Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 675: Imaginary code

The orange material box was opened, and a lot of things rolled out.

These are all production materials, and Zhang Tuohai, who has opened the orange material box several times, has already had experience.

I didn't even look at the materials, so I picked up the top drawing.

[Plasma sniper gun manufacturing blueprint: launch a beam of plasma to kill the enemy, the attack range is 1000 meters, the penetration performance is excellent, and it can penetrate 1000 mm of depleted uranium armor. 】


Looking at this picture, Takumi almost spit out.

This thing looks pretty good. It can actually penetrate 1000mm of depleted uranium armor. In other words, none of the known combat vehicles can withstand this guy's blow.

Not even the most heavily armored battleship.

However, the range of this thing is too close, only 1,000 meters. If before, Takumi would not hesitate to install it immediately.

Now, Zhang Tuohai’s main combat method is beyond visual range combat. Using zircon hypersonic missiles and the MQ9 Reaper UAV can basically solve all problems.

As for the range of one kilometer, the electromagnetic gun array of the self-propelled machine can be taught to behave.

I don't need this stuff.

The most important thing is that this thing is actually not an auto accessory, and it cannot meet the promotion conditions. Zhang Tuohai is guilty of wasting a weapon position to install this thing.

After much deliberation, Zhang Tuohai decided to throw this thing to Lilith, perhaps, she could make this chicken rib a second life.

Putting the drawing aside, Zhang Tuohai opened the green material box again.

He had never seen a material box of this color before, and he was very curious in his heart.

After the material box was opened, a lot of things also rolled out of it.

Seven days of self-heating rations for individual soldiers, a box of canned fruits, a medical kit, 20 RPG7s, 20 Phoenix rockets, 20 anti-tank grenades, and three individual cloud explosive bombs.

Looking at these gadgets, Zhang Tuohai was even more convinced that the intensity of the next confrontation world was definitely not small, otherwise, the game system would definitely not release these gadgets.

Now that it is distributed here, will the players over there also get similar things?

If both sides get it, it will lead to a further increase in the intensity of the war.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tuohai felt a little headache.

There was a sense of insecurity in his heart, and he wanted to immediately increase some of the cards in his hand.

At this time, the game system popped up a prompt.

[Note that there will be a rivalry in 2 hours. You will meet players from other worlds. Your only goal is to kill all enemies. After the game is over, everyone will be evaluated for points. The higher the points, the more you get The better the reward. The countdown begins. 】

After the game prompt popped up, it immediately caused an uproar among the players.

"Is it true what I saw? A rivalry? Players from other worlds? What the **** is this for?"

"I said why this time it was so generous, and it was fired and fired. It turned out to be killing us."

"Can I not go? I haven't lived enough yet and don't want to play a rivalry."

"I just converted the car into a super camper suitable for survival. You told me to fight against it? Are you kidding me?"

"I just want to know if players in other worlds are also humans."

"Isn't Avatar better? Just think about it."

"Why can't it be a Namek?"

"Why don't you say that you are a Saiyan? If you say that you are really a Saiyan, stop fighting and go to sleep."

The regional channel is still the same, as long as someone makes the color, it will quickly crooked.

Zhang Tuohai observed for a while and found that there was nothing of value and then withdrew.

He was the first to find classmate Xiao Ai.

"How is the analysis of that space-based electronic warfare system?"

"The progress is going well. However, to find the optimal algorithm, it will take a while to upgrade to the spiritual realm system, and it will probably take a few hours."

Classmate Xiao Ai said helplessly.

"That's it, let me know after the upgrade is complete."

Zhang Tuohai nodded.

He turned to find Lilith.

"Are there any results?" Zhang Tuohai asked, rubbing his hands.

"Do you think I am a god?" Lilith rolled her eyes.

"Tell me, how much work have you added to me recently? I'll count it for you: genetic medicine, third-generation electromagnetic armor, research on ball lightning, research on plasma technology, upgrade and optimization of vehicle interior equipment, quantum crystallization The research on radioactive meteorites, the synthetic attack of the flying gasoline-powered saw, and the creation of Awei and Aya’s mechas. You count, how much time do I have in a day, can I produce results so quickly?"

Lilith became more irritable as she talked, she was about to cut people with a knife.

"Quite your anger, calm your anger, it's my fault, Wangcai, come over with a cup of milk tea."

Zhang Tuohai turned around and was about to run.

"Next." Lilith's voice sounded from behind.

Zhang Tuohai looked back, and a **** umbrella fell into his hand.

This is the umbrella made by Quantum Crystal, the trophy obtained from Kay.

Seeing Zhang Tuohai's bewildered face, Lilith sighed and said, "Because I feel that this thing is a bit interesting, I stepped up my research yesterday and discovered an interesting thing."

"What is it?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"The energy level of this thing is very high, higher than the energy level of any item I have seen, except for the source stone. However, if it is only used like yesterday, it can only perform about one-tenth of it. Effect."

"Do you have a solution?" Zhang Tuohai quickly asked when he heard it.

"Actually, there was no such thing. However, when I was discussing with Xiao Ai yesterday, I suddenly had an idea. Since this thing is made of quantum crystals and produced in the imaginary space, is it the relevant code? ?"

"Following this line of thought, I asked Xiao Ai to help collect some codes related to quantum crystallization. Guess what, there are probably hundreds of them."

"More than 90% of the code in it is incomprehensible, but after a lot of comparison, I finally successfully translated one."

"What is it?" Zhang Tuohai's heart jumped loudly, and he felt that Lilith must have discovered something.

"Eternal barrier." Lilith said.

"Eternal barrier?" Zhang Tuohai subconsciously followed.

The black umbrella in his hand opened automatically in an instant, stood on top of his head, and cast a black light film to cover him.

Lilith drew out Moriarty's plasma sword and slashed towards Zhang Tuohai. However, the plasma lightsaber only touched the light film, and could no longer penetrate even a single minute.

Lilith waved her hand again, and the eight self-propelled machines activated the electromagnetic cannons at Zhang Tuohai.

Bang bang bang.

A few alloy pellets hit the black light film The black light film did not move at all, and the indestructible electromagnetic gun returned without success.

"What's this?"

Zhang Tuohai looked at the black light film in amazement.

He touched it with his hand, it was as silky and thin as silk stockings, but it could block his strongest attack except the laser.

"This is my new discovery. Quantum crystal has special properties, and the use of code can stimulate some of its characteristics. For example, this eternal barrier is the only code that can be cracked. Originally, an umbrella can only block a part of the body, but after using the code , The scope of this shelter can be expanded to tens of square meters. The effect is doubled."

"In other words, as long as enough code can be cracked, the ability of this umbrella will be doubled?"

Zhang Tuohai is not an idiot, he is thorough.


"No time, go find classmate Xiaoai."

Lilith didn't give Zhang Tuohai a chance to speak, and directly pushed Zhang Tuohai out the door.

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