Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 896: launch vehicle

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Looking at the raging flames that covered the mountains and plains, Ulysses felt a pain in his liver. He had never suffered such a fiasco in this world, especially since this was the kingdom of God he was most familiar with.

For a moment, he even had the illusion that Zhang Tuohai was the owner of this kingdom of God, because the information that Zhang Tuohai occasionally revealed...

Chapter 1 Prisons for Felony Offenders

Zhenyun Prison is located on the southwest border of Huaxia Kingdom. The name of this prison may not be so eloquent, but the weight of this prison is not weaker than that of Qincheng Prison in Beijing. Chen Liuhe and Shen Qingwu

World sturdy man Chen Liuhe and Shen Qingwu/book/24050/

In Qincheng Prison, the prisoners may be tycoons and wealthy people, and they do not have a high enough status to enter the prison before serving their sentence.

The Great Sage


The Great Sage


Zhenyun Prison is similar to Qincheng Prison. All of the prisoners in this prison are extremely serious criminals. If anyone is dragged out, they will bear at least a few lives on their backs, or they will wander around the borders of several countries all the year round. Drug lords and arms dealers on the border.

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In a word, no one who can live here is not a vicious felon, and is either betrayed by life imprisonment or sentenced to death.

/book/Crazy Doctor Immortal Son-in-law

It is such a prison that is located in a desolate area in the southwest and is full of evil spirits. Today, several people who should not have appeared here came here.

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A military off-road vehicle with a military license plate came to an emergency stop outside the main entrance of the prison, and two people got off, a man and a woman.

/book/Dawang spare your life/book/ Dawang spare your life, let alone in a place where birds don't shit, even in a bustling and bustling metropolis, it is extremely eye-catching.

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I saw that the man was wearing a straight military uniform with a shining general star on his shoulders. Judging by his age, he looked like he was only about forty years old, but he was already a major general.

And that woman is unparalleled, beautiful and moving. Under the wrapping of a professional suit, her figure is even more graceful. She definitely belongs to the kind of disaster that can cause turmoil in the livestock in this prison.

When they got out of the car, they followed the warden who had been waiting at the gate of the prison for a long time and walked into this terrifying and important prison.

They were in a hurry, with anxiety and unease on their faces, especially the beautiful lady, whose beautiful willow-leaf eyebrows were always tightly wrinkled, and she had a very heavy heart.

"Prisoner, where is the person?" The major general asked with a serious expression. The three of them walked quickly, and they came to the prisoner's office in a short while.

"I've already sent someone to invite them, and they'll be there soon," the warden said. /

"Please? Warden, are you sure you are going to invite, not to interrogate?" The beautiful woman raised her brows.

Hearing this slightly sarcastic remark, the warden also smiled, sitting alone at the window smoking a cigarette, and was unwilling to explain more, the person they were going to see today, no one knew better than him, the warden, that person used to be. The brilliance and experience are enough to be called a legend.


He also never regarded that person as a felon.

"Wan Yue, after seeing that person, you must put away your contempt." The middle-aged man with the rank of major general frowned and reminded.

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"Uncle Liu, that person can really rescue my father?" Su Wanyue asked with some doubts, even an ace elite special team from the Nandu Military Region returned in a bad way. She didn't believe that the power of one person could turn things around. And what's even more ridiculous is that this person is a felon who was sentenced to life imprisonment in Zhenyun Prison.

If it wasn't for her trust in Grandpa Zhao, who is the chief of staff of the Nandu Military Region, she would have turned around and left.

"In the entire southwest region, if even Chen Liuhe can't do it, then we have to prepare for the worst," said the major general.

Hearing this, Su Wanyue's shoulders trembled and she said, "Uncle Liu, this is about my father's life and death, so I can't play with it."

The major general thought for a while, looked at Su Wanyue, and said with a very solemn expression: "Wanyue, with /book/Beauty President's strongest master Broken Gushang/book/Beauty President's strongest master Broken Gushang

As for the status of your Luyuan Group, I believe you should also know some information that has been blocked. A year ago, you heard of the huge international sensational diplomatic event, right? "

"I know that a certain country's royal shrine bled into rivers overnight, and thirty-eight people were killed or injured."

The major general nodded: "You guessed right, Chen Liuhe did this, or/because the influence of this matter is too great, Chen Liuhe, who has been called the most important weapon of the country many times above, will not end up in jail."

"Do you know how many people joined forces to protect him at the beginning? Who is Chen Liuhe? The pride of the army, the real weapon of the country, a person who has made great achievements in peacetime, until now, the army is all There are a lot of legends that belong to him, there is no doubt about his ability, if he can't settle this matter, then under the current situation, no one can really settle it."

The major general said decisively.

"Then why is he serving his sentence here? I always thought that this person should be in Qincheng." Su/Wanyue was surprised that she had heard about the incident a year ago, and it was a big sensational event.

"Qincheng?" The major general chuckled and said meaningfully, "How many people in the capital dare not let him go to Qincheng..."

Without waiting for Su Wanyue to ponder this extremely large amount of information, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a tall and straight young man came into sight.

The young man was wearing a prison uniform, with a short head, and he looked like he was only twenty-four or five years old. He was not very handsome, but his facial features that were carved by a knife were extremely tough.

"Are you Chen Liuhe?" Looking at the young man, Su Wanyue asked. To be honest, seeing Chen Liuhe herself, Su Wan/Yue was a little disappointed, because she didn't feel the iron and blood that any soldier should have from Chen Liuhe. There is a sloppy air that a child can't live without love, and it is difficult for her to imagine how majestic such a slack prisoner is.


"Oh, rare visitor, there's a major general here?" Chen Liuhe glanced casually, but his eyes didn't stop too much on Su Wanyue, a stunning beauty who was enough to make him score more than 90 points, so he was very familiar. He sat down on the warden's office chair, picked up a cigarette on the table, lit a cigarette, and began to puff. /

It stands to reason that it is strictly stipulated that prisoners here must wear handcuffs and footcuffs, but Chen Liuhe is an outlier. He never needs to bring those things, because many people also know that those things are useless to him at all. Just a decoration.


If he really has dissent, no prison in this world can stop him!


"Long story short, Chen Liuhe, this time we encountered a very difficult emergency, and we want to invite you out." The major general stood up and said straight to the point.

Chen Liuhe exhaled a ring of smoke, looked at Su Wanyue's graceful figure back and forth, and said casually, "You, a major general, ask me for help? Did I hear it right? I don't know if I'm a prisoner now? If It is for this matter, then you can go back, I have no interest or time."

The major general was not discouraged. He stared at Chen Liuhe and said, "This matter is of great importance. Only when you come out of the mountain can you complete this almost impossible task."

After a pause, the major general rested his hands on the table, leaned forward, and said word by word: "Some foreign mercenaries invaded our territory, and after completing the terrorist activities, you still want to leave. You were once a soldier, the best Soldier, has this short year of prison life wiped out all the military blood in you?"

"Foreign enemy invasion?" Chen Liuhe raised his eyelids and said, "This is easy to do, just mobilize strong firepower and bombard it to death?"

"If it were that simple, we wouldn't come to you." The major general sighed and pointed at Su Wanyue: "This is Su Wanyue, the only daughter of Su Weiye, chairman of Luyuan Group. This time, those mercenaries came to China to hold them hostage. Su Weiye, and Su Weiye has some important business secrets and technologies in his hands, we must not allow Su Weiye to be hijacked out of the country and allow foreign forces to succeed."

"Now, Su Weiye is already in the hands of that mercenary squad. They are on the southwestern border at the moment and may leave the country at any time. What they will lose is not only the secrets with huge commercial value, but also the face of our country!" The major general said loudly. .

Hearing this, Chen Liuhe nodded suddenly: "It turns out that you have to save people while killing people. This is not a small difficulty. No wonder you all come to me."

"The other party's background is not simple, right?" Chen Liuhe asked.

The major general nodded solemnly, took out a few photos from his briefcase, Chen Liuhe swept it away, and immediately became happy, he glanced at Su Wanyue again, and said, "Oh, it seems that your family has caused quite a lot of enemies. Even the blood wolf mercenary group ranked thirteenth in the world has invited to move, without 10 million dollars, it is impossible for the blood wolf guys to set foot in the land of China, tsk tsk, it is really worth the money."


Su Wanyue frowned deeply, a little disgusted by Chen Liuhe's schadenfreude ridicule, she said coldly, "Can you do it? If you can't, don't waste our precious time!"

Chen Liuhe ignored her, but said, "Let's talk about the conditions." /

"Completing this mission, we will let you regain your Major General said in a deep voice.

Chen Liuhe was startled, and immediately smiled at the warden: "Old Tang, give me back the things I handed in when I was in prison, buddy should be free."

"Okay." The warden grinned, and immediately asked people to take it, without saying a word from beginning to end.

Chen Liuhe's outfits are very few, just a set of ordinary single clothes, and a sharp blade with a strange shape like a crescent moon.

"If you don't ask anything, you're not afraid that I will lie to you?" The major general was a little curious.

Chen Liuhe smiled lightly: "You don't dare, unless the old men in the Nandu Military Region are not afraid that I will dismantle their rarest aircraft cannon."

"What support and what weapons are needed? We can satisfy them unconditionally," said the major general.

Chen Liuhe waved his hand, weighed the crescent knife in his hand, and smiled: "No need, the blood wolves are nothing more than the little cubs, when they know it's me, if they can not be scared to pee their pants, even if they have grown up. ."

Watching Chen Liuhe, who was dangling, disappeared from sight, Su Wanyue asked worriedly, "He... can he really do it?"

"Wan Yue, the most important weapon of the country is not just shouted at random, trust him." The major general said, and he was at a loss.

"Uncle Liu, I'm very curious. Why did he go to bloodbath that royal shrine in the first place? He caused such a catastrophe." Su Wanyue was a little curious.

The major general seemed to know something, he sighed: "For a woman, a woman who ignores him after his accident, ignores him, chooses to be wise and protect himself..."

Since ancient times, there have been many calamities, hateful, angry, and pathetic!

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