Just when Zhang Tuohai looked at the points mall in a daze, classmate Xiao Ai's voice rang.

"Commander, a gunboat is trying to approach us from behind, ready to attack us."

"There are enemies?"

A cold light flashed in Zhang Tuohai's eyes.

Before he went to trouble others, some players took the initiative to trouble him.

"Since someone is rushing to find death, I will take this one blood."

Zhang Tuohai immediately stood up and looked at the 3D map.

At this time, on the river not far behind him, a 500-ton gunboat was quietly approaching Zhang Tuohai.

The 500-ton gunboat sounds very inconspicuous. It belongs to the bottom of the naval sequence. Even because of its small tonnage, it can’t be called a ship. It can only be called a boat. But if it can be despised, then Wrongly wrong.

The 500-ton gunboat is considered the younger brother in the navy, but it is also a huge monster for ordinary vehicles.

Take the gunboat behind Zhang Tuohai as an example. It has a length of 60 meters, a width of 10 meters, and a draft of two meters, which is comparable to seven or eight large RVs.

Because of its large size, sufficient buoyancy, and abundant weapons.

The front end of this gunboat is equipped with a 100 mm dual-purpose gun, a 12.5 mm heavy machine gun on the left and right, and a hail anti-ship missile launcher at the back.

It can be said that there is plenty of military virtue.

In the gunboat's eyes, Zhang Tuohai's car is nothing more than a Hummer with only Gatling guns (appearance).

"Today is really my lucky day. I haven't seen such a **** opponent for a long time. I can finally recover the blood. I have taken the first blood. Kill this guy for me!"

The captain of the gunboat said with a telescope.

The 100mm high-level dual-purpose gun on the ship slowly aimed at Zhang Tuohai.

In his opinion, a Hummer is nothing but a cannonball.

Usually, Guang was bullied by those huge warships, and now it was finally his turn to bully other players with his huge stature.

However, just as his artillery was aiming, suddenly there was a rattling sound from the Hummer.

Then two dense metal storms fired by the two 1130 close-in guns swept across the entire deck.

Although a gun shield was also installed on the gunboat, a gun shield with a thickness of more than ten millimeters obviously could not stop the shells of the 1130 near-defense gun.

The entire deck was swept by the near defense gun and turned into a huge honeycomb.

The cab was completely beaten up.

[The player Zhang Tuohai kills the player Holden and gets the first drop of blood. 】

[Get a player to kill and get 4 points (double the first drop of blood). 】

The previous tip is a tip in the regional channel.

The latter reminder is the reminder of the dependent badge.

The first prompt was swiped across the regional channel.

Most of the players on the side of Zhang Tuohai did not respond, especially the old players who were familiar with Zhang Tuohai. They knew that Zhang Tuohai was strong, and he resisted the chase of 5,000 players by himself, and also killed a lot of them. Therefore, What Zhang Tuohai did would not surprise them.

The players of the Scarlet Moon camp are not so calm.

"How did Holden do this? The gunboats were all counter-killed for taxis? Is he a pig brain?"

"The Illuminati, this Holden is a member of yours, come out and explain."

"How do I know how this Holden was done, I will investigate it myself."

The boss of the Illuminati said helplessly.

Holden was just a non-staff member of their fleet, and he would die if he died. No one cared. But it doesn't work right now. It's time for regional battles. This one blood gift will directly ruin the reputation of the entire fleet. If you can't find the place back, his fleet will not be able to mix in the future.

The Illuminati boss Charles said to the helmsman beside him: "Turn the bow, target the area where Horton died, find the guy who killed Horton, and wash away the shame of our fleet."


The helmsman turned the rudder, and a hundred-meter-long former dreadnought battleship quickly turned and rushed towards the sea area where the accident occurred.

And Zhang Tuohai is not clear about these things.

He was excited to board the gunboat with the self-propelled machine.

Zhang Tuohai has selfish intentions to solve the problem with near-defense guns instead of missiles.

Although the solution to the missile is simple, the gunboat falls into fragments as soon as the missile is fired.

Then he can't dismantle the hull.

These boats are all players under other demigods. Whether their skills are different, whether they can learn from each other's strengths, these are all Zhang Tuohai's concerns.

Therefore, the approach to the hull with the least damage to the hull was adopted.

However, when he boarded the gunboat and started dismantling the self-propelled machinery, a problem was discovered.

That is, these hulls are protected by the rules and cannot be dismantled, even if the chainsaw sparks directly, they cannot damage a piece of wood.

This is the prompt given by the prompt system.

"Could it be that there is no reward for killing the enemy?"

Zhang Tuohai thought angrily, while wandering on the gunboat.

When he came to the command room, he saw a player wearing a frogman diving suit. His head was smashed to pieces by a near-defense gun, and a bronze treasure chest was suspended above his body.

"The reward method has also changed?"

Zhang Tuohai reached out and touched the bronze treasure chest.

The moment his finger touched the bronze treasure chest, a string of information entered his mind.

In the battlefield, you can get a treasure chest after you kill the enemy or your own player. The treasure chest will immediately reveal the various items that the deceased had during his lifetime: food, weapons, blueprints, materials, subordinates, etc., as to what exactly will be revealed , Totally depends on luck.

"I hate the rules of this world."

Zhang Tuohai is very angry. This rule cuts off his chance to make extra money.

However, under the low eaves, he can only accept this rule.

"We must find a chance to jump out of this chessboard~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Tuohai made up his mind and opened the bronze treasure box in his hand.

[Congratulations on getting a fleet communicator. 】

An intercom-like thing fell into Zhang Tuohai's hands.

After the walkie-talkie fell into Zhang Tuohai's hands, the treasure chest disappeared.

In addition to the treasure chest, the player's corpse and even the gunboat he controlled were missing.

All this turned into a large swath of luminous particles, which dissipated in the air.

And Zhang Tuohai also lost support, and the whole person fell down.

Fortunately, Zhang Tuohai activated the plasma jet in time, and then he didn't fall into the river and become a chicken.

"This **** world is all insidious settings. If you let me know who designed the rules, I must swell his ass!"

Zhang Tuohai flew back to the shore angrily.

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