"Work hard to participate in the battle? Also upgrade to level 100?"

Seeing Alice's reply, Zhang Tuohai almost vomited blood.

His goal was to get out of the battle, to get rid of the possibility of fighting with acquaintances. As a result, the path to achieve it turned out to be to work hard to participate in the battle.

This is hostile to his original goal.

"What about the second way?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"The second method has no operability. To put it simply, first of all, you must be a native of the imaginary world, secondly, awaken without the guidance of demigods, and finally, without being recruited by demigods, participate in organizations composed of awakened people. , so naturally you don't have to participate in the battle between the demigods. Just like me."

"What if I reincarnated into an indigenous world? For example, what if I reincarnated into an indigenous world and then escaped?"

Zhang Tuohai suddenly thought of the method of Lilith's reincarnation. If this method is possible, then he can escape this fate.

You don't have to struggle to survive every day.

"Thinking too much, the necessary condition here is that you have not been recruited by a demigod. If you have been recruited, your soul will be marked with the imprint of the demigod. Even if you die, it cannot be changed. This imprint is only at the level of demigods. Existence can only be erased. Do you think that we have not tried various methods of reincarnation and cloning? All are useless, even if you change a body, it is useless. "

"Also, do you think the natives living in the imaginary world are safe? Those imaginary worlds in the hands of demigods will be restarted every other cycle to collect quantum crystals. In this world, you have no development at all. The possibility of getting up can only be beaten back to the original point again and again.”

"As for those imaginary worlds that are not controlled by the demigods, although the natural restart time period is very long and can have development time, they will also be coveted by those demigods, and they will send their own men to attack these worlds and seize the imaginary number core. , and those natives will be treated as NPCs, killed and destroyed at will."

"This is also one of the original intentions that we will organize to overthrow those demigods."

Alice said.

"It turns out that there is such a layer of reason."

Zhang Tuohai nodded, from which he also analyzed a piece of news, that is, Alice used to be an aboriginal, and the world she lived in should have been occupied by some demigods, so she joined that one to resist demigods. God-targeted Tower of Babel.

However, this is still useless to him, and it cannot solve his current problem at all.

"Remember when I told you to work hard to participate in the battle and improve your level? In fact, this is the best way to get rid of your current predicament. Only after you reach level 100 can you be qualified to change your destiny. Before that, You are just a leaf that goes with the flow, as long as you don’t raise to level 100, you won’t be able to get that chance, and one day you will be knocked over by the waves, and you will never be able to turn over.”

"What exactly is that opportunity?" Zhang Tuohai was scratched by Alice in his heart.

"I'm sorry, but I can't say it now, because I haven't reached that stage, and knowing it will be harmful to you. However, there is one thing I can tell you in advance, that is, what you want to do now, just do it, wait until that If you have the opportunity to change your destiny, everything will be changed. The wrong things you have done before can be erased and modified, and all the difficulties will be rewritten. So, before that, Don't be afraid to make mistakes, and don't worry about leaving troubles and regrets, because at that time, all problems will not be problems."

Looking at Alice's message, Zhang Tuohai nodded. He temporarily understood what Alice meant, that is, when he reaches level 100, there will be a chance to modify his fate, and even erase all the mistakes he made before. .

This made his heart itch.

"If that's the case, then I really have to work hard to improve my level. I want to see what the chance to change my destiny is after I get to level 100."

Just when Zhang Tuohai was about to ask something, Xiao Ai suddenly sounded the alarm.

"Commander, I found that there is an enemy preparing to attack."

"Sneak attack?"

Zhang Tuohai was stunned for a moment, then quickly put away his phone and threw himself in front of the 3D map.

"Where is the attacker? Did it come from that harbour?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"The attacker approached from behind, not from the direction of the military port. The other party was a submarine and was underwater."

Xiao Ai said and zoomed in on the 3D map. About 50 kilometers behind, a submarine was sailing at high speed underwater.

The submarine was in the shape of a droplet, and the underwater speed was extremely fast, and it was rapidly approaching where Zhang Tuohai was.

"Can you tell that they have spotted us and are ready to attack?"

Zhang Tuohai didn't know much about submarines and asked curiously.

"The opponent's fire control radar has been detected, and the torpedo tube has been opened. It is expected that the attack will be launched in ten seconds."

"Attack in ten seconds?"

Zhang Tuohai saw that the submarine had opened the torpedo warehouse, the river water was pouring into the torpedo warehouse, and the torpedo had floated up and was ready to be fired.

"Prepare for anti-torpedoes immediately! Then counterattack!"

Zhang Tuohai said quickly.

His words haven't landed yet, whoosh!

A huge torpedo with a shark's head painted on it was launched.

The speed of the torpedo was extremely fast, reaching more than 100 knots, and it was still increasing.

The rocket engine nozzle at the rear also worked to its limit, and countless bubbles emerged, drawing a white tail line.

Looking at the huge torpedo with a length of more than eight meters, Zhang Tuohai's heart was in his throat.

At first glance, this thing is designed to deal with large warships. Although my car has been modified many times, various armors have been upgraded many times, and now it has plasma shields plus reactive armor and chrome armor, but in the face of this Kind of torpedo, still dare not hold large.

Zhang Tuohai took out the black umbrella, in case Xiaoai didn't intercept it, he would use the absolute defense of the black umbrella to resist.

Fortunately, ~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Ai did not live up to his expectations, and all four Asrock anti-submarine missiles were fired.

Two torpedoes dashed forward one after the other.

The remaining two went straight for the drop-shaped submarine in the distance.


An Aslok anti-submarine missile hit the torpedo and exploded violently in the water, splashing more than ten meters high.

The remaining three were also close to the submarine.

The submarine also detected the incoming anti-submarine missile.

However, stealth as a submarine is the greatest protection, losing stealth ability is like a lamb to be slaughtered.

In the face of anti-submarine missiles, they have no means of defense at all, they can only watch the anti-submarine missile hit their shell and explode.

"Phew, it's solved." Zhang Tuohai was about to let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, it was discovered that among a large piece of submarine debris, a strange-looking boat appeared in sight.

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