Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 911: cat and mouse game

In the props and clothing store, Zhang Tuohai originally planned to buy a suit from Zorro the Rogue. The half-coverage was a mask and a hunting suit, which not only met the need to cover up his face, but also facilitated his actions without being too cumbersome.

However, Zorro the Rogue was banned because of an unspoken letter, so Zhang Tuohai had no choice but to buy a Robin Hood suit.

Apart from the color issue of the hood, there is almost nothing wrong with it.

Miranda chose a suit for a female pirate. The huge three-cornered hat and the blindfold were enough to cover most of her face.

The only regret is that this suit has less fabric on it.

"Almost, don't forget, we are running now." Zhang Tuohai reminded.

"Okay." Hearing what Zhang Tuohai said, Miranda reluctantly put down her beautiful little skirts and followed Zhang Tuohai to check out.

After Zhang Tuohai left, the clerk hesitantly took out the wanted notice distributed.

When he saw the two of them come in, he felt that they were familiar. After they left, he remembered that the two were very similar to the ones on the wanted list.

He took out the wanted warrant and looked at it carefully, picked up the landline phone, and was about to make a call when suddenly, one hand hung up the phone.

Before the clerk could turn his head, he felt the darkness in front of him, and he fainted.

Zhang Tuohai withdrew his hand: "I felt that something was wrong with you for a long time, and there is indeed a problem."

"What should I do?" Miranda asked in a panic.

"Let's throw it into the locker room. Anyway, I don't expect to be able to completely cover up the past. It just so happens that I can use him to mislead to find the direction."

Ten minutes later, the Tulip District Police Station received an alarm call. A clothing and props store was suspected of being robbed. I hope the police station can take a look.

Tulip District is a wealthy area, and the police station has sufficient financial allocation. After receiving the call, two police officers rushed to the clothing and props store mentioned by the call.

Entering the store, the two police officers found that the prop store was very messy, with all kinds of costumes and props scattered all over the floor, the surveillance cameras had been damaged, and the store clerk was nowhere to be found.

Upon seeing this, the two police officers immediately drew their pistols, and cautiously walked into the store to check.

After a careful inspection, the two found the knocked-out clerk in the wardrobe of the clerk's locker room.

When the two police officers saw this, they didn't dare to delay. They called the police station for additional staff and called an ambulance for the clerk.

However, I don't know if I heard the word "ambulance", but the clerk actually woke up. He struggled and stretched out his hand. Pay the bill, I insist on living, I can drive there, and I must go to a public hospital!"

The two policemen looked at each other and could empathize with each other's situation.

If he went to a private hospital, the bill would be enough to pay the poor clerk for ten years.

"Are you sure you really don't need it?" a policeman asked reproachfully.

"I confirm. Also, lend me the phone."

The clerk said struggling.

A police officer didn't know why, so he handed the phone to the clerk.

The clerk called the bounty phone: "Hey, I found the trace of the prisoner..."

Police officer: "..."

He feels that he has been betrayed, and it is really hateful to eat alone. If I knew this guy was like this, I called an ambulance for him.

At this time, Kent had turned the Whitby block upside down. The police officers and gang members from all walks of life were like sifting through a sieve. They screened the people in the Whitter block twice, but they could not find any traces of Zhang Tuohai and Miranda. .

Even the surrounding eight adjacent blocks were turned over, and there was no trace of the two of them. It was as if the two had disappeared out of thin air.

"Where did these two guys hide?"

Kent is scratching his hair, he's going crazy now.

Carroll only gave him ten hours. If he couldn't find Zhang Tuohai and Miranda within the stipulated time, he would be accompanied by artificial reefs and swimming fish on the seabed.

Just when he was at a loss, suddenly, an assistant handed him a phone: "Mr. Kent, someone claims to have seen a fugitive!"

"What? Saw a fugitive!"

Kent was like someone who fell into the water. He found a life-saving straw and snatched the phone.

"Really, great, you wait. Before I arrive, you are not allowed to leave, and you are not allowed to tell anyone. The helicopter is ready!"

In order not to be thrown into the sea, Kent also fought hard and called a helicopter to rush towards the tulip area.

The other assistants and entourage followed him non-stop.

Inside the props clothing store, Kent grabbed the clerk's collar and asked, "Are you sure the two of them are fugitives?"

"I used to be an art student, specializing in portrait sketching. Although I failed the list, I was also professionally trained. It's no problem to remember a few people. If you don't believe me, you can also check the monitoring in the store."

The clerk was dazed by everyone who was shaken, but still explained.

"Go and check the hard disk recording."

Kent said to the technical restorer.

I don't know if Kent's luck played a role. Although the surveillance camera was damaged, the hard drive was not damaged. The surveillance camera clearly captured Zhang Tuohai and Miranda.

Especially the changing process.

"It's just the two of them!"

Kent gritted his teeth.

"Can you be sure which clothes they took away?"

asked Kent.

"This is not clear. There are too many things in the store, and now it's so messy. You have to take a good inventory to find out."

The clerk shook his head: "When will my bounty arrive?"

"It's too late to check them Kent glanced at the time and said to the people around him, "Immediately block the Tulip area, conduct an interrogation of all those wearing COS clothes, and be sure to find the fugitives as soon as possible!" "

"However, there are many distinguished gentlemen and ladies in the Tulip District, if they are disturbed..."

A policeman hesitated.

"If something goes wrong, I'll be responsible!"

Kent patted his chest and said.

Just kidding, if he can't find it, his life will be lost. In order to find the two of them, he is now willing to do anything.

"it is good."

After someone was willing to take the pot, the remaining police officers were also mobilized and began to investigate the people in COS costumes walking on the street.

Because today happened to be the animation festival, the streets in this area were full of COS costumes, which brought great difficulties to the search.

Kent looked anxiously at the time.

At the same time, Zhang Tuohaizheng and Miranda were walking around the campus in school uniforms, holding a stack of books in their hands, looking like ordinary students.


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