Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 960: 00,000 refugees are about to arrive

"Lighthouse Country?"

Miranda never expected that Zhang Tuohai would name this place.

"Wait, you mean you want to send those gangsters to the Lighthouse Country?"

"Can they agree?"

"Those guys were aiming to sell the gun, and I made them twice as much profit as I expected? How about where the people go?"

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile: "What's more, this is also an opportunity for them."

"What chance?" Miranda wondered.

"Look, after those gangsters arrived in the lighthouse country, they had no other craftsmanship. If they wanted to make money from guns, they could only copy the old business, either joining a gang or blocking the road to loot, which would aggravate the chaos of local security. Then, don't those military-industrial complexes have a chance to sell their guns? There was no demand before, but now that gangsters are brought in, there is no demand? Those guns for self-defense still have to sell?"

"If you have a gun, you can't maintain it? You can't learn how to use it? Parts dealers, ammunition dealers, shooting ranges, and coaches will all make a lot of money."

"Look, they just put forward a demand, I directly helped them complete the double KPI, they thanked me and it was too late, how could they be dissatisfied?"

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

"Really, really? Won't the security disorder affect them?"

Miranda was speechless in shock.

"What does it have to do with them? They live in a wealthy area, with a complete security system, high-density police officers, and security guards accompanying them when they travel. No matter how messy they are, how can they affect them? It's impossible. What they need It's just profit, and it's just the labor that they see, they don't care."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"And, it's good for us as well."

"What's the benefit?"

"Look, when we send all the gangsters and warlords away, will all the factors of domestic instability be eliminated, and the rest are good civilians. Can we develop with peace of mind?"

Zhang Tuohai depicts his ideals.

"Looks like that's really the case."

Miranda thought for a while, as if that was the case.

"So, we not only need to open up a passage for weapons transportation to the south, but also to open a passage for refugees to go north, so that those refugees have the opportunity to go to the free lighthouse country. Since their appearance is created by the lighthouse country, let the lighthouse country come. Solved." Zhang Tuohai said.

"Moreover, we can also use this opportunity to make another profit, and then use this money to revitalize various domestic industries." Zhang Tuohai said.

Now the whole chicken roll country is very poor, and a lot of wealth has been looted by a small wave of compradors at the top. If it is stored in foreign banks, people's livelihood will be withered. Otherwise, there would not be so many gangsters.

If you want to restore people's livelihood, you need a lot of money, Zhang Tuohai aimed at the gang.

And solve the problem of gun trafficking, you can continue to pluck a handful of wool from the military-industrial complex, and you can also solve the human rights problem (refugees) in the territory, and finally solve the problem of where the gang members go, and finally made a fortune. Disturbing the law and order of the lighthouse country can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Can't the military-industrial complex see the danger here?

Of course, you can see it, but, as Zhang Tuohai expected, as long as there are huge profits, those capitalists dare to sell the ropes to hang themselves, and there is nothing else they dare not.

Moreover, in the lighthouse country, the poor and the rich are separated by an invisible isolation belt. The law and order of the poor area is chaotic. What does it have to do with their rich area?

Besides, when will the law and order in the poor area be good?

Bringing in more robust illegal immigrants can also reduce some labor costs and fill the vacancies of the labor force. Why not n

Many low-end labor companies such as cleaning, grazing, construction and other industries even welcome the arrival of more illegal immigrants. Each person's salary is only one-fourth of the locals' salary, and there is no need to pay insurance. Why not?

Under the tacit understanding of several parties, a refugee passage to the lighthouse country was opened.

Countless refugees left the refugee camps and traveled through the refugee corridors to the place of freedom in their minds, the Lighthouse Country.

A large number of gang members, local ruffians, warlords, and even public officials were ordered by Zhang Tuohai to leave within a time limit, otherwise they would all be hanged on the street lamps.

At first, there were people who did not obey Zhang Tuohai's orders.

However, when Zhang Tuohai leveled 22 gang headquarters overnight and killed a regiment of rebels, the rest of the people obeyed obediently.

For those who cooperated, Zhang Tuohai did not kill them all, but allowed them to carry a certain amount of "private property". As for how much they can carry, it all depends on how much they can spend on tickets.

The one who spends the most money can leave by plane directly, and the second-class one can leave in a car of his own, and you can bring a car of salute, as long as your car can fit it.

Once again, first-class, you can only carry a suitcase, then get a one-way ticket and leave by train.

The worst is to walk on foot, salute, only what can fit in your pocket.

As for those warlords and gang members, Zhang Tuohai tolerantly allowed them to carry various individual weapons and ammunition.

Let them have a foothold there.

Otherwise, as soon as they pass, they will be wiped out by the gang over there, thinking that there is no one in their chicken roll country.

Can Zhang Tuohai allow others to say that about him?

I can't.

Therefore, he tried his best to protect the armed forces of these Of course, after crossing the border, what these people do with the weapons in their hands has nothing to do with him. On the other side of the border, Zhang Tuohai also took care of it.

The border patrol here completely obeyed Zhang Tuohai's order and opened the road.

The patrol team on the lighthouse country side was directly bought by Zhang Tuohai, who dug a two-kilometer tunnel under the eyes of those people and directly crossed the border.

The people over there were just pretending, patrolling the tunnels, turning a blind eye to the refugees who came out of the tunnels.

After the refugees arrive there, some Madonnas will provide food and drinking water to help those refugees get some supplies, and then these people can choose the area they go to.

Zhang Tuohai even prepared a map for everyone, marking some economically developed areas, so that these people would not find the wrong place.

From starting, to crossing the border, and even choosing the final destination, Zhang Tuohai helped them do it well. Zhang Tuohai felt that this was considered considerate service, and it was a good practice of the concept that customers are God. So, it's not too much to charge a little bit high, right?

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