Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1005: "·The end of reinforcements"

It is quite remarkable that a person knows his limitations and is honest with himself.

——Saguru (enlightened person, enlightened yogi, mystic, visionary humanitarian, excellent spiritual teacher)

The more than 26,000 Lucian warriors, surrounded by the Roman army's 3,000 heavy cavalry and 6,000 light cavalry, are not solid; but they have never been able to get rid of the enemy's entangled light cavalry, so that the air has a heavy attack power. Pretending to be a cavalry, it is difficult to be alone.

The heavy cavalry formed by the ancient Seleucian armored cavalry, even after losing their mobility, can still withstand their swords attack by enemy soldiers with their extremely sophisticated weapons and equipment; they can even launch counterattacks against the enemy troops .

The light cavalry of the Roman Spear Legion is not. They have no sophisticated weapons and equipment, nor do they have a strong combat capability. When facing the long swords and tomahawks chopped from all sides by enemy soldiers, the casualties were extremely heavy.

Two flowers bloomed on the table, and each was in the two cavalry regiments of the Roman army, and the two wings of the army of Lucy were caught in the struggle. The army led by Bai Feng captured more than 6,000 Lucian soldiers. Later, finally arrived at the battlefield!

Thousands of soldiers of the left-wing army of Lucy, who had been defeated by the Hammer Legion and the Roman Spear Legion, were fleeing backwards. The result was that they were captured by Bai Feng’s army. The two cavalry brigades belonging to the Seventh Legion easily Forced down these desperate deserters.

The Roman light cavalry and Roman auxiliary cavalry belonging to the category of light cavalry, although their attack power is not strong, but their mobility is exceptionally good; coupled with the unique cavalry attack of the Roman auxiliary cavalry, where did the broken soldiers withstand Such a blow.

After the four teams of Roman auxiliary cavalry fired two rounds of javelins in a circular riding formation, the collapsed soldiers who killed hundreds of soldiers chose to lay down their weapons under the pressure of the Roman light cavalry that followed; for these surrendered enemy forces , Bai Feng only left three thousand soldiers to guard them.

The barbarian warriors' combat power is indeed good, but that is based on their high morale. The Luxi warriors, who have lost their morale to more than six thousand, Bai Feng feels that he has guarded them with three thousand soldiers, and he has paid special attention to them.

The 1,500 soldiers under the Ministry of Maxi and the 1,500 soldiers under the Ministry of Darnell were selected by Bai Feng to watch the captives on the spot; the remaining Spartan and Seventh Roman legions were at Bai Feng’s Led by yourself, go straight to the battlefield ahead!

At this time, the battle situation has obviously reached the critical stage of determining the victory or defeat; even if Bai Feng led the army to the battlefield, knowing that his defeat has been established, Viriasius can’t put the whole army into battle in a short time. The three western armies withdrew.

The army of Bai Feng's headquarters uses Leonida's Spartan Corps as the main force of the Chinese army, and the two wings of the Seventh Roman Legion of Luculus are divided into the left and right wings of the Chinese army; all the cavalry units of the two legions, Then gather around Bai Feng to serve as a strategic reserve force for the army.

The distance of a few miles is really not a long distance for the Spartan Corps and the Seventh Roman Legion, which are advancing at full speed; less than an hour later, sitting in the white peak behind the Chinese army, you can already hear the two on the battlefield ahead. The voice of the generals fighting.

"White one and white two, you go to inform General Leonidas and General Lucurus, let them sound the horn of attack!"


Because Maxi and Darnell led the army to stay behind to guard the captives, Bai Feng’s personal guard Bai Yi and others became Bai Feng’s temporary entourage and royal heralds; whenever Bai Feng needed to give orders to the generals in the front, they would Send them to communicate the order.

After taking the command, Bai Yi and Bai Er immediately galloped towards the positions of Leonidas and Lucurus respectively; after about three minutes, Leonida’s pro-Chinese main force and Lucurus At the same time, the left wing army sounded the horn representing the attack!

"Woo woo... woo woo... woo woo..."

When a powerful and slightly tragic trumpet sounded through the sky, Veriasius, who determined that there could be no reinforcements behind him, his first reaction was that he was trapped on both sides of the enemy; he was fighting on the battlefield. The Roman soldiers were cheering.

The Fifth Legion, the Sixth Legion, the Heavy Hammer Legion, and the Roman Spear Legion, all of whom are also members of the Legion of Rome, are so familiar with the horns of the Roman City that they heard this horn , You know that your reinforcements are coming!

The excitement of the Roman army soldiers, to some extent, indeed proved that Veriasius's idea was correct; Veriasius, whose face paled instantly, was gloomy, and even looked back No courage.

Whether Veriasius would like to go back and confirm with his own eyes, it cannot change the reality of the reinforcements of the Roman army; with the sound of the bugle, the Chinese army of Leonida and the two-winged army of Lucurus, At the same time began to accelerate.

In order to maintain the strict formation of the army, the acceleration speed of the Spartan Army and the Seventh Roman Army is still not very fast; but in the eyes of Veriasius, the two legions on the move are like the beasts of the flood. His army is coming!

The target of the Spartan Legion was the Luxi Chinese Army fighting with the main force of the Central Army of Lucius; the target of the Seventh Roman Legion was Lu, who was entangled with the Hammer Legion and the Roman Spear Legion. Western two-wing army.

On the Chinese side, the Spartan Army, advancing in the Macedonian formation, launched an attack from behind the Lucy Chinese Army; the phalanx with a spear like a forest not only easily blocked some of the attacks of the Lucy soldiers, but also forced it to be difficult The Lucy fighters who resisted the spear of the spear stepped back.

The shield wall of the Roman Youth Army and the Roman heavy infantry blocked the front road, and the Macedonian squadron of the Spartan Army cut off the back road. The difficult Luci Chinese Army was like a trapped beast. Will, but no ability to break through.

On the flanking side, eight teams each of the Roman Light Infantry, the Roman Youth Army, and the Roman Heavy Infantry under the two wing of the Seventh Roman Legion rushed to the battlefield; they feared that they might accidentally hurt their friendly cavalry, but did not use the javelin to launch the fight. The attack of the enemy.

Even so, the soldiers of the 7th Legion, who arrived on the battlefield in time, successfully rescued the friendly light cavalry caught in the encirclement of the enemy; the light cavalry of the Roman Spear Legion just got out of trouble, and the heavy cavalry of the Heavy Hammer Legion over there, just The enemy's siege was easily killed.

Without the drag of their own light cavalry, there are still more than 2,800 anti-cavalry heavy anti-cavalry. After a little adjustment, they led the army to launch a cluster charge against the enemy; the heavy cavalry who suffocated the anger We decided to use an unreserved charge to vent our anger.

The strong attack of the Roman Youth Army and the Roman heavy infantry, the cluster charge of the heavy cavalry, the throwing of the javelin of the Roman light infantry, and even the two-winged Lucy fighters who were hit hard, were not attacked by the fierce Roman army for a long time. The whole army collapsed!

Despite the efforts of Roderick and Hall to boost morale, they still could not restore their decline; the second line of Lucy soldiers who collapsed in the army, under the chasing of the Roman Spear Legion, had no chance of escape, they were surrounded stand up.

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