equipment. What we want to take advantage of is this time difference. Let's get started." The young man in suit waved his hand.

In an instant, the sound of shaking mountains sounded.

Large groups of mutants rushed out of the fog and rushed towards the defense line on the peninsula.

In addition to ordinary mutants without brains and autonomous consciousness, they are also mixed with a large number of mutants with autonomous consciousness. These mutants pretend to be ordinary mutants and mix in the crowd, ready to surprise those people. .

"You guys do it too." The man in the suit turned his head and said to some mutants with wings and bat wings behind him.

The mutants nodded, spread their wings and flew into the sky, hovering endlessly in the air, everyone still holding machine guns and bazookas, which can be called manpower armed helicopters.

Several fat mutants directly tore off their clothes, and then their bodies quickly became round like balloons, and then began to float slowly into the air.

Several mutants who were prepared for a long time directly hung their own hooks on the loops of each other's body, followed by flying into the sky, and floated towards the front of United Pharmaceutical.

"What are these things?"

Seeing mutants floating over like a hot air balloon, the security guards of United Pharmaceutical who were guarding the front were dumbfounded. They had never seen such mutants.

"Hurry up, shoot!" a man raised the machine gun and shot them down at the mutants that turned into balloons.

However, those mutants were full of thick scales, and the machine gun bullets were directly bounced off when they hit the body, and they couldn't be penetrated at all.

"Use heavy weapons!" Upon seeing this, a security guard immediately threw down the machine gun in his hand and picked up a bazooka, just about to take aim.

Suddenly, a huge worm rushed out of his feet and swallowed him directly with his mouth wide open.

The people next to him were taken aback, and just about to fight back, seven or eight places opened a large hole in succession, and a large group of mutants rushed out of the hole and smashed with the security guards in the trenches.

At this time, the mutants in the sky also arrived. They grinned and attacked unscrupulously from the sky down. Anyway, their people have scales, so they are not afraid of accidental injury. They can attack at will.

The mutant on the ground also stepped on the barbed wire fence at this time, and rushed directly into the trench, mixing with the security guards.


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