"It finally succeeded."

Zhang Tuohai entered the temple of Hermes through the portal.

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Tuohai would definitely not dare to enter the temple of Hermes directly.

Even if Hermes is not in the temple and someone enters, even if the other party is thousands of miles away, he can feel that if he uses the characteristics of the temple to return, Zhang Tuohai, who has become a demigod, may not really be able to resist.

However, it was different at this time. Hermes was already half disabled, and even if it felt that someone had sneaked into its temple, it would never dare to come back.

Even if it dares to come back, it is not certain who will clean it up.

Zhang Tuohai wandered wildly in the temple, not at all worried that someone would break in.

However, it is a pity that there is a huge temple in Hermes, but it is poor. The huge temple is cleaner than Zhang Tuohai's face, and there is nothing at all.

It's not too much to describe it with four walls.

Even the walls of the temple are huge original obsidian, not to mention the mural decoration, there is no pattern at all.

"So poor?"

Zhang Tuohai walked around the temple three times, but he didn't find anything, not even a chair.

"Isn't this Hermes doing too much? How can it be possible to leave nothing at all?"

Zhang Tuohai was a little unwilling, but he turned around in the hall several times and couldn't find anything at all.

"Or, just leave like this?" Zhang Tuohai thought helplessly.

"No, absolutely not the air force, even if you pry two floor tiles." Zhang Tuohai glanced at the ground, wanting to see where it would be better to do it.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that in the corner of the temple, there was an ever-bright lamp, emitting a faint but constant light.

"It's much easier to handle than floor tiles."

Zhang Tuohai walked over quickly, ready to pick up the lamp.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from under his feet: "Dad, don't move that lamp!"

Zhang Tuohai: "???"

"Who's talking?" Zhang Tuohai followed the voice and looked around, but there was nothing under his feet except the identical floor tiles.

"who is it?"

Zhang Tuohai touched the black umbrella behind him.

"Dad is me! Wait a moment, I'm stuck, wait for me to pull out my body."

Accompanied by the sound, a floor tile twisted its body and climbed out of the ground with difficulty. After getting up from the ground, it twisted its body and shook off the dust on it.

"Who are you?" Looking at the floor tiles, Zhang Tuohai felt a little numb.

"I'm Xiao Jiu, the ninth page of "The Book of Ten Thousand Laws". When I was running around, I accidentally wandered here. In order not to be discovered, I became a floor tile. ."

Xiao Jiu said, twisting her body proudly.

"Well, it's pretty good." Zhang Tuohai looked at Xiao Jiu who was proud, not knowing what to say.

He felt that his descendants seemed to be getting more and more strange. It didn't matter if he had a daughter or a son, the paper man's daughter could also accept it. Not long ago, a chair appeared, and this time it turned into a floor tile. Dare to imagine what will come out in the future.

"By the way, what did you mean by not letting me touch this light just now?"

Zhang Tuohai asked curiously.

"This lamp is camouflaged. The main body is a mutant worm that is good at camouflage. It is now in a dormant state. If you touch it, it will activate, and it will devour everything around it."

Xiao Jiu said.

"Really?" Zhang Tuohai looked at the lamp suspiciously. How could it be similar to the Everbright Lamp? Even the rust produced by the metal for a long time was the same. It was hard to imagine that this thing was actually disguised by a monster. .

"Dad, if you don't believe me, I'll show you the show, but back off a bit."

Xiao Jiu said.

"Okay," Zhang Tuohai took a few steps back.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Jiu suddenly flew up from the ground and hit the Everbright Lamp fiercely.

A whistling sound of wind sounded, and the ever-bright lamp suddenly jumped up and turned into a huge worm with a big mouth.

After the huge worm woke up, it opened its mouth wide and rushed towards Zhang Tuohai's direction.

At this moment, Xiao Jiu jumped up abruptly, slammed his body on the worm's head, and shouted loudly, "Eat me a brick!"


Xiao Jiu slammed firmly on the worm's head.

The worm shook twice, fell to the ground with a thud, and fainted.

After the blow worked, Xiao Jiu seemed to be very proud of her work, standing on the worm's head with her head held high, with an expression of complimenting me.

Zhang Tuohai, who was standing aside, was stunned.

He was not shocked by the worm. After being baptized in more than a dozen worlds, he had even seen a super monster like the Soul Eater that spanned hundreds of kilometers. A worm in a mere amount was nothing. What shocked him was Xiao Jiu.

It seems to have instinctively regarded itself as a brick, and just now, whether it is strength or angle, it is perfect, almost impeccable.

However, when he thought of calling this thing his father, he felt a pain in the ass.

"Well, can you change back to your original form? It's always like a brick, it feels weird."

Zhang Tuohai said helplessly.

"Is it the original?" Xiaojiu scratched his head, then said apologetically, "I forgot."

"Can you forget this too?" Zhang Tuohai looked at Xiao Jiu in disbelief.

"There's no way, it's been too long, I forgot the original appearance, I can't go back in a short time, maybe if it takes a long time, I can slowly recover."

Xiao Jiu said a little embarrassedly~www.readwn.com~ This is the legendary pig who has been pretending to be a pig for a long time, and has really become a pig? "

Zhang Tuohai thought to himself when he looked at Xiao Jiu.

At this time, Lilith walked in with a large group of self-propelled machines, looking like she was ready to do it.

As a result, when she walked into the temple, she was shocked by the scene in front of her, and muttered to herself, "This is really the temple? It's too poor."

"Big sister, big sister, I'm Xiao Jiu."

Seeing Lilith, Xiao Jiu jumped off the worm's head, and a powerful flying brick flew towards Lilith.

"Where is the evildoer?"

Seeing a black shadow flying over, Lilith's emergency defense measures were activated, and a huge alloy armor popped out from the pendant on her chest. The thick alloy armor blocked Lilith firmly behind. , In addition, there is a layer of plasma shield on the outside of the armor. When Xiaojiu turned into a brick, when it flew halfway, the potential energy was cut off by the plasma shield, and it was firmly trapped in the shield. , there is no way to advance or retreat.

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