Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 729: Manipulate the imaginary core

"Why? Just because we are also players under the goddess Liuli!" Beret looked completely unafraid.

"The Goddess of Liuli has already given orders that the area is against the world, and the same faction is prohibited from attacking each other. Violators will be severely punished. Besides, I am the servant of the goddess, so I can talk to the goddess immediately. How about you? Haven't seen the holy face of the goddess yet?"

Beret said, took out a family badge, and showed it to Zhang Tuohai.

Seeing that Zhang Tuohai didn't speak, the beret thought that Zhang Tuohai was frightened, and became even more proud, and his expression became more and more arrogant.

"Are you afraid? Let me tell you, the goddess Liuli hates players who provoke infighting the most, ranging from exemption from player qualifications, exile in remote worlds, or direct death in severe cases. If you don't want to be punished by the goddess, just follow the rules. Do what I say, pay for our losses, and leave those bronze treasure chests to us, otherwise..."

Before the beret's words were finished, a high-voltage current spurted out of Zhang Tuohai's hand, hitting his body.

His body was instantly scorched, and the smell of black smoke and scorching came out repeatedly.

With a bang, the body of the beret fell to the ground, and then disappeared as a glaze, leaving only a bronze treasure chest on the ground.

"You, how dare you?"

The players behind the beret did not expect that Zhang Tuohai would dare to do it directly, which greatly exceeded their expectations.

Could it be that he is not afraid of the goddess' punishment?

In the confrontation world, it is a felony to attack players of the same faction.

However, if their thoughts were known to Zhang Tuohai, they would probably die of laughter.

The reason why Zhang Tuohai was stunned just now was that he had been popularized by the prompt system.

For all demigods, the most important thing in regional battles is winning or losing. Banning players from this area is just to allow players to cooperate sincerely and fight the enemy together.

Of course, it's all based on being able to win.

As long as you can win, it doesn't matter what the means are, even if the players in this area are slaughtered.

If you lose, what is the use of the players in the area who love each other like a family?

What's more, Zhang Tuohai has killed more than 3,000 enemy players in just two days since he entered this world. This is the number one hero for the goddess of glaze, as long as Zhang Tuohai can help her win the competition. The victory of the game, what counts as the number of dead players?

It is with the decryption of the prompt system that Zhang Tuohai is so confident.

Since there is no problem as long as the final victory is won, why hesitate?

Without the constraints of the rules, Zhang Tuohai let go of his hands and feet.

The self-propelled machine was ordered to fight back.

At the same time, the flying gasoline saws that had been hidden in the sky also swooped down and threw plasma grenades into the crowd.

Boom, boom!

Clouds of plasma exploded in the player group.

Rows of electromagnetic cannonballs swept across the battlefield.

It used to be those self-propelled machines forbearance, and now they let go of their hands and feet, those players are naturally not opponents.

After two rounds of attacks, there was not even a single one that could stand, and they all turned into glazed light and disappeared.

Zhang Tuohai finally discovered one of the advantages of the battle world, that is, players cannot escape by suspended animation.

If you die, you will die, and there will be no corpse left, and it will disappear directly into a glazed light.

If, leaving a body, there must be a problem.

No, after the battle, Zhang Tuohai saw that there were three broken corpses staying in place on the battlefield full of bullet scars, indicating that there was a problem.

"Dare to play this."

Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help laughing.

If this is in another world, this kind of skill can be somewhat useful, and a careless opponent is really deceived by them.

But in the combat world with a special mechanism, their corpses are as conspicuous as searchlights in the night.

"Throw these corpses into the potion making machine. I don't believe that if the corpses are destroyed, they can still be resuscitated."

Zhang Tuohai waved his hand and said.

Immediately take two self-propelled machines to drag the body away.

The remaining self-propelled machines immediately cleaned the battlefield and collected bronze treasure chests.

In order to avoid accidents, Zhang Tuohai personally supervised near the battlefield.

Fortunately, in the next period of time, there were no accidents in the field, everything went smoothly, and the scattered bronze treasure chests were also collected.

"Shut up."

Zhang Tuohai recruited all the self-propelled machines, and immediately ran away with the bucket, leaving the area.

Xiao Ai was busy moving the battlefield, Awei was lying in the medical cabin waiting to wake up, Aya and Jinse continued to go back to the hot spring to discuss the experience of using powers. After the battle just now, the two had a new understanding.

Zhang Tuohai squatted in the warehouse and started to open the treasure chest.

"Goddess of dice bless!" Zhang Tuohai washed his hands seriously, and then began to open the box.

Fleet players' boxes are as **** as ever, and rums of various types account for the vast majority.

If it was Vladimir who opened the box, he would definitely jump up excitedly and kowtow three times to the goddess of dice.

But Zhang Tuohai didn't like drinking this kind of hard liquor very much, so he could only exchange it for points.

Players from the same camp didn't have any good things in their boxes. They were all bazooka, anti-tank grenades, etc. They couldn't even exchange points.

Seeing Zhang Tuohai's brain hurts.

If it weren't for the fact that two pieces of rune equipment had fallen into his hands, this operation would have been a blood loss.

It was the two pieces of rune equipment that Zhang Tuohai also threw to Lilith for inspection. After the identification and recording work, he confirmed that there was no other use, and he could take it back and continue to use it.

"Apart from gaining 4,125 points, it's a blood loss."

Zhang Tuohai thought with some dissatisfaction.

He looked down at his family's badge, and his points had risen to 7236 at this time.

At this point, the points can already be used to purchase the Level 6 auto parts in the points mall.

However, Zhang Tuohai had no intention of buying at this time.

Because that accessory is a life accessory, it doesn't improve his combat effectiveness, so he should stay and see.

After sorting out the harvest, Zhang Tuohai suddenly remembered a question.

That is, when he was fighting against Schultz, this guy was obviously going to run away. As a result, the crimson streamer actually dissipated at the last minute. What happened?

Hearing Zhang Tuohai's question, Lilith, who was experimenting, smiled.

"What else is there, because I used the imaginary number core to temporarily block the space and blocked the link between him and the goddess, which interrupted his teleportation."

Lilith said.

"Can you control the imaginary number core?" Zhang Tuohai became excited when he heard Lilith's explanation.

"Well, with Xiao Wu's participation, the cracking progress has been much faster, and I can already master a few basic control commands. I originally planned to tell you when the first phase of the test was completed. Since you asked, then Just let you know in advance."

Lilith said with a smile.

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