Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 919: Dive into the french fries

Chapter 920 Infiltrate the French Fries Market

Hearing Zhang Tuohai's plan, Miranda opened her mouth wide.

In theory, Zhang Tuohai's plan makes sense, and if it can be implemented smoothly, the feasibility is very high.

But the problem is, it seems to be taking a lot of risk.

After all, that was the headquarters of the Lehman consortium.

Are they really safe when they go?

She was very anxious in her heart.

"Do you think there is any safe place now?" As if seeing through Miranda's mind, Zhang Tuohai said lightly, "Actually, no matter what we do, Carroll's character will not let us go, since So, why not just play a big game? Cause some losses to the Lehman consortium, so that they will not have the energy to deal with us, and then we may be in a better position.”

Listening to Zhang Tuohai's explanation, Miranda felt that there was some truth, but also felt that something was wrong.

The plane flew all the way to the north at a low altitude. Fortunately, the weather was not good, the sky was overcast, and there was a faint sound of thunder, which obscured the sound and shape of the plane, making it impossible to visually detect the whereabouts of the plane.

As for the military radar, there is no good way to treat this low-speed wooden aircraft. On the radar, this low-altitude slow-speed small aircraft is similar to a bird.

With the help of the cloud cover, Zhang Tuohai's small plane crossed the villages and manors, constantly approaching the french fries market.

"It's almost here."

Zhang Tuohai looked at the terrain below and found a railroad track and a flat piece of land. At the end of the land, there was a forest.

This is a perfect landing spot, the terrain is flat enough to land the plane, the woods can be used to hide the plane, and the rails can help them identify their direction.

Just follow the tracks and you're sure to find the city.

"Get ready, we're about to land."

Zhang Tuohai pushed the joystick forward, and the plane slowly landed.

Boom, boom.

The plane was loaded into the woods at one end, and the two wings were broken, but the plane as a whole had no major problems.

"How? Are you hurt?"

Zhang Tuohai jumped out of the plane and asked.

"Fortunately, be steady when you land next time."

Miranda jumped out of the plane with crawling and crawling, and the whole person was dizzy.

"Hurry up, it's easy to be discovered if you stay here for a long time."

Zhang Tuohai greeted Miranda and left the grove quickly, walking towards the north along the railroad tracks.

After walking for a while, there was a rumbling vibration on the track below.

Zhang Tuohai and Miranda looked back and found a train coming from behind.

The two hid sideways beside the railroad tracks, preparing to wait for the train to pass by.

Boom, boom, the train passed by the two of them one by one.

Just as the train was about to pass by, the two suddenly saw the badge of the Lehman Consortium on a carriage.

"The car of the Lehman consortium!"

The two looked at each other, and then Zhang Tuohai picked up Miranda and ran for two steps before jumping onto the door of the last car of the train.

As soon as the two jumped up, the car door suddenly opened, and a man dressed as a bodyguard in a suit just opened the door and walked out, holding a cigarette in his hand. Then he subconsciously touched his waist.

boom! Zhang Tuohai slashed the opponent's neck with a knife, and then threw the opponent into the grass under the car.


Zhang Tuohai knew that this situation should not be too late. If it was delayed, it would easily arouse the opponent's vigilance.

Zhang Tuohai pushed the door and walked in directly. He saw three bodyguards in suits. Before those bodyguards could attack, Zhang Tuohai took out the police certificate and showed it in front of everyone: "Don't move, police officer. Handle the case!"


Several bodyguards did not respond for a while, why are there police officers on the speeding train.

Their natural behavioral instinct prevents them from acting rashly.

After all, an aggressive action will make the opposite policeman nervous, and then empty the magazine.

They are just a group of security guards who are responsible for looking after the goods, not mercenaries who lick blood with knives. They have a natural sense of fear when they see the police.

When they were stunned, Zhang Tuohai had already rushed in front of them, all the work started, and two hand knives slashed the two to the ground.

At this time, the remaining security guard realized that the situation was wrong. At this time, it was too late to draw a gun. Zhang Tuohai punched him in the stomach, causing him to bow his body like a shrimp.

Zhang Tuohai stumbled and pressed the security guard to the ground, and then the gun in his hand was already on the other's head.

"I ask you to answer, if this rule is violated, I don't mind asking you to eat a nine-millimeter peanut."

How dare the security guard resisted with the gun on his head, nodding his head in agreement.

After some inquiries, Zhang Tuohai learned that the train transported the central air conditioner ordered by the Lehman Consortium to replace the aging central air conditioner inside the headquarters building.

It is said that the central air conditioner at the headquarters of the Lehman Consortium has exceeded its service life for many years, and it often fails, causing the employees in the building to complain again and again, and even ridiculed jokes have appeared on the Internet, affecting the image of the Lehman Consortium. replaced.

Central air conditioner? Zhang Tuohai rolled his eyes and had a plan for Lehman.

He slashed the security guard with a knife, and then went to the surrounding cardboard boxes and opened them one by one. As expected, all the air conditioners inside were filled with the entire carriage.

Not only this car, but the whole four trains are loaded.

"The packaging of these air conditioners has been dismantled, and if they cannot be dismantled, a few openings have to be made on the packaging."

Zhang Tuohai said to Miranda.

"What's the use of unpacking?" Miranda wondered.

"Just do as I say, and you'll find out in time."

Zhang Tuohai said.

After speaking, Zhang Tuohai quietly approached the door of the link compartment and rushed into the other compartments.

With the successful experience, Zhang Tuohai took the medicine according to the prescription and solved several security guards. Through their testimony, he proved the authenticity of the words of the previous security guard.

After throwing the security guard off the train, he greeted Miranda to come over to unpack the package, and Zhang Tuohai invaded the remaining two carriages.

Unpack the air conditioners one by one.

"What are you doing here?"

Miranda dismantled the air conditioners of the four wagons, panting from exhaustion, and sitting on the ground almost soaked the police uniform on her body with sweat.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not do useless things, you can just watch."

Zhang Tuohai said and looked out of the carriage.

At this point, the train had entered the city, and the speed began to drop.

Zhang Tuohai jumped off the train with Miranda and officially entered the downtown area of ​​French Fries City, where Lehman's headquarters is located.

(End of this chapter)

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