Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 990: the building will collapse

"Dear President, I can guarantee that we don't have a biological laboratory in Sanya." The commander-in-chief of the military was stunned by the question. He had no idea what the president was crazy about late at night to ask such a strange question.

But he still pulled the pajamas that his lover put on and answered truthfully.

"However, can you explain why those wealthy families in Saint Asia retreated in protective suits in the middle of the night, and they were still military-grade! It wasn't a leak from the biological laboratory. Are they wearing this kind of thing?"

Zhiye roared angrily.

"Wait a minute, President, I'll check."

The commander-in-chief of the military hurriedly picked up the internal phone and ordered to find out what happened to Sheng Yayu.

The calls went down one by one, until they reached the commander of the navy of Sheng Yagou and the speaker of Sheng Yagou.

The chief of the navy of Sheng Yagou was on vacation on a private island thousands of miles away. He didn't know what was going on. After receiving the call, he started to call each captain one by one.

As a result, those captains were either very drunk in the bar on the shore, or died in the attack, no one answered the phone at all, and had no idea what was going on.

And the speaker who knows the truth is even more afraid to report the truth. During his tenure, the naval port was attacked, most of the ships sank, and the nuclear leakage of the aircraft carrier was leaked. If it was made public, then his speaker would have done it. The only thing left is to resign. Way to go.

Therefore, he also remarked, saying that he did not know it, and was rushing to Shengyao to find out the truth of the matter.

After hanging up the phone, the speaker urged the driver: "Hurry up, drive faster. Try to reach the next state before dawn."

Zhi Ye walked around in circles in the office, calling from time to time to urge the military commander-in-chief.

The commander-in-chief of the military had no choice but to send a reconnaissance plane to find out.

After the reconnaissance plane passed the photos back, the entire headquarters was shocked, and they learned that the Shengyao military port was attacked, the ships suffered heavy losses, and even the aircraft carrier on the slipway was hit, and a nuclear leak occurred...

It's a big deal.

The commander-in-chief of the military did not dare to neglect, and hurried to the president's office by car.

"Dear President, I'm sorry, but I have bad news for you. Four hours ago, our naval port of Saint Arthur was attacked, the fleet suffered heavy losses, and even the aircraft carrier was attacked. It is only certain that a nuclear incident occurred. Leaked, I don't know what the specific situation is..."

The military commander hesitantly said.

"A bunch of rubbish!" Zhi Ye angrily patted the table and asked, "Why is such important news sent now? I only found out by reading the news on the Internet! I am a dignified president, and I actually need to read the news to find out. Don't you think it's absurd what happened in the country? Tell me, what is the purpose of raising you bastards? Is it a waste of money?"

Zhiye slapped the table angrily and roared.

"I'm sorry," the military commander lowered his head, "We didn't expect that someone would be so bold and dare to attack our great lighthouse fleet, please rest assured, in the West China Sea, we still have a military port, and we still have a fleet. , even if we lose a quarter of our ships, we are still the most powerful naval force on the planet, and we have the confidence to destroy all enemies who dare to attack us and grind them to pieces!"

The military commander patted his chest and assured.

"I don't want your guarantee, I just need time, I need specific time, tell me when I can kill those invading enemies." Zhi Ye asked angrily.

"This... I need to make a comprehensive judgment with my staff before I can give you a conclusion," said the military commander-in-chief.

At this moment, the secretary hurried in and handed a report to Zhi Ye: "President, urgent report."

Zhi Ye picked up the report and looked at it. The more he looked, the more ugly his face became. In the end, it was as black as the bottom of a pot.

She slapped the report in front of the commander-in-chief of the military, and said in a cold voice, "Take a good look at this report. This is the fleet in your mouth."

The military commander hurriedly picked up the report that had fallen to the ground.

Glancing at the title above, his face suddenly became very ugly.

It turned out that the military port of Shoggoth, which is not far from Shengyagou, was also attacked by unidentified personnel. The fleet suffered heavy losses. A nuclear submarine exploded, and the nuclear weapons inside caused a chain explosion, and the entire Shoggoth was razed to the ground...

The report fell silently to the ground.

The military commander's eyes were lost.

Shoggoth is the core of the Lighthouse Nation's navy, and it is the most important repair and shipyard. When the accident happened, four aircraft carriers were upgraded, docked, and replenished here.

It is also the home port of nuclear submarines, and there are ballistic missile research and development companies and carrier-based aircraft research and development companies on the shore.

The destruction of the entire Shoggoth port, not only the lighthouse country lost most of its aircraft carriers and more than two-thirds of its ships.

The destruction of ballistic missile and carrier-based aircraft research companies directly interrupted the backbone of the Lighthouse Navy. UU Reading

Although there are still four aircraft carriers and some auxiliary warships left in the lighthouse country, which can barely support four aircraft carrier battle groups, but according to the normal use specifications, only two aircraft carriers can be kept in a usable state at most, which is almost the most capable of going to war. Bottom limit.

The four aircraft carrier battle groups may not sound like they are too few. However, in the face of the lighthouse country's military bases all over the world, it is still too stretched. Even if the four aircraft carrier battle groups are forcibly deployed in the mission area, it will cause some A blank window appears in the area.

How can only so many aircraft carrier battle groups support the military strategic situation of dominating the world?

Without a powerful aircraft carrier battle group, how can they deter and suppress those younger brothers?

How to maintain the oil US knife system?

How to use finance to harvest the world's leeks?

How to use high salaries to harvest talents from all over the world?

It's a chain of interlocking dominoes.

The rupture of any link will lead to the collapse of the whole.

Worst of all, the ballistic missile development company and the carrier-based aircraft development company were all destroyed.

These are all private companies. In order to protect business secrets, the drawings are stored on the company's server.

"The Star Wants To Retire"

The destruction of the company means that these products have lost their successors, which means that the lighthouse country must face the embarrassing situation that once these weapons fail, they cannot be repaired.

If you want to produce alternative products, don't even think about it for three or five years.

This is still a sample, and it will take three or five years to put it into actual combat.

After these times have passed, the carrier-based aircraft and missiles of the existing navy of the lighthouse country have long been scrapped. At that time, can the lighthouse country still maintain a military system that dominates the world?

The commander-in-chief of the military saw four chilling words: The building will collapse.

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