Chaos, disorder, this is Lilith's first feeling.

If the mental thoughts of a normal person are a calm pond, the mental thoughts she feels now are like the sea passing through a storm, violent and chaotic.

The spirits slammed around like turbulent currents, and Lilith felt like a boat in a storm, and she would be smashed to pieces by these violent turbulent currents.

"The mental power is too chaotic to rush in." Lilith tried several times, but was rushed back by the violent mental turbulence.

"If you can't get in mentally, just break in physically!"

Zhang Tuohai thought for a while, pressed a button, and the water droplets spread out in an instant, turning into a tent-like thing, blocking all kinds of tentacles, while Zhang Tuohai held an umbrella with one hand and hugged Lilith with the other. Charged towards the core of the giant jellyfish.

A layer of black light shrouded the outside of the black umbrella, protecting Zhang Tuohai and Lilith from the violent mental turbulence. At the same time, a huge drill was formed in front of the black light of countless black petals. The core drilled down.

Puff puff--

I felt that Zhang Tuohai was constantly approaching his core, and the giant jellyfish became more and more violent.

Not only the impact of those mental turbulence is getting stronger and stronger, but those tentacles also broke the outer skin of the umbrella cap and stretched out, trying to dig Zhang Tuohai out.

The surrounding attacks became more and more violent, and the originally rich black light also dimmed a bit.

Zhang Tuohai didn't care at all, but rushed straight towards the core of the giant jellyfish.

At this moment, two strong mental turbulence suddenly hit Zhang Tuohai, one from the left and the other from the right.

Through the light, Zhang Tuohai could vaguely see the shadows of Lord Wanzu and Lord Void in the turbulent stream.

"Could it be that every turbulent flow here is a devoured soul. It became like this because it devoured too many souls in a short period of time and did not digest it?"

Zhang Tuohai secretly guessed.

Thinking of this, he changed the shape of the black light. In addition to the petal drill at the front, the black light egg was also surrounded by dense chain saw teeth, and the entire black light egg turned into a high-speed drill, directly piercing the surrounding The turbulent flow broke into pieces.

The two turbulent currents belonging to Lord Wanzu and Lord Void saw this and wanted to escape, but they were too close to Zhang Tuohai. Although they tried their best to leave, they were still attracted by a strong suction force. Suck it back, then smashed to pieces by the furious drill.

After smashing the Lord Wanzu and the Lord Void, the rest of the mental turbulence was frightened by the scene, and they dared not approach for a while, and the surrounding area instantly fell into a strange silence.

Zhang Tuohai saw the opportunity, accelerated and rushed forward, and rushed out three or four kilometers in an instant. At this time, those turbulent currents reacted and chased after him, but Zhang Tuohai had already rushed out at this time. It's too far, and they can only eat ashes behind Zhang Tuohai's ass.

Compared with the diameter of the wide umbrella cap, the thickness of the jellyfish umbrella cap is not too thick. Zhang Tuohai accelerated forward by another kilometer and finally reached the core position of the giant jellyfish.

"Over there, I can feel it, the emotion is emanating from there."

Lilith pointed to the left.

Zhang Tuohai looked over there, a nearly transparent human figure was suspended in the void.

"you sure?"

Zhang Tuohai turned slightly and leaned over.

"That's right, it's it, the seventh page, a chapter dedicated to recording spirit and thinking, no wonder that shape looks so familiar to me. When I was chatting once, Xiao Qi said that if it can change shape, it will be It turns into a jellyfish, which is the most suitable form for researching spirits, but I didn't expect it to actually do it.

Lilith said.

Zhang Tuohai controlled the drill composed of black light and slowly approached the side of the humanoid.

Only then did they see clearly that the human figure was not suspended in the void, but was bound by thousands of threads and fixed in mid-air. Those threads were constantly drawing energy from the phantom of the human figure, the phantom of the human shape. becomes more and more dim. Gu Mang

"Little Seven!"

Seeing this scene, Lilith's face was full of anxiety, and she rushed towards the human-shaped phantom.

Suddenly, a few transparent silk threads were pulled out of the human-shaped phantom and stabbed towards Lilith.

Lilith's attention was focused on Xiao Qi, and she didn't notice it for a while, so she didn't react.

Just when those transparent threads were about to pierce Lilith, a few black petals floated past, blocking the attack and cutting off those threads.

These silk threads seemed to have life. After being cut off, Qi Qi stepped back and watched for a while, hesitating to go forward.

With this action, the phantom figure slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing the person in front of him, the human-shaped phantom widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Big sister, why are you here? Get out of here, this is a cage made by the evil god!"

The words of the humanoid phantom seemed to have touched a switch, and the surrounding mental turbulence instantly became violent, and thousands of silk threads also hung down from the air and attacked everyone.

"Eldest sister, hurry up, if you don't go, it will be too late. Leave here far away, don't come again, this is the cage designed by the Heretic God to capture us, don't come close!"

The humanoid phantom shouted loudly.

"Dad!" Lilith turned to look at Zhang Tuohai.

"give it to me!"

Zhang Tuohai nodded, the black umbrella in his hand was raised, and the black petals fluttered, seemingly slowly, but covered all the surrounding areas.

Those black petals lightly crossed one thread after another, and in the blink of an eye, all the threads that hung the human-shaped phantom were cut off.

The humanoid phantom lost its support and slumped.

Seeing this, Lilith ran over and supported the phantom.

"Xiao Qi, how are you?"

"Eldest sister, I'm fine, but my strength was taken away."

Xiao Qi showed a miserable smile.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lilith asked both distressed and angry.

"When the Tianshuguan was we all fled separately. Originally, I found a jellyfish and planned to hide in its body to avoid the search. As a result, I was accidentally discovered by the evil god, and the evil **** did not kill it on the spot. Instead, use that jellyfish to make a cage, constantly extracting my power, and at the same time to catch you all."

"Later, the evil **** felt that it was too wasteful to keep me alone, so he sent the jellyfish to supervise the Zerg and drive those Zerg to erode the surrounding world."

"As a result, an accidental discovery, the Heretic God found that the Tianshu Hall was actually reduced, and sent these Zerg to test the truth. If the strength is not strong, it will be destroyed directly."

At this moment, thousands of tentacles and silk threads slanted down from the sky, and those violent mental turbulence also formed a combined force, constantly revolving around them, like a huge grinding disc, crushing them into pieces.

Seeing the scene here, Xiao Qi's face changed suddenly, and it used all its strength to push Lilith: "Big sister, go away, the jellyfish's body consciousness is here, it is invincible here, if you don't leave, you will also be caught! "

Before Lilith could speak, Zhang Tuohai raised his head and looked at the thousands of threads and tentacles hanging down and said, "Is the jellyfish's body consciousness? If we kill it, will this jellyfish belong to us? ?"

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