Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 947: nomination certificate

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"what sound?"

Malthus turned his head in confusion.

Maduro's expression changed greatly, and he naturally knew what sound it was after all the year round with the gangsters around him.

"Bazooka, get down!"

Maduro fell directly to the ground.

The people around the green battle flag followed suit.

For the rest, because they drank a lot of alcohol, their reaction became a little slow, and they didn't have time to get down.


Rockets exploded around them.

The fragments of the rocket blasted out towards the surroundings, smashing the people who were still standing with the green battle flag into a sieve.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third rockets were fired one after another, and an explosion sounded.

Not only the people with the green flag were attacked, but those armored vehicles were even more heavily attacked.

Boom, boom, with the sound of explosions, the armored vehicles turned into flaming fireballs.

The people of the green battle flag were originally experienced and not weak, but Naihe just drank a lot of alcohol, and was stunned by the first wave of rockets. Machine gun fire.

Even hiding behind a car can still be attacked by a grenade launcher.

There are drones in the sky monitoring the situation in the whole area, and some small drones have launched suicide attacks on them with grenades and bombs.

They suffered almost a three-dimensional all-round blow.

Being beaten and kneeling in one round, he couldn't even organize a counterattack.

As soon as there is an organized ability, it will be immediately targeted by drones, and then covered by rockets and grenade launchers, three times and two times, the whole green flag will be smashed. Eight, there are three or two big cats and kittens left, crawling among the dead and not daring to make a sound.

The attack was fierce and rapid, and it took less than ten minutes to stop.

"Everyone who is still alive, immediately raise their hands and surrender, and walk out slowly. This is the last chance for you, surrender immediately."

The opposite took out a huge loudspeaker and started shouting.

Except for a few ponies who walked out tremblingly, almost everyone responded.

"What if they don't surrender?" Miranda asked Zhang Tuohai.

"Don't worry, I'm ready."

Zhang Tuohai said hello, and immediately several drones flew into the sky. These drones used to spray pesticides, but now they spray gasoline.

Smelling the smell of gasoline, the faces of the green flag men changed, and they raised their hands and stood up.

Then more and more people stood up.

"Ignite fire, check for weapons, and question separately."

Zhang Tuohai said.

The gasoline was ignited, and the raging fire quickly spread to the entire area. Some clever people who wanted to hide and shoot black guns were burned to ashes along with their bodies.

Those with the green flag were also searched and questioned separately.

These people are outlaws, but not diehards.

In order to suffer less guilt, he quickly recruited everything that should be said and should not be said.

After some mutual comparison, the information was sent to Zhang Tuohai.

"Are these people with the green flag?"

Old Tom looked a little ugly when he looked at the information on the document.

"What, have you heard of this organization?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Well, I fought with the government army with real knives and real guns. How could I not know that it is still in the south of the country."

Old Tom said solemnly: "Moreover, these guys are a group of out-and-out lunatics and butchers, and they treat people in the land like slaves and livestock. If you express your dissatisfaction a little, even if it's just an expression in your eyes, you will be punished. It is common for them to be seriously injured or even killed when they retaliated wildly."

"I had two relatives who lived in a southern green flag state and were beaten to death by those guys."

"So cruel?"

Zhang Tuohai raised his eyebrows when he heard the words. He has experienced so many worlds, and he is well-informed. However, if he thinks the green battle flag is so savage and brutal, he can also rank among the top few.

"Well, do you see the worried look on those cowboys' faces? That's scared by the green flag's reputation."

Zhang Tuohai turned his head to look, and sure enough, many cowboys' faces were not very good.

"A strong pressure?"

Zhang Tuohai is not worried but happy. Now is a critical period for the agricultural association to build cohesion. It is beneficial for him to have such an external pressure as the green battle flag here.

The greater the external pressure, the easier it will be to establish cohesion within the agricultural association, and everyone will think about how to unite against the enemy, rather than internal struggle for power and profit.

This green battle flag can be put to good use.

"Are you all afraid of the green battle flag?"

Zhang Tuohai asked the surrounding cowboys.

The cowboys didn't speak, but nodded in agreement.

"Since you are all afraid of them, don't let them come over, don't let them rule you, don't let the scars of your fellow southern states appear on you again, if you don't resist, then you and your family will be Like those in the Southern States who fell into the clutches of the green battle flag and will never turn over, so hold on to your weapons, protect your farms, your families, and be free!"

Zhang Tuohai raised the gun in his hand and roared loudly.

With the flames and gunpowder all over the ground, the adrenalin of the cowboys soared. Under the blessing of this scene, they were naturally inspired by Zhang Tuohai's speech.

"for freedom!"

"Free, free, free!"

A large number of cowboys raised their guns and shouted to the sky, like their ancestors.

"Unite against tyranny!"

A group of cowboys burst into blood, cheered slogans, and the blood in their bodies began to recover. They felt as if they had returned to the ancient battlefield against the British king.

"Push it up, accept the vote."

With a wave of his hand, Zhang Tuohai pushed out the remaining men with the green flag.

"Don't kill me, I'm a congressman, I can help you control the whole straw city. I'm still useful"

Seeing that Zhang Tuohai was going to kill him, Malthus, who was the first to raise his hand to surrender, was so scared that his legs went weak.

At this time, he no longer wanted to be the soil emperor of the straw city. He just wanted to survive. Any money was something outside his body, and his life was not important.

"We will get the straw city ourselves, you don't need to bother."

Zhang Tuohai waved his hand and pushed Malthus out.

Old Tom took the lead and shot the men.

The cowboys in the back followed suit, one shot at a time, and the executioners whose hands were covered in blood were beaten into sieves.

"Go, go to Straw City!"

Zhang Tuohai shouted from the front of the car.

Pickup trucks started and drove towards Straw City.

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