Zhang Tuohai's gang jump can be said to be a success, or it can be said to be a failure.

Success is because he successfully jumped onto the deck of Victory.

The reason for the failure was that only he himself successfully jumped up...

Both the self-propelled machinery and the flying gasoline saw are isolated by a silver light curtain.


Looking at the enemies on the deck, Zhang Tuohai had a stomach for MMP to talk about.

However, fortunately, when he jumped up, the flying gasoline saw had thrown the smoke bomb mixed with chili powder onto the deck.

Those crew members of the Victory were caught off guard and were choked by smoke bombs and lost most of their combat effectiveness.

The scene still has a little advantage for Zhang Tuohai.

"Look at my palm thunder!"

Zhang Tuohai waved his hand and pointed his **** at a nearby sailor who was lying on the ground and rubbing his eyes.

Stabbed, an electric arc emerged from the fingertips and rushed to the sailor's body.

The strong high-voltage electricity produced a dazzling blue light, flashing twice, and the sailor fell to the ground and stopped moving, exuding a burnt smell.


Zhang Tuohai waved his hand.

The six electromagnetic floating cannons that have been hovering behind him spread out in battle formations, purging people around them one by one.

Dazzling electric lights flickered in the thick smoke, the groans on the deck gradually diminished, and the burnt smell became more and more intense.

However, the flagship is the flagship after all, and the quality of sailors is not the same.

Several people took out their protective masks from their shoulder bags and even brought infrared imagers. They used assault rifles to fight back under the cover of other people around them.

However, the assault rifles in their hands couldn't penetrate the electromagnetic armor of Zhang Tuohai's body.

The entire battle took less than a minute, and the 109 sailors on the deck and more than 80 gunners were killed one by one.

It even included a player, which allowed Zhang Tuohai's points to rise a bit, and by the way received a bronze treasure box.

After seeing the deck emptied, Zhang Tuohai immediately flew towards the cabin.

As soon as he flew halfway, there was a sound of machine guns in front of him.

The bullet hit the surface of the armor, making a crackling sound.

Zhang Tuohai immediately flashed aside, and then dismissed the individual cloud explosive bullet that had been carrying him behind his back.

This is specially brought on for the purpose of attacking ships.

There are many lanes in the ship, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. You can hide from a few people in any place, and it is easy to be attacked if you are not paying attention.

But with this stuff, offensive and defensive advantages can be easily reversed.

Opened the sealed barrel, simply glanced at the direction, and directly pulled the trigger.


The single-soldier cloud exploded into the cabin, and then burst apart.

The original role of the single soldier cloud explosive bomb is to ablate the oxygen in the air, making people suffocate to death.

It can still work normally in the wilderness, but it is even more powerful in the small cabin with muddy air.

The effect is several times better than in the wilderness.

The area of ​​action has also been greatly increased.

Puffing, puffing, there was a sound of falling into the cabin one after another.

"Go and check the situation."

Zhang Tuohai didn't dare to act rashly, but directly sent the electromagnetic floating cannon in.

The narrow lane is the best battlefield for this kind of floating artillery. Small body, powerful attack, solid body, and silent flight. Even if there are still players in the lane, it is not certain who attacked.

Floating cannon enters the roadway to investigate, and Zhang Tuohai uses the perspective of the floating cannon to check the situation in the roadway.

I don't know this, but I was shocked at first glance.

At first glance, the various lanes in this cabin have been specially modified. There are bunkers and machine guns everywhere, as well as some bulletproof shields that can be pushed and pulled. At first glance, they are dedicated to defending boarding and jumping gangs.

Even if a large number of people rushed onto the Victory, they couldn't completely seize control right at a time, and they could only compete repeatedly in the laneway, the flesh-and-blood mill.

The captain of the Victory also took great pains.

However, when he met Zhang Tuohai, a master who didn't talk about martial arts, he directly attacked with cloud explosive bombs, leaving his layout empty.

In fact, if the self-propelled machinery can be allowed to come up, Zhang Tuohai will not even send a floating gun in it, throwing napalm directly into it, turning the cabin into a barbecue box.

Just as Zhang Tuohai was watching the image returned by the floating gun at the door of the cabin, a line of prompt popped up in front of him.

[Attention, the captain of the Victory is planning to attack from above, and the weapon used is also a quantum crystal weapon, please be careful. 】

"Huh? Someone is going to attack me?"

Zhang Tuohai's feet were a little bit, a plasma flame burst out from under his feet, and the whole person quickly retreated.

In front of him, a dark figure fell from the sky and onto the deck.

This man is dressed in a black military uniform, a black cloak behind him, and a long sword in his hand, which is inserted straight into the deck.

If it hadn't been for Zhang Tuohai to hide quickly, he might have been nailed to the deck at this time.

The coming man looked gloomy, his half-length hair was unraveled, and there was a half-faceless mask on his face. This look looked like a villain.

"Are you the main messenger of the attack?" Si Ming looked at Zhang Tuohai and asked coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The direction of the plasma jet under Zhang Tuohai's feet was turned and flew into the air. Then the electromagnetic gun in his hand aimed at the guy and directly pressed the start button.


An alloy projectile shot at the opponent in a thunderstorm.

Normal people are absolutely unable to react in such a short period of time. By the time they find it, their bodies have already been pierced.

However, to Zhang Tuohai’s shock, the man in black in front of him waved his hand and raised the cloak. When the metal projectile was about to hit the cloak, it seemed as if it had been cast by magic, and the speed of the alloy projectile changed rapidly. Slow, and finally stopped slowly before the Greatcloak, and finally ran out of kinetic energy and fell to the ground.

Zhang Tuohai was shocked when he saw this, an extra coin appeared in his hand, and he flicked towards Si Ming.

After Lilith's transformation, he can also use a super-electromagnetic gun, but its power and accuracy are not as good as a serious electro-magnetic gun.

However, it was good as a substitute attack method~www.readwn.com~ However, after the coin approached the Greatcloak, like the previous alloy projectile, it slowly stopped and fell to the ground.

"There is a problem with this cloak." Zhang Tuohai frowned.

The tactical helmet began to quickly scan the opponent's cloak.

After some inspection, I saw a line of fine golden runes on the edge of the cloak, but there was a layer of fluff on the outside of the cloak, which concealed the runes. Without careful observation, it is really not easy to find.

"There is still rune equipment? This guy's equipment is too good, right?"

Zhang Tuohai was secretly surprised.

At this moment, Si Ming's mouth showed a sneer: "Just these means? If there are only these means, then go to death!"

After speaking, Si Ming jumped up violently.

Obviously he didn't have any jet equipment on his body, but with just such a jump, he came directly in front of Zhang Tuohai, and the long sword in his hand slashed towards Zhang Tuohai.

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