Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1018: "·Return to Rome"

Money is necessary, but how much do we really need? If our concept of life changes from a goal of success to a goal of joy, we will find that our need for money will be greatly reduced.

——Saguru (enlightened person, enlightened yogi, mystic, visionary humanitarian, excellent spiritual teacher)

"It doesn't matter whether it's just a meeting or hard work, it doesn't matter." Bai Feng still has a light smile on his face, and the tone is serious: "As long as your Green Chamber of Commerce closely follows the pace of development of our Roman city, you will always do more. The bigger, the stronger."

"Please rest assured, Governor Governor." In the face of Bai Feng's well-intentioned words, Powell said immediately: "Our Green Chamber of Commerce must closely follow the rhythm of the development of the city of Rome, and under the guidance of the Government House, contribute to the development of the city of Rome. Your own strength!"

Dealing with smart people is always easier and more enjoyable, especially Powell, a smart businessman who knows how to retreat and is grateful, makes people feel good. So Bai Feng encouraged him to say: "Good! I Looking forward to your Powell performance!"

After seeing the excited face of Powell bowing away, Bai Feng asked Darnell to take the fruit that was constantly being transported to the soldiers who had already coveted it; among them, 200 boxes of high-quality fruit were distributed To the officers of the Governor's Guard.

The 5,000 soldiers from the Maxi Department and Darnell Department distributed excellent fruits of inferior quality to the Governor’s Guard; other 1,200 boxes of ordinary fruits were ordered by Bai Feng to be distributed to those who were also coveted three Lucy prisoners of war.

This was both an incredible command by Roman soldiers and an incredible command by the Lucy prisoners of war; for this, even if Maxi and Darnell asked, Bai Feng did not explain much, he just smiled confidently. laugh.

A total of 1,200 boxes of fruit, the amount of fruit distributed to each Luxi prisoner of war was as much as half a catty; after the brief shock and surprise, the Luxi prisoners who had never seen the fruit circulated in the fruit Eat the fruit in your hands under the attractive fragrance of.

People who often eat fruit certainly cannot understand the mood of the Luxi prisoners at this moment; this is like a person who eats ordinary home-cooked meals every day and suddenly eats delicious food at the state banquet level, resulting in happiness and surprise. , Which cannot be described by language.

After devouring half a catty of fruit in their hands, the Lucy prisoners of war are beginning to think about the origin of these delicious fruits; you know, this is their enemy, giving them unprecedented delicious enjoyment.

And this is exactly what Bai Feng wants! Relying on force to conquer others, you get victory, but you get hatred; only by assimilating and converging the conquered and making the conquered a part of your own is the real successful conquest, not the simple conquest of force.

The slow landing lasted until the end of the night, and a delicious fruit kept all Luci prisoners of peace calm; such a change made Maxi and Dane, who had been fed up with hatred in the eyes Oh, stunned dumbfounded.

Using 24,000 gold coins, he comforted Bai Feng, a tens of thousands of Lusi prisoners of war. After nightfall, he handed over the task of guarding the prisoners tonight and escorting them to Rome early in the morning. West and Darnell assisted.

Bai Feng, who returned to Rome with the general guard and personal guard in advance, did not delay much in the port; because there are too many things waiting for Bai Feng to deal with in Rome, many things are related to whether Rome can quickly stabilize and conquer Regional events.

Bai Feng quickly rushed back to the city of Rome, and before he came to take a breath, he was overwhelmed by the government affairs that Vipsani sent him for his approval; he had no way to escape, he could only pick out the more important things and give them priority. .

Twenty-seven directly-owned towns to be newly formed on the north bank of the Cangluo River, each directly-owned town needs special prosecutors, tax officers, **** officers, and patrol guards; this is an efficient means of the Rome system to assist Rome city to quickly conquer the area , Bai Feng will naturally not fail to implement.

The recruitment price and monthly maintenance cost of each prosecutor, tax officer, and **** officer are fixed at 100 yuan; only the patrol guard composed of 100 Roman patrol guards, although their monthly maintenance cost is also 100 Gold, but the recruitment price is as high as five hundred gold.

In the newly established 27 directly-owned towns, each town needs Bai Feng to spend 800 yuan to recruit exclusive governance officials; this alone, Bai Feng spent 21,600 yuan of treasury funds, which is only Just start!

The north bank of the Cura River directly belongs to 2.4 million people under the rule of the Roman city, nearly 1 million people in the Kingdom of Lucy, and 3,400,000 new people added by the Kingdom of Essini; this total is three The 1.7 million people have fallen into the predicament of no grain to survive.

Because the establishment of the Tuntian Military Region and the reclamation of the wasteland will take a long time; therefore, within the next six months, the city of Rome must rely on its own power to provide a large amount of food to feed these 3.7 million people.

Even after the most difficult half a year has passed, the towns directly under the northern bank of the Cangluo River and the Kingdom of Luxi will need at least two to three years to accumulate to achieve self-sufficiency; during this period, the city of Rome needs to supply food, Feed at least one-third of the people.

At the moment when Vipsani was about to head north, Bai Feng first needed to do that, using treasury funds to buy food that could feed four million people for half a year in the market in Rome, and let him take this batch. Food went north.

Without these critical supplies of food, there are hundreds of thousands of troops to rely on Vepsani, even in the north that was newly conquered by the Roman army, it is impossible to really build 27 directly-owned towns. Become the root of destroying everything in the north.

The two most important things have just been resolved, and Vipsani has come up with another document that makes Bai Feng extremely headache; this is an urgent matter from the Yanhuang family, one of the two commanders of the Yanhuang Standing Army, Shinada Shinfan, personally Brought it to Allen and brought it back to Rome.

As the highest person in charge of one of the two major trading fleets of Rome, Alan, who has eight merchant ships and twenty-four transport ships, is a veritable maritime trade overlord in Rome; plus the Governor is always hung on his ship. The flag of the mansion, his special identity is self-evident

The 100,000 urgent emergency information was handed over to Allen and brought back to the city of Rome. It was also the information transmission channel that Bai Feng specifically left Sanada Xinfan before leaving the Yanhuang family; the big Yanhuang family knew only this channel of Sanada Xinfan and Nanxin letter Straight two!

Now, an emergency message sent back to the city of Rome by Shinada Shinada was placed in front of Bai Feng; this made Bai Feng, who had just led the army to unify the eastern region, have to focus his attention from the newly unified eastern region. Moved to the Yamato region far overseas.

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