Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 903: unexpected deputy

Falling in love with, road survival, I have a reminder system

The next morning, when Robert came to deliver the meal, he whispered to Zhang Tuohai: "What the **** are you doing, do you know? Your behavior yesterday angered a lot of people, and the audience masters were very dissatisfied with you! No! Few people say they want to kill you on Bluebird! There are still people collecting your information and preparing to expose your information."

"It's none of their business, as long as they don't enter the voting session, it's fine." Zhang Tuohai ate the chicken rolls sent by Robert indifferently.

In fact, according to Robert's normal habit, it is basically coffee and bread, and at most a bowl of cereal.

But Zhang Tuohai was not used to it, so he insisted on meat, so Robert went two streets and bought a few chicken rolls.

Because the vendor did not pay the advertising fee, when Zhang Tuohai was eating, the chicken roll was covered with mosaics, so that when Zhang Tuohai was eating the chicken roll, it always made people feel that something was not right.

Seeing Zhang Tuohai's indifferent appearance, Robert didn't know what to say, so he could only leave silently, and then help Zhang Tuohai find more powerful weapons and armor.

Who asked Zhang Tuohai to earn him a commission equivalent to several months' wages in just a few hours?

The God of Wealth needs to be maintained.

Zhang Tuohai's job today is to add protection to the door.

bang bang bang!

Zhang Tuohai smashed all the windows directly with a hammer, and then welded pieces of titanium alloy metal plates to the car.

One layer was not enough, and two layers were added.

The most frustrating thing is that Zhang Tuohai also put a ceramic bulletproof insert in the middle of the two layers.

"God, what are you doing?" Robert looked at Zhang Tuohai's modification, full of question marks.

"Battleship armor is basically this model, but at that time, the craftsmanship was not up to standard, and steel armor and hardwood were used."

The bikini girl said.

"You actually know?"

Zhang Tuohai glanced at the girl curiously. The other party seemed to have nothing to do with battleships, so he shouldn't know this kind of thing.

"My father is a seaman, and my brother is also a seaman. My dream was to be a seaman too. There are many ship models at home, and I know a little more about this."

The bikini girl shook her hair and said nonchalantly.

"However, you have sealed the side windows. How can you observe the surrounding situation? The view from the front window alone may not be enough, right?"

Robert said worriedly.

"This is the second batch of things I asked you to buy."

Zhang Tuohai said and handed the list to Robert.

"Periscope? Do you want it?" Robert looked at Zhang Tuohai in disbelief.

"That's right, can you get it? If you can't get it, I'll have to make it myself."

Zhang Tuohai said and took out another shopping list: "If you can't get it, buy it according to the materials on this list."

"Let's take a look." Robert muttered and left with the list. He never thought that a racing competition would receive an advertisement for marine supplies.

After Robert left, Zhang Tuohai continued his vehicle modification work.

After a day of hard work, the body of the car could no longer look its original appearance. The whole body was wrapped in a thick layer of titanium alloy and ceramic armor, and even the outside of the wheels were covered with titanium alloy steel plates.

In Zhang Tuohai's previous videos, he saw that some people like to install sharp cones on the side of the wheel to damage the other party's tires. This has to be guarded against.

In the evening, Robert brought the items ordered by Zhang Tuohai, and also brought a message: "According to the above meaning, this time the game will be played as a two-player partner."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Tuohai frowned.

"That is, there must be two people in a car, and both people must have a role, not a vase, otherwise it will be directly judged as negative."

As Robert said, he took a small cake from a plate and stuffed it into his mouth.

This is all done by a Michelin-level chef, who can't afford these things at his salary level.

"What kind of **** rule is this?" Zhang Tuohai frowned.

He felt that this was obviously Zhi Ye targeting him.

Now, not only does he have to deal with a group of senior players, he has to deal with a cunning prison, he has to deal with foolish black fans, and he has to bring along an unknown teammate.

Are you sure it's not really pulling his hind legs?

"Do you have any friends? Prison means that if you can't find someone, you can find one of those death row inmates as a teammate..."

Robert suggested.

"Go away!" Zhang Tuohai decisively rejected Robert's suggestion.

You know, to be sentenced to death in a country that has almost abolished the death penalty, this person is definitely a heinous person, and serial killers are probably the least guilty ones. It is better to let him go alone to choose teammates from this kind of scum. against those enemies.

However, the **** rule forced him to pick a teammate.

"Would you like to? You get 70% of the bonus." Zhang Tuohai looked at Robert and asked with a smile.

This fat prison guard is not bad. Although he is a bit greedy for money, the two sides have common interests, so there is no need to be afraid that the other side will betray him.

When Robert heard it, he shook his head like a rattle. He has just made a little money and hasn't had a good life I don't want to throw my life in the death car race. Although the tragic scene of blood and blood has won the ratings and advertisers, and also made him earn green money, it is absolutely impossible for him to enter it.

"What about you? Are you willing?" Zhang Tuohai turned to look at the bikini girl next to him.

"Me? Can I?" The bikini girl was eating a hamburger, but she didn't expect Zhang Tuohai to lead the topic to her.

"I'm short of a deputy. If I'm willing to join, if I don't want to leave tomorrow morning."

Zhang Tuohai said.


Zhang Tuohai originally thought that the bikini girl would retreat, but unexpectedly, the other party just hesitated a little and then agreed.

"Are you sure? If you get on the death car with me, there is a 90% chance of dying."

Zhang Tuohai looked at the bikini girl.

"I owe Henry the Bloody Hand money. If I leave, I will either die, be dragged to be a warbler, or pick my waist, and there will be no way to survive."

The bikini girl smiled helplessly.

"It turned out to be taking me here as a refuge. That's you. Work hard, and you will receive 30% of the bonus."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Okay, what do you need me to do?" The bikini girl supported the table with her hands.

"Give me the tools."

"it is good."

The bikini girl became Zhang Tuohai's deputy.

With the cooperation of the two, Zhang Tuohai's car took shape day by day. In the early morning of the sixth day, Zhang Tuohai finally left the car factory because today was the day of his first race.

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