Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 637: I understand the truth!

"What?" Scarface looked back, and he saw a few legs growing out of his pickup truck, running away.

Seeing this scene, Scar's face was full of awkwardness, and he couldn't help muttering to himself: "So the car can really run away on its own with long legs?"

He felt that the entire worldview had been shattered.

However, no matter how shocked he is, he still has to chase him. More than 90% of his worth is in the car. If he doesn't chase him back, he won't be able to survive in this world.

"Quick, catch up quickly, and chase my car back!" Scarface didn't care about his cousin, so he jumped into the tiger tank and wanted to catch up with his car.

However, the Tiger tank under his seat was advancing rapidly in the opposite direction.

"Your mind is flooded? I asked you to chase my car. What are you doing in reverse gear?"

Scarface cursed loudly.

The tank driver grieved and said: "Boss, I obviously stepped on the accelerator, but the car has been moving backwards. I can't help it."

Scarface looked down and saw that the tracks of the Tiger Tank really rolled forward, but the tank was constantly walking backward, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"What's going on?" Scarface's whole person is not good. He hurriedly jumped out of the car and looked down. It turned out that there were several legs under the tiger tank, and he was running away.

"What's going on? Could it be that if you join the silicon-based life side, your car will gradually become a silicon-based life, and then run away by yourself?"

Scarface guessed as he lay down and wanted to observe for himself what was going on.

He bowed his head and finally discovered the mystery.

It turns out that there were dozens of strange-looking machines under the car. These machines have eight legs, four arms, and are equipped with chainsaws, Gatling, RPG, and anti-tank grenade weapons. Raising the tiger tank and running fast.

Seeing this scene, Scarface's face turned round (⊙_⊙)?

"Who can tell me what's going on? Where did these robots come from? What are they doing with my car?"

Scarface was full of doubts, and then a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and he understood!

Although they joined the camp of silicon-based life, the **** group of silicon-based life didn't treat them as companions at all, but conspired with their vehicles!

The reason why those silicon-based lives accept them is to seize their vehicles!

These robots that can move by themselves are evidence!

Apart from silicon-based life, where else can we find so many robots that can act on their own?

Scarface feels that he has mastered the truth!

At this moment, a self-propelled machine found Scarface, it slowly rotated its head 90 degrees, and a bunch of cameras stared at Scarface silently.

The Gatling gun on his body also began to turn.

"They want to kill people!"

Scarface made a tiger leap, jumped out, and then rolled over and fell behind a low wall. At the same time, he did not forget to pull in his cousin who was stupidly standing on the street and pressed him to the ground.

"What's wrong, cousin?" The beret was unknown, so he looked at his cousin with confusion.

He didn't understand how the two-to-eighty-thousand cousin who was dragging him just now became like this in a blink of an eye.

"Don't look up!" Scarface pressed the beret to the ground, and then looked out carefully, and lowered his voice when he saw that the self-propelled machinery hadn't chased him, "I found a big secret! "

"What's the secret?" The beret was frightened by his cousin's babble, and asked cautiously.

"Those silicon-based lives are not good people!" Scarface whispered.

"Then you need to say, I don't even need to look at them to know that they are not human." The beret looked contemptuous.

"I'm not talking about appearance!" Scarface slapped the beret's head with a slap, "I mean they are inside! How to say it, to the heart, the heart is not a good thing!"

"No, cousin, what are you going to say?"

The beret was stunned by the scar face, and his underdeveloped brain was stunned by his cousin.

"Do you know why they accept our group of humans as the periphery?" Scarface said mysteriously.

"Why? Don't we need to be rapes and lead them the way?" The beret said puzzledly.

"Fuck you guys!" Scarface slapped his beret again with an angry face. "We are the leaders who lead mankind to a new era! Leaders understand?"

"I understand, I understand, cousin, don't fight, let's talk about business, what's the matter?" The beret helped his beret who was beaten up and asked.

"Those iron bumps accepting us are actually fancy our cars. They pretend to accept us first, and then steal our cars while we are not paying attention, and transform them into their kind. Otherwise, how do you think your car was lost? It's all those **** iron bumps!"

Scarface said angrily.

"Really?" The beret was shocked by the words of the scar face. He always felt that those silicon-based beings were nothing more than NPCs, and the whole world was their background board for survival. Unexpectedly, those NPCs would actually benefit themselves. Robbing players, who would believe this if it were put in the original world? Who can believe it?

"This is still false, I have seen it all, and I can see it clearly!" Scarface had a lingering fear on his face, "Those guys are still going to kill me. Fortunately, I ran so fast that I escaped."

Seeing the horrified look of Scarface, the Beret decisively believed his words. He had always admired his cousin since he was a child and obeyed his words.

"Then cousin, what should we do now? We have no more cars and no food. The worst part is that I lost all the cigarettes I had saved and didn't even have a chance to land for the next meal."

Beret has a sad look on his There are cigarettes he collected through various channels in the car. He originally planned to enjoy it slowly by himself, but all of a sudden, they were all in the water.

"It's okay. I still have a few old friends. I will send them a message and let them pick us up. The big deal is that we will join their team and help and sell our lives. Can a living person suffocate urine?"

Scarface rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea.

"This is a good way, cousin, you can quickly send them a message." Beret said hastily.

"No hurry, I'll talk about this later, I have one thing to do now!"

Scarface said with gritted teeth.

"What's more anxious than this?" The Beret was puzzled.

"I want to make the ugly face of these iron bumps public!" Scarface said bitterly, "If I dare to steal my car, I will expose their ugliness, so that all players can see their faces clearly, and everyone will reverse it together. Damn it, stealing Lao Tzu's car and wanting Lao Tzu to give them his life? Sell a shit!"

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