The slope area of ​​the Green Field Advanced Race is still very wide, giving drivers and pilots enough operating space, but the angles of the springboards are different. The entire track is divided into three parts by the retaining wall. The leftmost springboard has the largest inclination angle and a higher flying height. After landing and entering the ejection area, the pilot will get a braking acceleration. The middle inclination angle is moderate, and the right inclination angle is the smallest.

In theory, choosing the springboard with the smallest inclination angle will minimize the speed loss of the pilot.

But the Green Field Advanced Race organizers will definitely not let low-risk, high-return things happen.

So they set up an electromagnetic braking area after each springboard.

The left track has the longest braking zone, which brings the greatest electromagnetic thrust, and the middle is moderate. There is no electromagnetic braking zone on the right. Choosing the springboard track on the left means danger and loss of control, so most racers will choose the middle and right, and play it safe. After all, the most difficult part of the entire Green Field Advanced Race is at the end, so there is no need to make yourself and the machine girl uncomfortable at the beginning.

The training of Lai Yaan and Po Xiao has always been based on the inclination of the springboard on the middle track.

In fact, there are very few players who choose to jump on the middle track. 90% of the players will choose the right side, and would rather give up the electromagnetic braking zone and reduce the risk of the machine girl losing control and wear. The main test here is the stability of the machine girl.

In this competition, Lai Yaan also drove Po Xiao very confidently to the middle springboard track.

Just when she thought Su Nian and Xingchen would continue to catch up, she found that the silver phantom that was stuck behind like a ghost in the rearview mirror had disappeared.

"Master, they... they went to the left!"

Po Xiao's incredible voice sounded in front.

Since the start of the Green Field Advanced Race, there have been only a handful of players who have chosen the left springboard track and completed the race.

This Green Field Advanced Race is the last one of the year.

But so far, no player has chosen the left springboard track and completed the race.

So when Su Nian and Xingchen made this choice, Poxiao's first thought was that Su Nian and Xingchen were crazy about winning the race.

Layan pursed her lips. Although Su Nian and Xingchen's choice was crazy, it also gave her an ominous premonition. For ordinary drivers and girls to make such a choice is equivalent to fooling around, but that is the "magician", the man who leads the world's driving technology forward, will he be arrogant and make a wrong choice?

It can only be absolute self-confidence.

But self-confidence sometimes does not mean that there will be no accidents.

It is still too dangerous to choose the left track.

Sister Tai Mei was already yelling in the helicopter: "Oh my god, what did I see?! Our King of Knox actually chose the most difficult track on the left. Was it a fight for face or was he confident? If Su Nian and Xingchen can pass the test of the left track and finish the race, they will become the only pair of winners of the Green Field Advanced Race Hell Difficulty Challenge this year!"

There is no room for regret if you choose the left track.

This track will lead all the way to the river at the end.

At this moment, Su Nian and Xingchen have roared and rushed to the first springboard.

Once the bow is shot, there is no turning back!

"Xingchen, get ready to take off!"

"Awooo~ Got it! Durian charge!"


Xingchen's tires hit the springboard.

With a loud "click", the entire car body soared into the air at high speed.

The photographer tracked Xingchen's car body.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the big screen.

Due to the large inclination of the springboard on the left track, Xingchen jumped higher than Poxiao on the middle track next to him, more than one meter higher. During the jump, Su Nian even had time to stick his head out of the car window and whistle at Layan and Poxiao.

But he immediately retracted his head.

Adjusting the landing angle, stepping on the accelerator, the car body tilted slightly.

Poxiao next door landed first, and under the braking of the electromagnetic catapult, it instantly pulled away from Xingchen.

Su Nian and Xingchen landed later. At the moment of landing, Su Nian immediately released the brakes for the first time, and pressed the accelerator again to gradually restore the grip. At the same time, he controlled the steering wheel to control the balance. Xingchen swayed slightly in a Z shape on the track. The impact and inertia caused by landing were mostly offset in this simple rhythm.

Then Xingchen obtained a 50-meter-long electromagnetic acceleration zone.

The moment he left the acceleration zone, the accumulated potential energy was suddenly released.

"Boom!" The speed of the star was pushed to 600, like a cannon firing.

In the blink of an eye, he surpassed the Dawn in front.

"Dear audience! Su Nian and Xingchen landed successfully! I would like to call it the most beautiful flying jump!"

"Cameraman, please cut the footage just now, I want to use it as a promotional collection for the Green Field Advanced Competition!"

The audience cheered loudly.

Zi Dian stared blankly at Xingchen's figure riding away from the dust, and the dried durian in his hand accidentally stuck into his nostrils.

After the first springboard, it was a straight line and a gentle curve until the next springboard.

Through the tempered glass wall next to them, Dawn and Lai Ya'an could see Su Nian and Xingchen running at lightning speed in front.

Although on the long straight line, Dawn was still closing the distance with Xingchen with the advantage of acceleration.

But Dawn and Lai Ya'an were not feeling well.

"Master, they succeeded in their jump, and their landing posture was perfect. They didn't lose control, didn't hit the glass wall, and didn't... fall apart!"

"Ah... I know." Layan said palely: "He is indeed a magician. We still underestimated his ability. He and Xingchen have a tacit understanding. Maybe they have practiced this kind of inclined springboard countless times."

There was silence in the cockpit for a while.

Poxiao looked at the approaching springboard and said unwillingly: "Use your skills, Master."

"Use it now? We..."

"Master, you understand, right?" Poxiao said in a low voice: "The distance between each springboard is fixed. We can only catch up with Xingchen when we reach the second springboard. In other words, as more and more springboards are rushed, the gap between us and them will become larger and larger until it cannot be made up."

"Poxiao, it doesn't matter whether we win or lose in the Green Field Advanced Tournament. We just need to get into the top 10."

Laiyaan quickly comforted: "Your skills will be used in Panlong Mountain and will become our trump card!"

"But, Master... I have never lost in a straight line."

Poxiao tilted his head slightly, and the red hair on his forehead covered his eyes with a layer of haze.

Laiyaan saw a deep obsession in Poxiao's eyes.

She suddenly realized that for Poxiao, the Green Field Advanced Tournament might not be as simple as an advanced tournament.

She is a top-level mecha girl born with special skills, and has the opportunity to become a world-class mecha girl.

But now she is going to lose to an ordinary mecha girl, how can she be willing?

That may become her nightmare for the rest of her life.

"Okay! We won't hide our cards!"

Layan nodded heavily. Since Dawn wants to win, let Dawn win!

It doesn't matter what strategy or trick, at most she will reach the top with absolute strength!

Rushing onto the springboard, leaping, landing, the silver phantom beside her once again caught up with them at a terrifying speed and easily surpassed them. As Dawn expected, the distance this time was even greater, but there was no fear in their eyes, only the momentum of galloping.

"Now!" Layanya roared.

Dawn raised his head.

There was a flash of red light in his eyes.

The engine made a sharp sound like the chirping of countless birds, and a faint red halo enveloped the car body, dragging a stream of light phantom behind her.

"【Extreme Stance】——Activate!"

"Let me show you... my complete state!!!"

Today is the Angry Durian King exclusive

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