Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 992: Shrimp Hey Rebel

The top soldiers in the station were talking a lot, and they had a headache about how to live in the future.

The outside of the fence is also precarious and on the verge of turmoil.

What those big-headed soldiers didn't know was that the big-headed soldiers who were assigned to Europe, Australia and other places were treated fairly well. Although they were imprisoned, they were still able to move freely in the camp, and their weapons were not confiscated.

Those big bosses who were moved to Sector 11 weren't so lucky.

As soon as they got off the plane, the soldiers who were eating sushi and drinking wine were disarmed by the Shrimp Guards.

The great and free beacon country leader who had been the emperor in District 11 was actually disarmed in District 11 of the colony. How can this be endured?

The big-headed soldiers were angry and struggled to resist.

However, just as they were about to make a move, dozens of guns were raised around them, and the on-board machine guns on the infantry chariot were aimed at them.

"Sheet, what are you doing?" a big boss asked angrily.

"Bagga!" A soldier of the shrimp guard smashed the **** of his gun on the head of the big head soldier, "Damn lighthouse ghosts, do you think it's still the days when you are rampant in the world? Be honest, or you will die. drop!"

A group of shrimp guard soldiers walked towards the prison on foot with a group of lighthouse soldiers, just like their ancestors.

However, the years of comfortable life made these shrimp guards unable to hold on to their own, so they could only arrange vehicles to send these ghosts and animals in their eyes to the prison and strictly guard them.

This is how people in District 11 are. When you are strong, it is as cute as a dog, constantly wagging its tail and begging for pity. When you are weak, it immediately shows its fangs, pounces on you, eats your flesh, and drinks your blood. .

After the additional soldiers were taken into custody, the members of the Shrimp Guard set their sights on the lighthouse military base in the country.

"Masters, the ghosts and animals of the lighthouse country have been occupying our land, humiliating our wives and daughters, and plundering our wealth all these years, are you still willing to be their slaves?"

A shrimp guard officer with a streamer on his head asked loudly.

"I don't want to!" the crowd below shouted.

"Then use their blood to wash away our shame, the enemy is in Hengtian! Go!"

A group of big-headed soldiers of the Shrimp Guards launched a pig rush towards the Handa base.

The garrison at the Handa base has been frightened these days. Seeing that the people from the Shrimp Guards launched a charge, they immediately chose to shoot.

Da da da-

A series of bullets were fired, bringing down a large number of members of the Shrimp Guard.

"Those ghosts dare to fight back and pull up the artillery!"

shouted the commander.

Several mortars were set up.

Boom, boom!

The gate of the base was blown to pieces.

Seeing that the obstacle to advance was opened, the commander raised his saber high and shouted: "It's a black card, plate!"


A group of people from the Shrimp Guard rushed up with their rifles in their hands, and the mortar team moved their firepower in the depth direction, constantly opening the way for the attacking troops.

The military strength of the lighthouse country is unparalleled in the world. To a large extent, various war machines are extremely advanced, and they are one or two times ahead of their opponents. It is like using a rifle to hit a person with a spear and a big sword.

However, once this generational difference disappears, it is impossible to use various precision-guided weapons to defeat the enemy outside the line of sight. Even in infantry combat, drones are used to find the opponent, and then the air force and artillery are called to wash the ground.

The third-class people of the lighthouse country called war in a pleasant way, and an armed parade in an ugly way. The most intense battle was to use armored vehicles to deal with the indigenous people who only had rifles.

For this kind of troops that have long been adapted to support operations and armed parade, and drag the battle to a state of close quarters, the effect is completely different.

The first thought of many troops facing the enemy is to call in air and artillery support through individual radios.

However, before they could call out, the Shrimp Guards from District 11 rushed in front of them and stabbed their sharp bayonets into their chests.


The gushing blood stimulated the prawn guards, aroused the animal nature in them, and the animal nature that had been suppressed for decades was released, like a volcanic eruption.

"Sword Comes"

"Kill them!"

The Shrimp Guards held their rifles high and killed every Lighthouse garrison they could see.

Watching their companions fall to the ground one by one, the morale of the garrison in the Lighthouse Country collapsed, and they dropped their weapons and ran to the back.

However, how did their legs run past the bullets, and they were smashed into a sieve by the bullets shot from behind.

The battle quickly turned into a one-sided carnage.

Large numbers of lighthouse troops were killed, corpses piled up on the base, and blood flowed into rivers.

And those shrimp guards happily searched for the belongings of these people, cash, watches, pistols and even golden teeth were knocked down and taken away.

Soon those Shrimp Guards discovered a new business opportunity, that is, there are basically a few or dozens of self-portrait small movies on the mobile phones of the lighthouse people.

Those Shrimp Guards' eyes lit up when they saw these little movies, they immediately contacted the producers they knew, and sent the little movies in their hands to exchange for a quick sum of money.

Soon, a large number of movies with the words Blonde Heaven appeared on the Internet.

These are the interests of the bottom soldiers.

Breaking the Handa base, for the 11th district, the biggest benefit is that it has harvested a large number of advanced fighters.

You must know that Area 11 is the bridgehead and the most important fortress of the lighthouse country on the ocean. The Handa base is naturally the most important air force base, where a large number of the most advanced fighters are stored.

As a colony and auxiliary unit of the Lighthouse Country, the Shrimp Guards are no strangers to these fighters, but some parts are not installed.

Now with these fighters, the 11th area air loss, which can only serve as an anti-submarine patrol team, was immediately transformed into the third air loss in the world.

At least this is the case from the hardware level such as the number of fighters.

He easily occupied the Handa base, making the Shrimp Guards bursting with confidence, like a dog that broke free from the chain, and their ambitions began to expand.

"Masters, the Handa base has fallen into our hands, and we have achieved the first step in rebuilding the empire. Now, those warships of the lighthouse ghosts are still parked at the port of our capital. You are willing to let these ghostly warships continue to defile our country?"

"I don't want to!"

The people below raised their rifles and shouted loudly. Pieces of watches reflected dazzling light under the sunlight.

"Alright then, follow me and set off for Jingcheng Bay!"

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