Kant is an ordinary insurance salesman, like most people in the lighthouse country, married to an ordinary woman, had several children, and worked overtime to pay the various bills at the end of the month.

Today, Kant is very happy, because he has negotiated an insurance business again. In the case of the overall economic downturn, it is already a very lucky thing to be able to issue bills, which means that he can pay the bills without being laid off. , instead of being kicked out of the house by those tax collectors and living on the streets.

In order to celebrate, Conte bought a small cake at the convenience store, ready to go home to celebrate.

However, he had just walked near the community when he saw a raging fire not far away.

"Where is the fire again? Don't burn my house."

While thinking about it, Kant hurried home and called his wife Barbara to ask about the situation.

But the phone couldn't get through.

The discovery made Cont uneasy, and he began to trot toward home.

When he arrived near the door of the house, he was stunned to find that it was their house that was on fire.

Five or six black skins in hip-hop outfits were standing in front of the door with wine bottles, cheering loudly to the flames.

He also smashed the wine bottle in his hand into the house from time to time, and shot into the house from time to time.

At this time, a siren sounded in the distance, and the black skins immediately jumped on the dilapidated Toyota parked on the side of the road and ran away in a puff of smoke.

"These bastards!"

Kant quickly ran towards the door of the house, but the flames were so huge that the whole house was like purgatory. All the entrances and exits were blocked by the fire, and it was impossible to rush in.

When the fire truck came to put out the fire, all that was left of the house were the remnants of the foundation and some scattered skeletons, as well as several warheads embedded in the bones.

Sitting on the ruins, looking at the fire bill in his hand, Kant can't help but wonder what he has worked hard for all these years?

Is this the lighthouse dream?

Exhausted his life in exchange for the prosperity of the lighthouse, but what he needs to face is the never-ending bill and the oppression of those gangsters?


Kant stood up, he shredded the bill in his hand, asked the company to settle the salary, and used the remaining money to buy an AR15, a Glock, and a lot of bullets.

After finding a shooting range to practice for a while, Kant began his own revenge guide.

During the day, he lived by receiving free relief at the shelter. At night, he brought his own weapon and frequently entered the black-skinned community for the first time, hunting down the single black-skinned, especially those who drove worn-out Toyotas. Don't let it go.

Because the city where Kant is located is very chaotic recently, most of the police force has been shrunk to the wealthy area, and the police officers in other areas have been shrunk in the police station and closed their doors. An avenger who specializes in hunting black skins.

Until one day, Kant found the dilapidated Toyota that had been parked in front of his house.

He chased after the stolen second-hand pickup truck, and chased them all the way to a relatively prosperous street before forcing the group to stop. After a fierce shootout, he successfully killed the black skins.

However, Kant also suffered a little injury.

Coincidentally, all this was filmed by a female reporter who just got off work.

Kant didn't want the female reporter to send out the evidence, but the female reporter wanted to get more inside information, so she took Kant back to her home for treatment.

After a night of lingering, Kant slowly revealed his heart to the female reporter. The female reporter felt that this was a good opportunity to win the Pulitzer Prize, recorded the story, and asked a lot of details and mental journey.

The next day, after a lot of polishing and artistic processing, an image similar to Daredevil appeared. Kant was beautified from a purposeless avenger to a superhero who guards order in the dark night and eliminates violence and peace.

Because at this time, the lower-level community in the lighthouse country is going through chaos. Almost every day, dozens or even dozens of murder cases are seen. The nerves of the people are tense every day. They urgently need a superhero who can stand up for free. to protect everyone's safety.

And Kant just fits their needs.

The result can be imagined, Kant is on fire.

He became popular as Daredevil, community guardian, and hero of the night.

Many capitals also smelled the traffic on Kant.

Hollywood wants Kant to play Daredevil in a new version of Daredevil.

The Rifle Association wants Kant to be the spokesperson.

And the military-industrial complex wants Kant to endorse the AR15 rifle he uses.

Kant stood in the spotlight.

Being watched by so many eyes, Kant naturally had nowhere to hide. He was quickly found by the police, and then politely brought back to the police station.

In the police station, Kant was not treated badly, but treated like a hero, because this is a police station with all white skins.

Every day, various admirers came to visit, and several well-known booksellers hoped that Kant could publish a biography, and gave generous manuscript fees.

Popular magazines took Kant as a cover character~www.readwn.com~ Streets and alleys were full of Kant's image, and Kant suddenly became a white-skinned glory.

Many people came to support him, and some lawyers expressed their willingness to defend him for free in order to gain fame and make more money.

In just a few days, the money in his account has grown from poverty to seven figures, and he has become the top middle class.

Kant felt that he was in a dream, as if the dream of a lighthouse that he wished for had been realized in such an absurd way.

On the first day of the court session, the streets were crowded with people who supported him and regarded him as a hero.

On the other hand, he regarded him as a demon and kept throwing the black skin of tomatoes and eggs at him.

The two groups of people were very different. One hoped that he would be acquitted, and the other hoped that he could be beaten to death on the spot.

If it weren't for the fact that there were police officers blocking it in the middle, and armored vehicles staring at the side, the two sides would probably fight on the spot.

In the courtroom, judges, jurors, lawyers, and prosecutors are all sympathizers of Kant. Of course, there is no such coincidence. All this is arranged by the capital standing behind him.

Everyone is on Kant's side. The so-called trial is just a mere formality. The defense lawyer directly defended his innocence. He was excited to the camera in the courtroom and portrayed Kant as a silent The hero who guards everyone in secret is the hero of the lighthouse country, and the hero should not be locked in prison, otherwise, it will be a shame for the lighthouse country.

In the end, the judge acquitted Kant.

When the sentence was pronounced, everyone stood up and cheered, and there was thunderous applause in the hall.

After the verdict was announced, the black skin waiting outside exploded. While shouting to kill the murderer, they took out baseball bats and golf clubs that had been prepared for a long time, and launched an attack on the white skin not far away.

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