Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 894: Ironclad train

The latest website: Zhang Tuohai's control area is constantly expanding. Of course, he is not expanding blindly and disorderly, but with a purpose.

Having deduced thousands of times on this map, Zhang Tuohai memorized the various resource points and events on this map by heart, perhaps even more familiar than Ulysses.

Therefore, the direction of Zhang Tuohai's first round of rioting is the coal and iron ore he desperately needs now.

For the convenience of transportation, several simple railways were also extended along the way. Zhang Tuohai's base was like an octopus, extending its tentacles toward the nearby important resource mines, and then, with these resource mines as the core, Continue to extend towards the surrounding mines, eventually dividing the entire area into grids, resulting in de facto control over the entire area.

Zhang Tuohai rides the command vehicle to inspect the mining areas one by one.

"The defense strength of these mining areas must be strengthened tenfold. These places are to be used as nodes in the network. They are the most critical places, and are also places that are easily attacked by the enemy. Therefore, the defense must be complete, and it must be built into a hedgehog. Let the enemy pay the heaviest price!"

Zhang Tuohai instructed.

According to his standards, all the mines were built according to the fortresses, and a lot of resources were invested.

Although Zhang Tuohai has invested a lot of resources in these mining areas, his development speed has not stopped, but has become faster and faster.

With the increase of the fulcrum of the mining area, the development advantage of multi-point development has become prominent. The speed of development and expansion has grown like a snowball, and the control area has also grown at an exponential rate. After just one day of development, Zhang Tuohai's territory has become It occupied the entire grassland, and several tentacles penetrated deep into the forest, occupying several iron-rich mines.

Night fell, and the regular beast tide began again.

This time, the beast wave was stunned as soon as it rushed out of the woods.

The original vast grasslands disappeared, replaced by railways, trenches, anti-tank trenches, barbed wire, horse-rejecting and machine-gun fortresses.

There are so many obstacles that even tanks may not be able to break through, let alone them.

Physically, they are resistant, but there is always a voice in their hearts urging them to rush forward.

"Can this really be rushed?"

Many beasts had doubts in their hearts and fell into a choice.

Soon, though, their options were no longer needed, and the machine gun bunkers had spotted them and pulled the trigger.

The tracer bullets crossed the shining arcs of death in the dark night sky. With the movement of the arcs, the animals fell to the ground and turned into meat for the refugees.

This night Zhang Tuohai felt easier than before, and he didn't even hear much gunshots.

The next morning, Ulysses looked at the 30,000 skeleton soldiers he had accumulated overnight, and nodded with satisfaction.

For these skeleton soldiers, he pulled out all the people who could be recruited and made them into skeleton soldiers, including a large number of defective products made of animal bones. However, Ulysses was still full of confidence. I don't believe that at this stage, anyone can stop the impact of the Sea of ​​Skeletons.

"Let me see what else you can do!"

Ulysses stood on the carriage and waved his hand: "Go!"

The skeleton soldiers all over the mountains rushed towards Zhang Tuohai's camp like a tide.

Then, as soon as he rushed out of the forest, Ulysses was stunned.

Two steaming armored trains slowly drove over. There were more than 20 carriages hanging behind the trains, and heavy steel plates were hung on the outside of the carriages. There were at least six machine guns and a howitzer on each carriage. Six flaming stone sculptures are hung.


Ulysses cursed angrily.

Before he could finish his sentence, a high-explosive grenade directly hit his carriage.


Although he himself will not be injured by this attack, and there is no weapon in the whole world that can really hurt him, but the carriage he rides is not good.

The carriage was directly blown to pieces.

There was also a lot of mud splashed on his body, and he looked embarrassed.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of various machine guns and artillery became loud, and the skeletons all over the mountains were attacked by the key points.

Although the life of undead creatures like skeletons is very tenacious, and due to their size, the impact surface is also smaller than normal creatures, but in the face of such a saturated blow, it is also unbearable. After the forest fire, the raging flames swept towards the skeletons, and some of the skeletons moved slowly, or the skeletons surrounded by flames were quickly burned to ashes.

"Madfaq!" Ulysses angrily punched the tree next to him, and someone with a thick waist was directly interrupted.


Ulysses quickly retreated with his skeleton soldiers.

The skeleton soldier Wuyang Wuyang, who was all over the mountains and plains, ran back.

When he was evacuating the fire area, Ulysses found out after an inventory that there were only 20,000 of his 30,000 skeleton soldiers.

Without even seeing the person on the opposite side, he lost a third of it. Ulysses has never suffered such a big loss since he became famous. Especially, this is in his kingdom of God, the world of chess that he is familiar with. .

This made it even more difficult for him to accept.

For the first time, he wanted to lift the table and stop playing.

However, when I think of myself being defeated in the field that I am best at, there is a fire in my heart.

If he doesn't find the place back from this, he will be unbearable.

"You wait for me, sooner or later I will level your camp!"

Ulysses stared at the direction of Zhang Tuohai's camp.

Teeth are about to break.

"I actually researched rails and armored vehicles so I underestimated you, but do you think you can beat me like this? Let you see my true strength!"

Ulysses climbed up a hidden hill. In a hidden cave, Ulysses found twelve huge pangolins over three meters long. These pangolins are all good at digging and are best at digging. dig a hole.

"Go, go and dig up the railway at the edge of the forest, and dig all the railways for me, let me see how he still uses the steam iron armored car!"

Ulysses' eyes flashed red.

He also knew the weakness of the iron armored vehicles, that is, they needed to rely on the rails for their actions. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the firepower was, they could only be used as fixed turrets. As long as the rails were dug out, the power of those **** iron armored vehicles would be reduced by 90%.

hiss - hiss -

Those huge pangolins spit out letters and began to dig caves on the ground, digging in the direction of the railway tracks.


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