The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

Luo Xue looked at Su Nian with resentment on her face.

Su Nian smiled awkwardly and could only turn his head to look at Di Lin.

Di Lin held the box and shook his head.

"Boss, this is what we deserve! Since they are the uncrowned kings, the championship honors go to them and the bonuses go to us, and we each take what we need." Pig Leopard stood up and stood in front of Di Lin with Xingchen on the left and right, like an old hen protecting her chicks.

Xingchen looked serious and echoed Pig Leopard's words: "That's right, each takes what they need!"

GPC Club is not short of money at first glance.

Presumably, they won't care about a mere five million.

Su Nian felt that Luo Xue was just being polite.

But he also wanted five million!

So he could only avoid Luo Xue and Yongheng's gazes and look up at the sky: "Tsk tsk, don't say it, you really don't say it, look at this desert moon, it's really big and round..."

"Where's the rescue team? Where's the medical team? It's been half an hour, the tornado is almost stopped, why haven't they come yet?!" Wang Hao was almost furious.

This was not the first time he hosted a competition.

Generally, he would support Qin Yuechu's training matches more or less as a sponsor, in order to take care of his fiancée during the competition, such as secretly operating a middle position when drawing the starting position, so as to avoid being too far forward and becoming a pathfinder.

He swore that Maratela's treatment team and rescue team were definitely the slowest in attendance!

"Boss, the call is connected!"

The secretary came over with a mobile phone, his face full of joy.

"Hurry up and ask them why they haven't come yet, what are they doing!?" Wang Hao roared angrily.

The phone was on speakerphone.

An embarrassed voice came from inside.

"Sorry, Mr. Wang, our helicopter propeller has a problem and we are repairing it."

"What repair? Don't you have a car?"

"The tire is punctured, Mr. Wang."

Wang Hao was stunned.

The medical team and the rescue team are equipped with functional helicopter girls. Even if the tire of the transport vehicle is punctured, where is the functional helicopter girl? There is no trace of it now.

"Send your functional helicopter girl to rescue people!"

"What? Mr. Wang, the wind is too strong and I can't hear clearly... Oh, you said that they have been rescued? Okay, okay, you are worthy of being Mr. Wang. Thank you for reducing our workload. Then we won't bother you."


The phone was hung up.

"Pah--!" Wang Hao smashed the phone to pieces, and his face trembled with anger: "Damn it, isn't this intentional?!"

"Boss, what should we do now..."

The secretary accompanied him carefully.

"Check, check which company sponsored the medical team and the rescue team!" Wang Hao looked at the gradually subsiding tornado and took a deep breath: "Don't count on the rescue team and the medical team. Let our group's people come and quickly search for Qin Yuechu's whereabouts."

"Boss, the medical team and the rescue team are all under the charge of Longteng Group." said the secretary.

"Longteng Group..." Wang Hao's face changed.

These four words were like a basin of cold water on his forehead, which instantly cooled his furious mood.

"Why is it Longteng Group?"

He paused: "Even if it is Longteng Group, we have to ask why they deliberately didn't send out rescue!"

Wang Hao took out another mobile phone and made a call himself. As the president of a company, he certainly had the phone numbers of some other company presidents.

Ming Ruilong, the founder of Longteng Technology.

The two met once at a party and left their phone numbers with each other.

He didn't know much about Ming Ruilong. He only knew that Ming Ruilong's enterprise was very comprehensive, focusing on the research and development of cardiac drugs and high-tech racing suits. It also had a place in the nutrient solution market. It was a monster with a larger size than Juqing Technology. It had an only daughter named Ming Qianxiao. It was said that the drug research and development was done for his daughter.

The call was quickly connected.

But it was not Ming Ruilong who answered the phone.

The voice was very young, and the tone was smooth, which was unique to assistants and secretaries.

"Mr. Wang, our boss knew you would call, and he asked me to bring you a message."

"What message?" Wang Hao's pupils shrank.

"It's easy to change a tire, and it's also easy to change a fiancée."

The phone was hung up.

Wang Hao's face was pale, and a drop of sweat flowed down his forehead.

Unknowingly, cold sweat had soaked his back.

So that's it.

Because he deliberately changed the tires of Xingchen and targeted Su Nian, Longteng Group targeted Qin Yuechu. When they saw Qin Yuechu being swept into the tornado, the rescue team and the treatment team simply found various excuses not to come.


The person behind Xingchen Club

Is it Longteng Group?

But, there is no sign at all.


Wang Hao suddenly remembered something, and quickly took out his mobile phone to search for a photo, and kept zooming in with his fingers - it was a close-up of Su Nian wearing a racing suit, with a little girl's headshot on his chest. Although it was still a little blurry, it did look a bit like Ming Ruilong, the president of Longteng Group.

If I guessed correctly.

This headshot is Ming Ruilong's daughter.


A meteor streaked across the dim sky.

Wang Hao had no time to appreciate it, just smiled bitterly.

I thought Xingchen Club was a soft persimmon that could be easily squeezed, but I didn't expect that they had already found a backer, and it was an iron backer. Thinking about when they acquired the club, no wonder Longteng Group was inexplicably competing with them, and it was all to pave the way for Su Nian.

"Boss, are we still urging the rescue team?" The secretary saw Wang Ritian's ugly face, but still asked tremblingly.

After all, if they don't hurry up, Qin Yuechu's body might be cold.

"Don't urge the rescue team, they won't come, call our people to come quickly, today's search and rescue can only rely on ourselves."

Wang Hao sighed, he had already made the worst plan in his mind.

As Ming Ruilong warned, he might have to change his fiancée today.

In the vast desert.

Liefeng couldn't hold on after all.

The tornado lasted too long, and Qin Yuechu's punches and kicks caused her considerable trauma.

What's even more outrageous is that she peed in the cockpit, and the core was contaminated by dirty liquid, which made her even more unbearable.

The burning pain spread from the bone marrow to the skin, and she finally fainted from the pain.

After losing control of her body, the battery life that had been exhausted could no longer hold on, and the deployment mode was automatically released. Qin Yuechu was also thrown out of the cockpit. At this time, the wind force of the tornado had decreased, but Qin Yuechu and she were still blown and rolled on the sand. When the tornado gradually subsided, Qin Yuechu had no idea where she had gone, and Liefeng was seriously injured and unconscious, lying on her back on the sand, her pale face was blue and purple, her racing suit was tattered, and her exposed skin was covered with cracks.

The impact of Di Lin caused her a lot of damage.

But the main damage came from Qin Yuechu.

Not only physically, but also mentally.

The damage to the core of the robot girl's intelligent machine was also caused by these two aspects.

Now in Liefeng's body, the pale blue intelligent machine core has been shattered...

She is loyal.

From the day she was born, she held on to her expectations and love for the track and the driver. She hoped to help each other and fight side by side with her driver. Even if she could not become world-class, she would leave their footprints in this world. When the driver was old and his life came to an end, she would accompany the driver to disintegrate, and the intelligent core would be buried with the driver, sleeping with him forever.

But even the most loyal girl could not stand the torture of a driver like Qin Yuechu.

Liefeng's intelligent core gradually precipitated in her chest.

When it was completely precipitated, her human body would completely disappear, leaving only a car shell and a dim core in the cockpit.

The wind was still howling.

The sand and dust gradually buried the girl's body, making the intelligent core in her chest even dimmer.

"Am I... am I going to die..."

Liefeng couldn't tell whether the picture in her mind was a fantasy in her dying moments or what she saw when she opened her eyes.

She couldn't feel the pain, the wind couldn't be heard, and the world seemed to have been muted.

I couldn't even feel the existence of my eyes.

A meteor streaked across the dark sky.

It is said that a meteor represents the passing of life, and it carries the last blessing and attachment through the starry sky of the entire world.

The predecessors of the Intelligent Island said that if you make a wish to a meteor, the wish will come true.

No matter whether the meteor is real or not.

Liefeng pursed his lips.

Two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"I hope that when I come to this world again..."

"I can have a pilot who loves me..."

The light of the meteor seemed to become brighter and brighter.

It seemed to respond to Liefeng's wish.

She closed her eyes in relief, quietly waiting for the moment when her will dissipated.


A huge mechanical structure fell near Liefeng.

It was a mechanical arm that was seven or eight meters long, with a smooth cut at the end of the mechanical arm, as if it had been cut off at the root.

At this moment, arcs flashed at the break, and a large amount of light red liquid spurted out.

And these liquids just happened to fall on Liefeng.

The intelligent core soaked in the red liquid suddenly lit up, and was

New vitality was injected.

It continued to absorb the liquid, and the cracks on the surface were quickly repaired, and finally retracted back into the body of Liefeng.

As the light red liquid drained away.

The mechanical arm also rusted and aged strangely quickly, like... a rotten arm!

Not long after, it was blown into pieces by the wind.

Then it was buried by the yellow sand, and all traces disappeared into thin air, as if nothing had happened.

Only the girl lying on her back in the sand gradually calmed down her breathing.

In the distance, the lights of more than a dozen vehicles broke through the sand and dust.

The rescue team of Juqing Technology searched along the route of the tornado for a long time.

Finally found this place.

Today is Xingchen Baby

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