Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 717: My son, Feng Xian? !

Zhang Tuohai felt that if the boy with the cat-eared hood was telling a lie, he should be able to test it out now.

From the conversation just now, it can be inferred that the cat-eared hooded boy is a proud and arrogant person, and there is a high probability that he will not call him Dad because of a certain plan.

If the other party refuses, then everything he says must be treated with caution.

"What's the matter, come over and call Dad, this is your sister's biological father, don't you think Lilith is your sister from the bottom of your heart?" Wang Cai fanned the flames.

The face of the cat-eared hooded boy turned blue and white, and he looked at Lilith stiffly.

Lilith didn't even look at him, she turned around and handed a cup of tea to Zhang Tuohai, and said with a smile, "Dad, drink tea."

Zhang Tuohai took the teacup, took a sip, and kept his eyes fixed on the boy with the cat-eared hood, for fear that this guy couldn't help but start violently.

The cat-eared hooded boy looked at Zhang Tuohai, then at Lilith, suddenly sighed, and knelt in front of Zhang Tuohai on one knee: "See father."

While talking, the boy with the cat-eared hood turned his head away with a reluctant look on his face.

"Really kneeling?" Zhang Tuohai was also surprised by the action of the young man. He did not expect that the young man would actually accept the relationship. If the matter is not true, then it is a big picture.

His expression also became serious, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, get up, by the way, I haven't asked yet, what's your name."

While talking, Zhang Tuohai handed over a red envelope: "This is change money."

"I'm the fifth page. I didn't have a name originally, but after reincarnation, I must have a name, otherwise it's hard to call me, so I gave myself a name called Wu Fengxian."

The cat-eared hooded boy said.

"Cough cough cough."

Zhang Tuohai almost spit out a sip of strong tea.

"What's your name?"

"Wu Fengxian." Wu Fengxian looked surprised.

"This name is not good, I changed it immediately."

Zhang Tuohai's face was black like the bottom of a pot.

The name is not good, it's Fengxian, this name is too Fang's father, especially the foster father.

"That's Wu Bu?" Wu Fengxian asked tentatively.

"You can't get through, can you?"

Zhang Tuohai had a dark face.

At this moment, Lilith seemed to remember something, and suddenly opened her mouth and said, "You are Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu is responsible for recording runes and codes!"

"Eldest sister, you finally remembered me!"

Wu Fengxian asked excitedly.

"You remember?"

Zhang Tuohai didn't bother to quarrel with Wu Fengxian, he took Lilith's hand and asked.

"Well, think about it a little bit." Lilith rubbed her temples and said, "Before I was reincarnated, it was indeed the cover of the Book of All Laws. Later, because of a war, the Book of All Laws was scrambled by several parties. In the end, the "Book of All Laws" was torn in half, in order to avoid the pursuit, I asked everyone to escape, and then entered the small world to reincarnate, waiting for the opportunity to reunite."

"By the way, didn't you take Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi with them at that time? Where are they now?"

Lilith asked.

"At that time, I was chased too tightly. I was afraid that we would not be able to get away together, so I let everyone spread out and run for their lives. They should have entered various worlds and were reincarnated. It seems that Xiaoliu and Xiaojiu have gone to the world near me. The rest should have gone further afield, it was so chaotic..."

Wu Fengxian lowered his head and said.

"Is what he said true?"

Zhang Tuohai asked aside.

"Well, that's right, although, I can't think of it all, but what is certain is that my body is indeed the "Book of Ten Thousand Laws", and Lilith is my first reincarnation body, because of the serious injury at that time, and then again Coupled with physical weakness, a large number of memories have been sealed. Now, these memories are slowly releasing themselves. It will take time to fully recover."

Lilith said while rubbing her forehead.

"Then what is this "Book of Ten Thousand Laws"?" Zhang Tuohai asked aside.

"It is the core of the Tianshu Hall. It records all the books in the Tianshu Hall, and deduces and evolves. In theory, it is the existence with the most complete knowledge in the entire chaotic sea. Keep an eye on it."

Lilith said.

"What was the library that day? What about the Chaos Sea?" Zhang Tuohai asked curiously.

"Tianshuguan is a library that collects countless books, but since I was born, no one has existed, and I have just been recording knowledge and deducing according to the original settings, until I was caught that day. until the attack."

"As for the Chaos Sea, it is the collective name for this area, consisting of countless imaginary worlds and vast voids."

"I generally recall these, and more, I can't remember."

Lilith said.

"No wonder." Hearing Lilith's words, Zhang Tuohai understood, no wonder Lilith's research and development technology is so powerful, what technology can produce results in a few days in her hands, the original body records all kinds of knowledge, and Deductions have been carried out, and in terms of academic achievements, it can be said that there is no one before or after.

"Then what are your future plans?"

Zhang Tuohai asked with his fingers crossed under his chin.

"Eldest sister, come with me, let's find those lost brothers and sisters together, and seek revenge for those guys together." Wu Fengxian said loudly.

"I, of course, I will go wherever my father goes." Lilith said, holding Zhang Tuohai's arm.

"Big sister!" Wu Fengxian put his hands on the table and wanted to say was interrupted by Lilith.

"I am indeed the cover of "The Book of All Laws", but I am also my father's daughter. Now, my father's car is far from being invincible. How can I rest assured that he will continue to travel in many worlds alone? Therefore, I have to stay by his side. I can only leave with confidence until he can survive independently." Lilith said.

"This..." Hearing Lilith's words, Zhang Tuohai always felt strange. Let Lilith say this, why is she like an old mother who is worried about a naughty wanderer?

"How is this possible, how can you be the "Book of All Laws" and a carbon-based creature..."

"Shut up, why are you talking to Dad like that?" Lilith said coldly, "If you talk about it, I'll study an enchanted seven wolf belt, specially used to discipline you!"

"Eldest sister, I was wrong, please forgive me." Wu Fengxian immediately grimaced when he heard the words.

"If you want me to spare you, it's very simple, come and help me with things, and translate these for me."

Lilith said, took out a thick stack of material from the white coat and smashed it on Wu Fengxian's head.

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