The Tathagata has three golden feet.It is better to fly into the sea of ​​​​blood, end the battle, and get to know fellow Daoist Lu Yu again. "

  "Alright." Just joined Li Fangjiao, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi hasn't arrived yet. Lu Ya decided to follow suit.

  From Chapter 0 I Kanshuba Xuexin [-] If you see this watermark on other websites, you will not be able to read the latest chapter of Zhongshu

Chapter 456: Lu presses in disorderly, the blood god explodes

  QQ chat group: 567342969

  The sea of ​​blood, after usurping the river, used the great supernatural power of the blood god son at the bottom of the box, and temporarily gained the upper hand.

  Father. However, the two sages Jiyin Zhunti used their holy consciousness to control the twelve-grade golden lotus of merit, the Jieyin treasure tower, and the six bamboos of tranquility.

  Dao Dao Buddha light shines through the sea of ​​Taotian blood, slaughtering and strangling the blood god son of a karma.

  No matter how many blood gods there are, they can't break the defense of the saint's top-grade congenital spiritual treasure.

  The battle situation is deadlocked, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Styx will lose sooner or later, but

  It's just stubborn resistance

  Suddenly, Lando's golden light flew from the outside and quickly flew into the sea of ​​blood. The golden light shone brightly, illuminating the entire sea of ​​blood.

  It was Lu Ya who came. As soon as he entered the sea of ​​blood, he released his fear of Hou Yi shooting the sun.He has been staying in the supernatural power of Sunstar's hard refining. 02 Ann 2

  The sun is on fire!

  In an instant, Lu Ya fell into the sea of ​​blood like the sun E star, and the hot white sun source fire shot out in all directions.wherever.The rich sea of ​​blood suffocated, irresistibly dissipated in an instant, and the black Yali also burned like a paper rope.

  Densely packed, the county river blood god son, which is full of blood seas, was

  When the sun's source fire shines, the blood-red line instantly fades, becomes transparent, and flows down 927 squares like water. Before it falls half a minute, it is evaporated by the blazing sun's real fire, and even mildew is not left behind.

  The vicious Shura tribe, like encountering a natural enemy, screamed and burrowed into the blood waves and worms that dived into the sea of ​​blood.

  Brahma and Bo Xuntian couldn't stand the true fire of the sun, so they dived into the sea with the Shura tribe.

  The blood sea battle situation changed too much immediately, the Shura clan retired, and the blood gods were annihilated.

  In addition to the sea of ​​blood, the disciples of Dai Jiao, who are quasi-sages such as Qin Tianzun, Gu Tianhuang, Duobao, etc., pay attention to the changes in the battle situation.

  "This is Lu Ya? Hong Zhu. The only three-legged golden bird, the prince of the demon clan?"

  "I didn't expect Lu Le to turn into the Sun Fire. This is the origin of the Sun Fire. It is countless times more powerful than the Sun E Fire."

  "Why did Lu Ya intervene in the battle between the Western Sect and the Sea of ​​Blood? He has nothing to do with Xianhe."

  Duobao sneered, _"What else could be the reason, it must be the introduction and the quasi-scorpion to convert the land pressure" to the Western sect. "

  Duobao felt deeply about this.touch.

  "Lalu pressed into Western religion

  Jie Hong and Zhun Ti must have drawn great benefits. "


  Purple air. "Ye Di sneered, they all heard Duobao talk about receiving and citing, and Zhun mention blocking halfway.

  "Poorly burning the lamp, I am happy to be a liu."

  "Are we interfering in the battle?" Duobao intervened to intercept the leader, Qin Tiantian

  Qin Tianzun shook every time he lost. "It's not good for us to teach Uncle Dalan in the Sea of ​​Blood and the West, and the innate spiritual treasures of the two saints in the West are all there.

  "Can Hongmeng Purple Qi?" Duobao was slightly unwilling.

  _ "Look, Jihe won't let Western religions get the radiance so easily.

  As they were talking, the battle situation in the bloody sea changed again,

  When Xianhe saw Lu Ying's chaotic entry, the sun source fire so restrained the karma of the sea of ​​blood, and instantly destroyed hundreds of millions of blood gods from the Shura tribe.

  "Lu Ya, I have no grudges with you. Why do you help the Western Sect to capture my sea of ​​blood?"

  Lu Ya smiled while releasing the Sun Origin Vulcan Power; _ "I have already led some of the demon clan to join the Western Church."

  Lu Ya joined the Western Church

  Styx was shocked, and even more so when the lamp was burning.

  How can I bear the situation, Lu Ya joined the West to teach me why I don't know? Ran Deng thought to himself "More,

  Lu Ya joined the Western Church at this time

  , what else?

  There is only one thing that Ran Deng can think of, and it is the same as his purpose, it is the purple qi of Hongmeng.

  "The king's foot bird," Xianhe heard after Lu Yingjiahuo Xixuanjiao

  Your tone is not polite. Your father, Emperor Jun, is a demon emperor, and he is majestic and prestige. If you don't want you to take refuge in the Western religion, you will really embarrass the demon clan and the demon emperor. "

  9 Body Pressure was angered by Ming'er's mocking faction, and Tai Che Yuan Huo ruthlessly killed the Blood God Son.

  The county river has no way to retreat, and the Taoist heart is swayed, and it is decided not to let the Western religion take advantage.

  "Blood God Son, give me all the blast."



  bang bang ..f)_ of cba

  More than [-] million blood gods, under the control of Styx Spiritual Mind,

  All of them blew up in an instant, the roar suppressed all the sounds of the floods, and the onlookers were collectively deaf.

  Bunch of blood demons and karma were built in the sky above the sea of ​​blood. Although Lu Ya's Sun Origin Fire was not afraid of blood demons and karma, it was also blown up by the energy of the blood god son's self-destruction.

  The golden lotus of the [-]th grade of merit, the treasure house of receiving and Yin, and the six bamboos of tranquility also suffered small disasters, especially the six bamboos of tranquility, two of which were broken by the explosion.

  ."My Heavenly Way, Styx this trick

  The blood god child blew himself up, destroying the sky and destroying the earth. "

  Fortunately, I didn't have a bad relationship with Gu He before, otherwise I would have turned into ashes earlier. "

  "But as soon as this trick is released, Xianhe will be defeated."

  "Huh 2. Where is the county river?"

  The tide of blood evil and karma caused by the self-destruction of the Blood God Son gradually subsided. In the sky above the sea of ​​blood, apart from the Western religious believers, there was no outsider, and the Styx had long since disappeared.

  The land pressure puts away the sun source fire

  Look to the east of the sea of ​​blood with the burning lamp.

  Where is the underworld, Ming Heti flew to the underworld with the blood god transforming rainbow technique.

  Xianhe taught early in the West

  When propaganda conquered the sea of ​​​​blood, he had already thought of a way out and was ready to hide in the underworld at any time.

  In the underworld, there is an ancestor witch, and she has the power of a saint in the underworld.

  Moreover, behind Houyu stood Tongtian, the second saint in the west had invaded the underworld and was directly knocked off by Tongtian.

  Therefore, Xianheyi detonated [-] million blood gods, and he didn't even look at the results of the battle, did he really flee to the underworld

  Seeing Xian He's body, Lan Lan and Lu Ya knew that they couldn't catch up. Go on, the innate Lingbao who received and held the sword did not intercept Styx. He watched Styx fly in with Hongmeng Purple Qi. Hell.

  The primordial gods looked at each other in dismay.

  "The county river is cooked to the underworld

  . Really a good move. "

  "The Western Sect has aggressively attacked the sea of ​​blood, and in the end it failed. Hahaha." I really want to see the wink of the Western Second Saint."

  Jie Hong and Zhun Ti looked pale, not angry at Styx escaping into the underworld, on the contrary, they were slightly delighted.

  Burning the lamp was very depressing, and the duck I got in hand flew for the first time.

  Using it together, he also felt the pressure, the pressure from the land pressure

  He flew towards Lu Ya and was about to speak when he heard the voice of the receptionist. i Although Gu Hai fled into the sea of ​​blood, the Shura tribe's rice was hidden in the sea of ​​blood, you should lead the way

  Capture the Shura tribe and transform them.into my west. "

  Ran Deng and Lu Ya immediately took the remaining Western sects with them, and with the help of six bamboos of tranquility and twelve golden lotuses of merit, they captured the Asuras who were hiding one by one.

  Brahma, Bodianwu, Shiva, Lust, and the four great Asura kings were not fortunate.They were all caught by the Western sect and imprisoned

  After arresting the Shura tribe, the Western Church still withdrew from the sea of ​​blood, but instead lived in the sea of ​​​​blood as the head of the sea.”

  The onlookers murmured their accusations in a low voice.

  "The Western religion is too much. If the Shura people are captured, they will also occupy the dojo of the Ming River."

  "Xianhe lost too much this time.

  _ "Loss? No loss at all. The middle chapter is updated by ikanshu. If you see this watermark on other websites, please go to ikanshu and go to the middle, otherwise you will not be able to read the latest chapter of the middle book +Ff.-ilanchr 1Q nm

Chapter 457 Breakthrough, Refine the Holy Body

  QQ chat group: 567342969

  "As long as the usurped river refines the purple energy of Hongmeng and becomes a saint, he will be able to drive away the sea of ​​blood in an instant, and rescue the Asura.

  "It makes sense, but will the Second Saint of the West refine Hongmeng Purple Qi when it is heard of usurping the river?"

  Drink, while, Duobao said to Gu Tianhuang with a dignified face, "Senior brother, get ready for the chain battle.

  The ancient emperor looked at Qin Tianzun

  "The teacher is not here, I hope the brothers will help you."

  "You and I are from the same school, of course we have to watch and help each other."

  Emperor Lantian rides on Kuisheng

  Go up, sneering constantly," "Receive, let's make a good calculation, Styx is not wronged. "

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