Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 852: goodbye plague

"Stop me all!"

Zhang Tuohai pressed the button on the wristband, and the lights on the helmet kept flashing.

The many strong men who were originally menacing stopped instantly, their eyes were dull, and they stared at Zhang Tuohai dumbly.

"Who are you, why are you taking my buns?"

Zhang Tuohai picked up a bun, took a bite and asked.

"I'm in a hurry to carry out the Tianzihao mission, I'm afraid that time will be delayed." A strong man in the lead said.

"Tianzihao task? What level of task is this? What is the content of the task?"

Zhang Tuohai took a bite of the bun and continued to ask.

"The Tianzihao quest is the highest-ranking quest within the Monster Slayer. After receiving the quest, all Monster Slayers must complete it unconditionally and have no right to refuse. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a betrayal and pursued for life."

The strong man at the head said.

"The content of the task is to kill a little girl named Mozi, and she must not be allowed to reach the underworld. You can pay any price for this, even if you reach a cooperation with the demon."

"Huh? It's okay to cooperate with demons? Aren't you monster slayers? You actually started to cooperate with demons? Who issued this quest?"

Zhang Tuohai asked with a frown.

"We don't know why, but we don't have the right to inquire about the Tianzihao task, and we can only do it. This level of task can only be issued by the pavilion owner himself. As for whether there are other employers, only the pavilion owner knows. "

said the strong man.

"In other words, you know nothing about the details of the mission?"

"We are going to Qianji City to ask for detailed mission information."

"Thousand Machines City? How do I get to Thousand Machines City from here?"

Zhang Tuohai's eyes lit up, he was worried that he didn't know how to get to Qianji City, but he didn't expect that someone would bring a pillow.

"Go north along the official road for 130 miles and you will reach Qianji City."

said the strong man.

"Is it 130 miles north?" Zhang Tuohai wrote down.

"If that's the case, you guys, stand upside down and leave here, and go west until you have no strength."

Zhang Tuohai said.


The brawny man at the head heard the words and immediately did a backflip, put his hands on the ground, and walked towards the outside of the steamed bun.

The rest of the strong men also followed suit and rushed all the way to the west.

The rest of the people in the whole steamed bun shop stared at the scene in front of them, not knowing what to do.

"What are you looking at? Are the buns finished?" Zhang Tuohai said to the boy.

"Guest officer, wait a moment," the young men quickly lowered their heads when they heard the words, and quickly wrapped the buns. The boss also thoughtfully prepared two baskets.

"Let's go, we can't wait any longer here, eat steamed buns on the road, go and change your clothes first."

Zhang Tuohai said, and left the steamed bun with stunned Mozi.

Soon, Zhang Tuohai bought a few sets of children's clothing in a clothing store in the city, and then asked him to find an inn, and asked the man to burn a large bucket of hot water and give Mozi a bath.

Although the washed Mozi was still haggard and sickly, it was much better than before. With the men's clothes specially bought by Zhang Tuohai, he looked like a weak rich young master.

After washing it properly, Zhang Tuohai rode the horses that came from the hands of the demon slayers, went straight out of the city, and galloped towards the north.

It has to be said that these horses of Monster Slayer are all first-class horses, and the speed of riding on them is almost the same as that of ordinary cars.

The journey of more than 100 miles took only a little over an hour to arrive.

However, Zhang Tuohai didn't think about riding into the city on horseback. Who knows if there is any secret memory left by the Monster Slayer right away.

He was also going to give the Demon Slayer a sneak attack. If he was recognized by the other party first, it would not be beautiful.

After dismounting and driving the horse into the woods, Zhang Tuohai led Lilith and Mozi to Qianji City.

Thousand Machines City is several times larger than the previous Black Horn City. The city walls are more than ten meters high, and they are all made of bluestone. There are horse faces and arrow towers on them. In addition to the archers, there are also arrow towers. The huge crossbow, even with red runes painted on it, looked like it was impregnable.

The defense at the gates of Thousand Machines City was also much stricter. Not only were there dozens of soldiers in black armor, but there were also more than a dozen men in strong suits with long knives on their waists, and the leader of them also held a portrait , and from time to time compared to passers-by.


Zhang Tuohai walked over quickly, got close to the man in strong suit, and looked at the portrait in the other's hand seriously.

On the portrait is a girl with a dark complexion, which is eight or nine points similar to the previous Mozi.

However, what Mozi's dress is now, it's a world of difference.

"This painter's skill is good, and he can draw people's portraits so realistically. If he sets up a stall to sell paintings, the income must be good."

Zhang Tuohai was amazed on the side.

"Hey, what are you doing, what are you doing standing next to me?"

At this time, the man holding the portrait finally found Zhang Tuohai who was standing beside him judging the portrait, and asked in shock.

He had never seen such a person in front of him. Seeing that Monster Slayer was handling a case here, he still dared to come over, and he was arguing here. Don't you know how to write dead words?

While speaking, the handsome man put away the portrait and put one hand on the handle of the knife.

When the other demon slayers around saw it, they all grabbed the long knives around their waists, and slowly surrounded Zhang Tuohai in a half-moon shape.

Seeing this, the other black armored nobles also raised their spears.

When the passers-by around saw it, they immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

The entire city gate was immediately empty.

"It's okay, I'm just here to take a look. By the way, I've seen the person on your portrait before."

While talking, Zhang Tuohai pressed the button on the wristband.

The lights on the helmet flickered.

"Where is it?" The leading man in strong suit asked excitedly when he heard the words.

"It's just at the South City Gate, hurry up, if you go late, you will be taken away by others, and your credit will be lost."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Thank you!" The headed man in strong suit clasped his fists with both hands, and led the demon slayer and the hurrying to the direction of Zhang Tuohai's finger.

"Come on, it's time for us to enter the city."

Zhang Tuohai greeted Lilith and Mozi, and swaggered into Tianji City.

After a while, the man in strong suit who was running with his head down suddenly stopped, and he remembered a question: "I am guarding the South City Gate, where am I running to?"

"It's not right!"

The leading man in strong suit scratched his head, puzzled.

At this moment, a group of black-armored cavalry galloped from a distance, led by two men in black with black hoods. If Zhang Tuohai was here, he would definitely recognize one of them. That is the demigod who stole Shamir's authority and brought them here - the plague.



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