The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

"Master, that girl just now must be Jade-786, right?"

Xingchen approached Su Nian with a vigilant look on her face, staring at Su Nian with wide eyes.

"How do you know?" Su Nian didn't take Zhang Kai and Jade-786's provocation seriously.

Just now, he almost laughed to death when he saw the attributes of Jade-786.

The acceleration attribute was reduced from 72 to 65, the anti-collision attribute was reduced from 51 to 43, and the cornering attribute was reduced from 61 to 57 points.

Looking at her intimacy with Zhang Kai, it is estimated that she has suffered a lot of collisions in less than five days, resulting in not being as anti-collision as before.

"Because I smell something fishy on her!" Xingchen nodded and said seriously.


Su Nian was stunned. He could smell it?

But this should be an adjective.

"Now I have a very serious question for the master!" Xingchen leaned close to Su Nian's face: "If Yu-786 wants to become the master's mecha girl again, will the master agree?"

Ninety-nine percent of the pilots will not refuse this kind of thing.

A mecha girl can only choose one driver at the same time, but the driver can contract multiple mecha girls at the same time.

There is no consumption in this kind of thing. As long as both parties are willing, it is no problem for the driver to contract 3,000 mecha girls.

The diverse selection of mecha girls can also make it easier for drivers to handle different types of tracks. For example, some tracks are particularly long, which requires mecha girls with long endurance as the starting line-up. For example, in those competitions with high intensity and multiple mecha girls starting at the same time, mecha girls with strong anti-collision and stability are needed. It is true that replacing various modules for mecha girls can also make them adapt to the track, but the price of advanced modules is even more expensive than that of mecha girls, and modules are more or less accompanied by the reduction of secondary attributes. Some mecha girls have improved the ability of a certain attribute after installing modules, but they may not be able to complete the race due to the reduction of other attributes.

Therefore, it is normal for drivers to have multiple mecha girls.

The more famous the driver, the more mecha girls around him, and the better he is.

Some mecha girls will serve under the former driver for a period of time, save enough money to pay the penalty for breach of contract and leave the club to find a better driver.

Some mecha girls do not even need the "dowry" of the auction fee, and will follow famous and powerful drivers for free.

Xingchen obviously considered this matter. Whether it is Yu-786 or Zhang Kai, they can never be her and Su Nian's opponents.

This means that Yu-786 may come back to Su Nian, the former modifier, to play the emotional card, or even pay for it.

"How could she agree?"

Su Nian sneered: "Let alone her attributes are simply a bunch of humiliation, and then there is the humiliation she and Zhang Kai brought to me. Based on these two points, she can no longer be my mecha girl."

"You won't agree even if you pay for it?"


Xingchen stared at Su Nian for a while and breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's a bad girl!" She patted Su Nian's shoulder and said in a condescending manner: "I can feel that her motives are not pure. She is the type who is notorious for using pilots as a springboard. But I feel relieved to see that Master is so determined. It seems that Master is not the kind of person who will take advantage of small things."

Su Nian's mouth twitched: "So, in your eyes, I used to love to take advantage of small things?"

Xingchen looked at Su Nian with a sidelong look: "Oh~ Master, just tell me whether you pinched it subconsciously when installing the module yesterday, huh?"

Su Nian: "..."

Can instinctive things be considered taking advantage of small things?


"It's really strange, why hasn't the flight come yet?" Su Nian looked around and talked about other things.

Due to the Knox Rally, there are many flights to the Knox Islands, and he and Zhang Kai and others bought different flights.

"Will it be late?" Xingchen said subconsciously, and then immediately covered his mouth.

[Passengers going to Knox Islands, please note that flight TK-8176 is delayed due to a malfunction and is expected to take off again in two hours. If necessary, please go to the service window in time to handle the refund or change procedures! ]

Su Nian glanced at Xingchen.

"Hey~" Xingchen stuck out his tongue and looked up at the translucent ceiling of the terminal.

"Master, the weather is really good today~"

"Stop! Don't say it, aunt!"


Su Nian was really afraid of Xingchen's ability to follow his words.

Fortunately, today's flight to Knox Islands

Enough, he immediately took Xingchen to change the ticket.

"What is this kid running around for?!"

On a seat in the terminal, Uncle Liang lowered his head and put down the newspaper, revealing his eyes from under his sunglasses, and followed Su Nian and Xingchen.

He was dressed quite fashionably today, in a dark functional style, which was very different from his usual plain appearance. Even if Su Nian and Xingchen stood in front of him, they might not recognize him.

And this is the effect Uncle Liang wanted.

He didn't come to watch Xingchen and Su Nian compete, but to watch the Knox Rally.

Although the destination is the same, the purpose is different.

The above is the reason Uncle Liang found for himself.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Nian and Xingchen arrived at the island where the rally was held in the Knox Islands.

At this time, the entrance to the rally was already crowded with people.

Although the Knox Rally is the most basic event, it is a formal competition after all. The first level of all world-class mecha girls is Knox. Too many top mecha girls were born on this track, so the popularity of the Knox Rally has always been high. It is held every six months, and there are many spectators every time. The developer has long made a lot of money by selling tickets.

"Wow, it's so big!" Xingchen looked around, her big eyes shining.

For her, this is where her dream sets sail and the first stop for world-class mecha girls.

For Su Nian, this track has an extra layer of meaning. He glanced at the club seat with a cold look. The Tengyue Club from Jiangcheng City was huddled in the corner. There were only five or six racers including Zhang Kai, and there were only three participating mecha girls in total. Compared with clubs in other big cities, they were very inconspicuous.

Today he will teach Zhang Kai and Yu-786 a lesson at the Knox Rally.

In the past, he just fought for his own reputation, but now it is also for Xingchen. After all, Zhang Kai's map cannon has hit Xingchen.

"Welcome to the Knox Rally held twice a year. I am your host, Kunkun, who has been practicing for two and a half years~"

The helicopter hovered in the air, and the host's voice shook the whole venue through the speakers.

The host, Kunkun, appeared on the big screen at the entrance of the track, which was a hundred meters wide, with a middle-parted hairstyle and overalls.

"This is the Knox track, known as the starting point. There are no guardrails here, and all racers and mecha girls have no protective measures. The total length is 200 kilometers, with an altitude change of 1,000 meters. On this tropical island, mecha girls and racers may face various emergencies, such as heavy rain, strong winds, earthquakes... They not only have to challenge the difficult track, but also the natural environment. At the same time, their enemies include other mecha girls and racers, because..."

Kun Kun raised his mouth and pointed at the screen with an evil face: "As we all know, although the Knox Rally is not a parallel start, the start interval between each mecha girl is only 30 seconds. This is a common battlefield for racers and mecha girls. We allow collisions and fights on the track. At the same time, there will be 10 medical teams and 30 helicopters on standby, ready to rescue at any time!"

"Then, the top ten racers and mecha girls who take the least time and successfully reach the finish line will have a ranking."

After the host finished speaking, warm cheers broke out in the audience in front of the track.

The ranking of the Knox Rally is the key to entering the high-level club for wild drivers, and only with a ranking can they continue to challenge the next advanced competition.

Getting the top ten is very important, but it is not easy, because there are at least 100 mecha girls participating in the Knox Rally every time.

"Now, please invite our racers and mecha girls to enter the venue to draw lots to determine the starting order!!"

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