Latest URL: "Finally killed!"

Seeing the blazing fire on the ground, Zhang Tuohai let out a long sigh.

However, he also had a slight pain.

He admitted that he was a bit on the top just now, and in order to kill the black beetles, he broke three planes and went in.

Counting the previous Global Hawk and the 777 that blocked the gun, he lost a total of five planes in this conflict. It can be said that it was the heaviest loss in all battles.

But the benefits have not been reaped at all.

"This matter is not over, wait until I get to the ground." Zhang Tuohai looked at the sea of ​​fire in the distance, his face was cold.

He counted the planes in his hand. In addition to the purely collectible triplane, there was a Rainbow 4, two gunships, two Apaches, a Gulfstream, and a Harrier. , A Predator, two f35c and a Growler electronic warfare aircraft.

Growlers and Rainbow 4 can alternate reconnaissance, usually attacks are executed by Predator and Apache, and air combat is the responsibility of Harrier and f35.

The whole skeleton is still there, so it won't hurt the bones.

Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai took a sigh of relief, and the loss was still within acceptable levels.

However, he was still not reconciled, turned his head and asked Leonard gloomily: "I want to retaliate against them, do you have any cards? Take them all out, don't hide them."

Leonard was so scared just now, he almost thought he was going to die here.

Now finally took a breath.

"Don't worry, as soon as I land, I will retaliate the most fiercely against these guys. I will not let any crawler who dares to attack me see the sun tomorrow, I swear!"

Leonard swore a spell.

"Okay, then I will look at your performance." Zhang Tuohai paused, and then said, "By the way, to save you, I lost a lot of money. Think about how to compensate me."

After Zhang Tuohai finished speaking, he turned and returned to his armored vehicle.

He decided not to ask for his own price, and let Leonard come up with compensation. Only in this way can the benefits be maximized.

"Don't worry, my compensation will definitely satisfy you." Leonard replied again and again.

When the door of the armored car was closed, Leonard thought about it and took out the satellite phone: "Take all those things to the r30 base. I will see it before dawn. If it doesn't work out, I will judge myself!"

Ten minutes later, the plane slowly landed on the ground.

After all, it is only 200 nautical miles, which is not far for an airplane.

This is a small island that looks very desolate. In addition to a small runway, there is also a two-story tower. In addition, there is a huge iron warehouse in the middle of the island. In addition, what nothing.

The transport plane taxied to the end of the runway and stopped slowly.

Zhang Tuohai drove the armored car off the plane and frowned as he looked at the desolate scene around him: "Is this your way of retreat?"

"This is just a representation, used to cover the ears of people."

Leonard said, leading Zhang Tuohai into the tower.

Inside the tower is a huge elevator, the kind that can transport airplanes.

Zhang Tuohai's armored car would naturally have no problem in it.

The group of people took a lift and slowly descended to a depth of more than 100 meters from the ground underground, with a domed metal structure above it, which looked very strong.

"Everything here is built in accordance with the standards to prevent nuclear strikes. It can be said to be a nuclear shelter."

As Leonard said, pressing the switch, a two-meter-thick metal gate slowly rose, and rows of lights in the corridor lit up.

A group of people walked in.

There are various rooms on both sides of the aisle, and there are famous brands on the rooms: food storage room, clean water storage room, gasoline storage room, seed storage room, weapon storage room...

There are so many different kinds of materials, obviously it is a complete underground nuclear shelter.

A group of people came to the end of the passage, a metal sensor door opened automatically, and everyone came to a hall full of science fiction.

A huge screen in the center of the hall lights up, revealing a blond modern girl.

"Good evening, Mr. Leonard, and welcome back to the r30 base. Can I help you?"

The modern girl asked.

"Launch a nuclear strike immediately and target the peninsula base." Leonard said coldly.

"Please authorize." The modern girl said.


Leonard stepped forward.

A glass warehouse rose, Leonard walked in, and a red light swept Leonard down from the top.

"Authorization passed, preparations for nuclear strike..."


An alarm sounded in the base, and the red light flickered.

A huge intercontinental ballistic missile appeared on the screen. If Zhang Tuohai admits it was wrong, the model should still be Poplar m.

One of the three truths of the world.

If Zhang Tuohai remembers correctly, this thing has ten separate nuclear warheads, each with an equivalent of 550,000 tons.

The fat man who destroyed Nagasaki at the time was only 20,000 tons in equivalent, and a sub-missile head of the poplar m was 27 times that of the fat man.

It can be said that once this thing is launched, let alone the peninsula base, the entire peninsula and the surrounding area will be reduced to ashes, and no grass will grow.

"How can you get this kind of thing?" Zhang Tuohai looked at Leonard with a smile, and at the same time he thought about how to get this thing in his hands.

If he has this, then he is also a person who has mastered the truth.

"Hey, I have operated two cards based on the relationship, and they have been used as hole cards. Unfortunately, I will use one card today, but it's all worth it."

Leonard said modestly.

At this time, the missile's self-check has been completed.

"Everything is working normally, you can launch!"

Said the modern girl.

"Launch now!"

Leonard said immediately.


The Baiyang M intercontinental ballistic missile slowly lifted into the air and lased towards the distance.

A few minutes later, a cloud of mushrooms rose from the direction of the peninsula.

The violent sound can be faintly heard even from hundreds of kilometers away.

"It's really beautiful." Leonard looked at the distant scene with an obsessive expression.

"By the way, what is the image on that screen?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"It's the base's automatic control system, responsible for the normal operation of the base." Leonard said casually.

"I remember, you promised to compensate me, right? When will my compensation come?"

Zhang Tuohai asked lightly.

"Alright, I'll be there soon."

Reynard pointed to the slowly flying plane in the sky and said: "I have ordered the laboratories to gather all the company's scientific and technological achievements here. You can choose, and you can take it as long as you like it. "

"Really, then I'm really looking forward to it."

Looking at the huge plane, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but feel shocked. This is the scientific research results of the entire United Pharmaceutical ~ If it can be transformed into combat power, how much help would it be?

One step to the sky?

Just as Zhang Tuohai was thinking about it, the huge transport plane slowly stopped on the runway.

The hatch slowly opened, and dozens of soldiers armed with assault rifles rushed out of the cabin and surrounded Zhang Tuohai and Renard in the center.

"You, what are you doing?" Leonard looked at the soldiers around and frowned. "Don't you know who I am? I am your boss Leonard. I order you to give me the gun. lay down!"

However, those around them didn't seem to have heard them, and they didn't move at all.

"My dear father, you are still so stupid."

At this time, a frivolous voice sounded, and a blonde girl in leather appeared in front of the cabin door, looking at Leonard with a smile.


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