Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 986: Mercenary's End

With the impetus of money, the mercenaries are full of energy.

Although, their combat effectiveness and the regular army are one in the sky and one in the ground, and they can't be on the table at all.

However, the advantage lies in the small formation and high flexibility, coupled with the various individual heavy weapons and drones funded by Zhang Tuohai, it is enough to deal with some small transport convoys and material strongholds.

These mercenaries then search for weakly defended strongholds throughout the Lighthouse Nation, and then knock them out for bounties.

All of a sudden, the lighthouse country was stirred up by beacon smoke everywhere.

This led to an embarrassing situation for those guards.

They need to mobilize more people and more equipment to guard their supply points and supply transport teams one by one.

This will undoubtedly disperse their forces and greatly affect their advancing speed.

If you don't do this, the supply line will not be able to hold, which is very uncomfortable.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the supplies carried by the mercenaries have been consumed more and more, and the civilians have fled on a large scale. Survival forces them to attack the supply line, otherwise, their survival will become a problem.

Gradually, the mercenaries and those guards became an endless relationship.

Both the mercenaries and the guards need the materials in each other's hands, otherwise they will starve to death and be killed by this batch of weapons and ammunition. The two sides compete for logistics materials.

A group of people killed each other.

"Why are they so powerful recently?"

Langley, the young mercenary who got the reward first, hid in a ruin and asked the old mercenary next to him.

"It's not that they suddenly became more powerful, but we have never fought them head-on before."

The old mercenary swept the dust off his hat.

"Be careful, don't get caught, or we'll all die."

"Then what should we do?" Langley asked worriedly.

"What else can I do? Hide here and find an opportunity to evacuate."

said the old mercenary.

"Is it still possible to withdraw?" Langley looked not far away. Several tanks were advancing slowly. Behind the tanks were a large number of infantrymen wearing bulletproof vests. These people checked the ruins on both sides from time to time. Is there anyone hiding inside.

"I don't know, I have to try to find out." The old mercenary gently pulled the bolt of the gun.

"If I had known, I should have left after I got the first bonus."

Langley thought to himself.

However, at that time, after getting the first bounty, Langley felt that the money was not enough to retire. He wanted to earn more, and then followed the old mercenaries to continue to find strongholds and supply lines that could be attacked, and then led them to It went deeper and deeper, and even entered the hinterland of the lighthouse country.

There are guards on all sides.

And the people in the guard team also became fierce, because the mercenaries blew up many strongholds, destroyed many logistics convoys, and made many teams lose their supplies, and some people's relatives and friends were among those teams.

Many guards were red-eyed, and when they saw the mercenaries, they would kill them completely, and they would never tolerate it.

This also makes the situation of the mercenaries more and more difficult, so that even if they want to evacuate, they can't evacuate.

Those guards didn't even care about countering the rebellion, they specifically blocked their mercenaries to kill, and even started to use materials to make traps, just to attract them as mercenaries to kill them.

"Gene Era"

Langley and the others fell into this trap this time and fell into the trap. A small team of mercenaries was trapped in the ruins of a small town.

The other mercenaries in the team were killed in the previous artillery preparations, leaving him and the experienced old mercenaries.

"I still have a way to leave now," said the old mercenary.

"How?" Langley asked in surprise.

It would be great if he could get out of here safely. If he could get out of here, he vowed to leave immediately and never come back here again.

"Throw away your weapons, raise your hands and surrender," said the old mercenary.

"Surrender? Will they accept it?" Langley couldn't believe it.

"Don't worry, what they advertise is freedom and they won't kill you. As long as you are a defender of freedom, they won't kill you casually, and they will give you decent treatment."

said the old mercenary.

"Really?" Langley was moved.

"That's fake, come, raise your gun with me and get out of the trenches."

The old mercenary raised his gun and stood up to go out.

Seeing this, Langley hurriedly raised his gun, walked out of the trench and shouted: "Don't shoot, we surrender!"

"Don't move, kneel down!"

When several guards heard the words, they immediately aimed their guns at Langley.

Langley hurriedly knelt on the ground as requested by the guards.

"That's what you're going to surrender?" one of the guards asked.

"It's us, me and... eh?" Langley looked to the side and was stunned.

The old mercenary who had been by his side had disappeared.

"Where's the old mercenary?"

Langley was stunned.

"What about you?"

The **** of a gun from a guard slammed into Langley's head, causing a gold star in Langley's eyes.

"How do you hit someone?" Langley asked, rubbing his head.

"I beat you, and I will kill you." One of the guards pulled the trigger. UU reading


The bullet went through Langley's head.

Langley's body fell to the ground.

Until he died, Langley couldn't understand, didn't he say that the guards were free and would not kill casually?

Also, where did the old mercenary go?

At this time, the old mercenary was slowly crawling forward in the sewer.

"Sorry, someone has to attract the target, I'll get out alive and enjoy our bonus."

The old mercenary was startled for a moment at the sound of gunfire outside, and then continued to climb forward.

After climbing for more than ten minutes, the old mercenary found a shaft to go up. He climbed up the ladder, pushed the manhole cover, and found that it was pressed by a heavy object and could not be pushed open.

"It doesn't matter, you can still leave if you change the wellhead."

The old mercenary was not worried, returned to the sewer, and continued to climb forward.

Ten minutes later, another wellhead was found, but it was still crushed to death by a heavy object.

"It doesn't matter, the whole town is in ruins, it's enough to crawl into the distance."

The old mercenary walked all the way to test, climbed for more than an hour, and estimated that he was finally coming to the outside of the town. As a result, he was shocked to find that the road ahead had been collapsed, completely blocking the road ahead.


The old mercenary kicked both feet of the collapsed tunnel with all his strength, and he definitely couldn't dig it out on his own. He had no choice but to go back, hoping to get out through the entrance that came in.

"Those grandsons should have left?" The old mercenary guessed and walked back slowly.

It took another hour to return to the starting point. At this time, the old mercenary was tired enough and could finally leave this **** sewer.

The old mercenary climbed up and pushed the manhole cover hard.

However, he was surprised to find that the manhole cover was also sealed.

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