Road Survival: Once you hit the soul, you can make a must-have product

Chapter 25 What to do if bitten by a poisonous snake?

"Fuck! Eating steak and enjoying the air conditioning? Are you still human?"

"Fuck! Stop swearing! This is Lin Yang!"

"Who is Lin Yang? Never heard of him!"

"Fuck, I forgot that we just merged the servers. Let me tell you this, Lin Yang was the top server in our server before, with countless resources."

"Boss! Can you give me something I don't need, like leftover barbecue?"

"Fool! What a wild idea!"

"I've been eating raw meat for a few days, but no kind person is willing to lend me a match lighter! I just need it!"

" What nonsense! If you lend it, it's like throwing meat buns at a dog, and you won't get it back. Only a fool would lend someone a fire-making tool. "

"Woo woo~, is there a good brother who can pity me? I haven't eaten for three days~"

"Yeah~, brother, give me something. I'll send you a top-secret photo later~, with everything~"

"Well, send me a photo first, and if it's real, I'll give you a piece of wood."

"Hmph~, brother, give me supplies first, I've been cheated several times~"


There's basically no valuable information.

Lin Yang then looked at the trading mall again, but there was nothing good.

Basically, they wanted to exchange basic supplies such as iron sheets, wood blocks, and cloth for food and water.

Now he is still on the main road 100 meters wide, but there is often sand flying on the road.

Lin Yang drove 20 kilometers in a row and didn't see a plant.

Now there is no chance to dodge.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The prompt sounded, this is a green resource box.

Lin Yang held the Desert Eagle in his right hand and the unsheathed Excellent-class Tang Dao in his left hand, and walked directly to the target location.


When he was about to reach the resource box, the sand next to the resource box bulged, and a gray-yellow poisonous snake raised its head.

"Fuck, are we going to waste a bullet?"


Although he felt it was a waste, the bullet had already been fired.

Such a small target is naturally difficult to hit, but the brilliant-class Desert Eagle has a one-meter shooting correction, and the poisonous snake was killed directly with one shot.

Soon Lin Yang picked up two medals of courage, which was one more than the one given by killing the snake in the wilderness.

Open the resource box, the supplies inside are not bad.

[Get: Noodles × 1]

[Get: Purified water 500 ml × 1]


Food and drink, this is already very good.

In the desert, these are all the most important.

Lin Yang put the supplies into the storage space, and then quickly returned to the car.

He took off his shoes and dumped the sand out. This terrain was much more difficult than the wilderness.

If there were wild animals, they would be inconvenient to move, far less flexible than on the ground in the wilderness.

But it didn't affect him much, he was using a gun.

Just after firing a bullet, Lin Yang immediately loaded another one. Only by keeping a full load of 30 rounds would he feel the greatest sense of security.

He drove on, and at this moment the chat channel was full of wailing.

"Is there any kind person who can sell me an air conditioner production blueprint?"

"Get lost, how could anyone sell air conditioner blueprints!"

"You're right, I knew the high temperature would come, and I must have kept the air conditioner blueprints for myself."

"Everyone, please be prepared in advance when collecting resource boxes. It's best to wrap your legs with more linen or something like that. There are scorpions and poisonous snakes in the desert."

"I got stung by a scorpion. It's over now. It will hurt for a long time. The key is that it stung my right leg. I can't drive the car now."

"There's no other way. You can only grit your teeth and endure it. You are lucky. Scorpion stings usually don't kill people. If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, it's really tragic."

"Fuck! I am that tragic! I was stung by a scorpion The snake bit me, and I'm numb now!"

"Where? How did you get bitten there? Where are your pants?"

"I wiped it with my underwear after I defecated on the first day, and it was too hot just now, so I went to open the resource box without wearing pants, and the result was..."

"Oh my goodness! Then why don't you cut it off quickly! Otherwise, the venom will flow all over your body and you'll be cold."

"I... I'm afraid of pain, so I don't dare to do it myself!"

"Hehe, then you'll just wait to die!"

"Actually, there is another way, but it may not work."

"Benefactor, please tell me quickly, I'm feeling a little dizzy."


Lin Yang was stunned. There are all kinds of people. There are people who dare to open the resource box with their butts naked.

And there was a bite there, it was simply unspeakable.

However, if you cut it off immediately after being bitten, it should be possible to prevent the venom from flowing all over your body.

However, if you cut it off, not to mention the pain and shame, without medical conditions, you may bleed to death.

Lin Yang was grateful to Gu Feiyan again. Without the air conditioning blueprint she gave him, he might have been trying to bear the high temperature.

Driving the vehicle forward, Lin Yang would be especially careful when he encountered resource boxes along the way.

After eating the high-quality tiger meat, Lin Yang felt warm all the time, and he felt that his whole body was full of energy.


Lin Yang braked urgently.

There was a car parked a hundred meters ahead.

And it was a dilapidated van, just like his car before.

Based on the principle of caution, Lin Yang went around to the other side.

I hadn't met anyone else in the past three days, but today I met one in less than an hour.

It seems that the road rules have changed.

A man with shifty eyes was leaning against the main driver's door.

His car had no air conditioning, and he had finished drinking all the water.

All the supplies were taken out, but no one was willing to exchange a bottle of water for him.

Moreover, the fuel in the car was used up, and he couldn't even continue to search for resources.

Now, he was waiting to die.


He suddenly heard the sound of a car engine.


He sat up suddenly, and then a 20-centimeter-long small dagger was stuffed into his sleeve.

He opened the door and got out of the car in one go.

When the man saw the car coming from a distance, he was stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed.

"This vehicle has obviously been upgraded, and there must be air conditioning inside!"

"If it's a man, kill him and take the car. If it's a woman, then, hehe~"

The man licked his cracked lips, and he was already fantasizing about a happy life in his heart.

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