Hearing Zhang Tuohai's words, Carroll's expression changed, and at the same time, she also felt the strangeness in her body.

She touched her body, and sure enough, she found two small plastic bombs around her waist, which were wrapped around her body with tape.

Although the plastic bomb is not big, its power is not small. These two small pieces are enough to blow her whole body into pieces, and the corpse has to be collected with a spoon.

"What the **** are you going to do?"

Carroll asked with an ugly look.

"Nothing, I just want to ask Miss Carroll to **** us. As long as we leave here safely, we will let Miss Carroll go."

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

"What if I don't agree?"

Carroll asked with a bad look.

"Then don't blame me for using some means to persuade Miss. I don't think you want to know, right?"

Zhang Tuohai continued to look at Carroll with a smile.

Seeing Zhang Tuohai's malicious smile, Carroll knew that he had no choice, and snorted in agreement.

"Looks like Miss Carroll agreed, then we're on the same boat now, let's go, let's go to the rental car shop."

Zhang Tuohai said and walked out of the woods first.

Miranda also stood up and stood in front of Carroll, looking down at her.

Carroll stood up reluctantly and walked out.

Fortunately, there was a small town near where they landed. Zhang Tuohai bought a few sets of clean clothes, bought a second-hand Ford Raptor at a premium, and bought two family barrels and a few bottles of Coke at a fast food restaurant. The supply on the road, anyway, there are many gas stations along the way, so don't worry about the supply problem.

The group went straight to the road. Carroll sat in the back seat and looked out of the car with an ugly face.

Looking at Carroll's appearance, Zhang Tuohai turned on the car radio directly and played country music.

The vicissitudes of singing really matched the pasture scenery outside the window. Coupled with this road with no end in sight, Zhang Tuohai has a sense of pleasure galloping on the vast western plains.

He was happy here, but Carroll's bodyguards were all going crazy.

After they climbed up from the water one by one, they were shocked to find that Carroll could not be found.

This frightened them.

Losing the employer is a major mistake. Although their salary is twice as high as that of their counterparts in the same industry, the task goes wrong and the responsibilities they have to face are also heavier. To be buried.

"Don't worry, the locator on the eldest lady can still transmit signals. We can find it according to the location."

The leading bodyguard said.

Everyone followed the signal sent by the locator to find the past, and then they found a lot of gadgets discarded by Zhang Tuohai in the woods.

Seeing the scattered things on the ground, the bodyguards became even more numb. You must know that there is more than one locator on Carroll, and many of them don't know where they are. However, those locators are well placed here. , This shows that Carroll must have been kidnapped, and he is a very professional robber, and may even be a mercenary who licks blood with a knife.

In this short period of time, they can steal Carroll from under their eyelids, and also disarm the electronic device on Carroll's body. At first glance, he is skilled, and he has even performed many simulation exercises, otherwise it would be impossible to do it. .

Things were beyond their control, and they immediately passed the news to Lehman Group headquarters.

The president of the Lehman Consortium was injured in his early years, and only Carroll was the only heir, who was trained in the model of successor.

If she disappeared, it would definitely be a major blow to the entire Lehman consortium.

is an unacceptable loss.

Sure enough, after getting the news, Mr. Lehman, the head of the Lehman consortium, was furious and directly sent dozens of experts from various professions to form an investigation team to go to the location of the incident to check the situation.

Soon, the expert group arrived.

After a preliminary investigation and information before the incident was obtained from the bodyguards, everyone agreed that this so-called bombing must also be part of the other party's plan. kidnapping program.

Following this line of thought, the cult group became their clue.

Then, the cult group was out of luck.

The professional team is a professional team. They immediately obtained the ticket purchase information of the boat from the industry company, and then found these people under the identification of the bodyguard.

The next step is easy, on the one hand, looking for these people among the survivors, on the other hand, finding out their group members from the social relationship.

They believe that if they dig along this line, they will find the organization that kidnapped Carroll.

Then the extreme cult group was out of luck.

He was directly uprooted by the mad Lehman Group Thunder Sweeper.

Those caught are all locked up in the private prisons run by the Lehman Group, and nothing else will matter. First, they will have a big memory recovery surgery to ensure that the prisoners will be recruited for peeking at the neighbors' baths when they are young.

When they put the information together, they found a problem, that is, the ship bombing activity they organized this time seems to have nothing to do with Carroll. After all, they have been preparing for this plan for two or three years.

If the kidnapping group really wanted to do it, they wouldn't have known in advance that Carroll would be on the cruise ship in two or three years.

This is a sudden and contingent event that is not predictable.

However, the question turned back, which one was the organization that kidnapped Carroll?

While dragging various ways to inquire within the industry, Lehman Group used its energy to seal and control all checkpoints, airports and ferry ports within a 200-kilometer radius of the accident site. Lore turned it out.

"There's a checkpoint ahead, it doesn't seem right."

Miranda glanced ahead and found that there was a checkpoint at the intersection. There were seven or eight state police officers with live ammunition, setting up cards to check vehicles.

"It must be the handwriting of Lehman Group~www.readwn.com~ The response speed is not slow."

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile, and glanced at Carroll by the way.

Carroll looked out the window expressionlessly, but there was a trace of nervousness and unease in the corner of his eyes.

"Let's switch paths." Miranda said uneasily.

"What to change, we are in a hurry, there are a lot of materials that are not ready, just ask them to help replenish it, do you want anything?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Ask them for something?" Miranda couldn't keep up with Zhang Tuohai's thoughts.

"Is it hard to understand? Let me show you."

Zhang Tuohai kicked the accelerator and rushed towards the checkpoint.


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