Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 936: solve the viper

Zhang Tuohai and Miranda drove to Straw City.

"There used to be Crystal Lake over there. Originally, there were a lot of wild ducks and a lot of fish here. I liked to play here when I was young, but I didn't expect it to become like this."

Following the direction pointed by Miranda, Zhang Tuohai saw the crystal lake in the distance. It was a large low-lying area. If Miranda hadn't pointed it out, he would have even thought that it was a large low-lying flat land, and a large lake had actually dried up. It can be seen how much water is scarce in this area.

"These people really have no lower limit for money. Since they are not decent, let me help them be decent."

Zhang Tuohai took a deep look at the huge depression in the distance and said to Miranda, "Soon, I will make that depression become a crystal lake again."

If someone else said it, Miranda would definitely think that the other party was talking in a dream, but the words came out of Zhang Tuohai's mouth, and she had an inexplicable sense of trust. Although she didn't know the reason, she felt that Zhang Tuohai Must be able to do it.

"Go into town and have something to eat, and then we'll talk."

Zhang Tuohai drove into the straw city.

Miranda spent her entire student life here, and was naturally very familiar with it, and soon took Zhang Tuohai to find a relatively high-end restaurant.

The two of them had stacks of beautiful knives in their backpacks, so naturally they weren't worried about running out of money to pay the bill.

The supply of high-end restaurants is still very sufficient, but the dishes made of fresh vegetables and fruits are much more expensive than in Beacon Country.

"This is obviously the place of origin, but the fresh vegetables and fruits are higher than the lighthouse country, really..."

Zhang Tuohai shook his head, not knowing what to say, he could only sigh that this world is too magical.

After the two of them finished eating, they drove directly to 233 Helu Street, the headquarters of the Viper.

Under the guidance of Miranda, the two came here. This is a small two-story building with a sign of straw into cola distributors hanging outside, which made Zhang Tuohai think that he was wrong.

With the confirmation of several passers-by, he finally confirmed that the distributor was actually a well-known local gangster - Viper.

"These gangsters actually have legitimate industries?"

Miranda felt a little unbelievable.

If they are also involved in this business, it is enough to show how considerable the benefits of this business should be.

Zhang Tuohai said with narrowed eyes.

"What shall we do?"

Miranda asked.

"Sit right here and wait for me to come back."

Zhang Tuohai left a gun for Miranda, and he walked straight to Viper's headquarters with two Glocks.

"Hey, what are you doing, this is the Viper headquarters, stop me!"

At the entrance of the headquarters stood two strong men with tattoos in vests.

The two stretched out their hands to try to intercept Zhang Tuohai.

However, as soon as the two of them made a move, Zhang Tuohai grabbed their heads and collided with each other.


The two of them collapsed like rags.

"That's it?"

Zhang Tuohai walked straight towards the building.

There are also many gangsters in the building, including a few people I saw in Old Tom.

When these people saw a stranger breaking in, they hurriedly touched their waists. However, before their hands touched the weapon, Zhang Tuohai had already come to the front of these people. land.

Zhang Tuohai walked leisurely to the second floor. As soon as he stepped on the stairs, there was a sound of gunshots in the opposite door, and dozens of bullet holes appeared on the door.

However, Zhang Tuohai had a hunch, and dodged to the side first, avoiding this round of shooting.

Finally, a gang member was used to knock open the door, and he rushed in using this member as a human shield, knocking everyone inside out to the ground.

"It went much better than expected."

Looking at the gangsters all over the ground, Zhang Tuohai nodded, and then he physically awakened a man who looked like the boss.

"Who are you, why did you want to attack our Viper, who sent you here?"

Viper's boss asked dizzy.

"This is not a question you should ask. There are two paths left for you. One is to be hanged by me from the street lamp, and the other is to lead all the gang members you can take to the lighthouse country."

Zhang Tuohai said coldly.

"You're kidding, we have a good time here, why go to Lighthouse Country?"

The Viper's boss said angrily.

"Looks like you've chosen the wrong path."

Zhang Tuohai's palm increased his strength.

"Uh-uh-" Viper's boss felt as if his neck was being grabbed by a pair of vise pliers, his trachea was being cut off, and the air he could breathe was getting less and less, he wanted to break free from Zhang Tuohai's shackles, The whole person stomped their hands and feet, but it didn't work at all.

After a while, the Viper's boss was silent.

Zhang Tuohai threw it aside, physically awakened a person beside the former boss, and said to him: "From now on, you are the boss of the Viper, and there are two paths in front of you, the first one, Hang with your ex-boss on the street lamp by me, and second, hang your ex-boss on the street lamp, and then take all of you and roll to the lighthouse country."

The man looked at the boss, oh no, it is the corpse of the former boss now, and after looking at Zhang Tuohai who was smiling, he nodded quickly: "I choose the second option, as long as I have a way to live, let me do whatever."

"Very well, it seems that you are a smart person, and I like to deal with smart people."

Zhang Tuohai patted the other party's face: "I don't like to be sloppy when I do things, I will act immediately, and leave tonight. If after sunrise tomorrow, I still find that you are stranded in the chicken roll country, then there is no need for you to exist. Use it all as fertilizer for the land."

"I understand, I understand, we'll go now."

The man nodded again and again.

"Open the safe."

Zhang Tuohai threw the man to the ground, pointed to the safe and said.

The man quickly found the key from the former and opened the safe with the password.

The contents were revealed, stacks of banknotes and ledgers, as well as several pistols, and even two grenades.

Zhang Tuohai took the lead in taking out the ledgers, flipped through them, and found that they were ledgers for lending and collecting protection fees, so he put them away. As for the money and pistols, he found a backpack and kept the backpack It stopped when it was full.

"The rest is just the money you run away with. Remember, at sunrise tomorrow morning, if you stay in the chicken roll country, you will never have to leave."

After speaking, Zhang Tuohai disappeared from the room.


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