Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1020: "·Luo Austria fierce battle"

Observe those who are having fun, and you will find that their life intensity is only slightly higher than a person who only pays attention to food and sleep.

——Saguru (enlightened person, enlightened yogi, mystic, visionary humanitarian, excellent spiritual teacher)

The Uesugi family, which successfully occupied three-tenths of the territory of the Hojo family, is undoubtedly the biggest beneficiary of this war; the Takeda family and the Tokugawa family, which have not lost much troops, have also been supplemented by the territory, which can be said to be far greater than the pay.

Only the Hojo family, which lost most of its territory, suddenly fell from the midstream position of the top ten families of the Daiwa Empire to the point where it was not as good as the Ida family. The Ida family, who kept their minds well, did not suffer any harm!

While the Uesugi family, Takeda family, and Tokugawa family were busy governing new territories, and the Ida family was busy reorganizing their armaments and striving for strength, the Hojo family turned hatred into motivation and began a new round of change within their own family.

According to common sense, the war broke out in the north of the Yamato Empire from the beginning to the end, and it basically had nothing to do with the Yanhuang family that ruled the Mu'ao Kingdom; receiving refugees from the Ueno country could not be related to the four major warring families. connection.

Because the Ueno country is neither the sphere of influence of the Uesugi and Hojo families, nor the sphere of influence of the Takeda and Tokugawa families; if it is to be divided, it is also the sphere of influence of the Ida family, even the Ida family does not care, other families are more It doesn't matter.

But in reality, I always like to joke with people. Uesugi Kenshin, who had led the army back to Hokuriku, didn’t know why he thought of the refugee problem in Ueno when the army was about to leave Ueno. He also investigated and accepted Ueno. Refugee country situation in Mutsu.

It’s okay if you don’t investigate. As soon as you investigate Uesugi Kenshin, you will naturally know the existence of the Yanhuang family; the local family that completely ruled the land of a country can’t be said to be an unknown family, but the name of the Yanhuang family, Uesugi Qian I have never heard of the letter.

Excessive curiosity caused Uesugi Kenshin to stop returning to the army; more and more information about the Yanhuang family was sent to the hands of Uesugi Kenshin by the Ninjas of the Uesugi family. It was the Sanada family's trust in the Yanhuang family.

The Sanada family is so famous that it cannot be described by Megatron and the Empire; otherwise, why did the southern family struggle with the heavy casualties of their own army in order to eliminate the Sanada family?

The Yanqingshui family in the south of Mutsu State, the southern family in the central hinterland of Mutsu State, and the Sanada family who fled Mutsu State; when these families all converged under the banner of the Yanhuang family, the mysterious Yanhuang family was enough to convince Uesugi Be alert.

On the side of the couch, how can one allow others to sleep soundly? Although Mutsuoka is a dependent country of Dongshan Road, it is also one of the two large backyards of Hokkaido; in order to ensure the rear of the Uesugi family, Kenshin Uesugi absolutely does not allow the emergence of the feather and Mutsu country, and any powerful forces appear. !

Undoubtedly, the strength of the Yanhuang family has exceeded the scope acceptable to Uesugi Kenshin; therefore, after understanding the situation of the Yanhuang family in detail, Uesugi Kenshin did not hesitate and directly transferred the direction of the army and began to the Yanhuang family. Mu'ao country marches!

The Uesugi family of 150,000 headed by Uesugi’s progenitors invaded the Yanhuang family with a standing force of less than 80,000. The Yanhuang family in many cities and towns in the southern part of Musuem, under the strong forces of the Uesugi family, fell into one after another. Spared.

Fortunately, the Gaoshui Temple City where the Sanada Standing Army is stationed and the Bianshi Imperial Palace where the Yanqingshui Standing Army is stationed are both sturdy and unusual fortresses. In addition, Masuda Masuda, who commands the two armies uniformly, is also a resourceful general. The Uesugi’s army thinks It is not easy to capture these two cities.

There are 15,000 well-equipped soldiers in the Sanada standing army in the Gaoshui Temple City; these soldiers who still carry the slogan of light foot are no worse than ordinary samurai in other families. An extremely elite force.

The Yanqingshui Standing Army, who is steadfastly guarding the Bianshi Imperial Palace, also has a 10,000 generals; even though this 10,000 general is not as elite as the Sanada Standing Army, it is also better than the so-called elite division dominated by a large number of peasants and soldiers in the Uesugi family. More than one.

Because Gaoshui Temple City and Bianshi Imperial Palace are two fortified bastions, Uesugi Kenshin, who is proficient in arts and craftsmanship, had to divide his army into two; he handed over 50,000 troops to his commander-in-chief, The siege is the main attack and supplemented by the Bianshi Imperial Guard.

He himself led a 100,000-strong army, and surrounded Gaoshuisi City defended by Sanada Changxing's army. Even so, the two armies of the Yanhuang family fighting each other, relying on the construction of the city to defend, the Uesugi army Blocked south of the hinterland of Mutsu.

After receiving information from the Uesugi family's 150,000 troops in the hinterland of the Mutsu Kingdom, he quickly dispatched the Jiuhu Kangzhen Nine Household Standing Army, and the Yanhuang Standing Army Sanada Nobuyuki Ten Thousand Soldiers, and went south to reinforce Sanada Changxing and Yan Qingshui Buddhism.

Kyuto Kyoji and Sanada Nobuyuki, who led their troops to the battlefield in time, did indeed catch Uesugi Kenshin by surprise; the Uesugi army, who was caught off guard, was defeated by the Yanhuang clan reinforcements that were suddenly killed during the siege.

Taking the opportunity to launch a counterattack, Sanada Yuki not only led the army out of the city to repel the Uesugi army for many days, but also successfully put the soldiers who came to the reinforcements of Shinada Shinko’s headquarters into the city; only this one battle, in cooperation with the tacit understanding of the father and son of Sanada, Uesugi Kenshin lost 30,000 soldiers!

This is the disadvantage of the large-scale use of peasants and soldiers. Once the situation is unfavorable, or your own army is defeated by the enemy; the peasants in chaotic positions will be frightened and scattered, and there are even many peasants and soldiers who escape. Go home in groups!

The actual Uesugi army with fewer than 5,000 dead soldiers and less than 8,000 wounded soldiers lost some 30,000 soldiers inexplicably; if it were not for the guard cavalry troops around Uesugi Kenshin, a large number of escaped peasants would be recovered in time, I am afraid The downsizing of Uesugi Army will be more serious.

After this battle, the father and son of Sanada who were guarding the city of Gaoshui Temple still had more than 18,000 guards and soldiers under their command, and the food in the city was enough for them to stay in the city for half a year. However, the army of the Uesugi family outside the city, but Only about 60,000 are left.

Compared to Sanada’s father and son, Yan Qingshui Yijiao and Jiuhu Kang really did not perform as well; Kyujin Kangzhen, who led the army to assist Bianshi Imperial Palace, also launched an attack on the Uesugi family’s partial army. Qingshui Yijiao did not seize this fighter.

The lack of initiative and offensive Yanqingshui Confucianism, only sent soldiers step by step to clear out a channel to the city of the Kyujin Kangzhen Headquarters who came to the reinforcements; even the defenders in the city did not cooperate with the counterattack, and the Jiuhu Kang alone There really is no homeopathic expansion.

In this way, Yanqingshui Yijiao and Jiuhu Kangzhen, who repelled the Uesugi family's attack, only succeeded in teaching in the Bianshi Imperial Palace, and did not cause any substantial damage to the Uesugi family's partial army outside the city. A great fighter.

However, after the army of the Nine Hu Kangzhen Office entered the Bianshi Imperial Palace, the number of defenders in the Bianshi Imperial Palace reached 17,000; the Uesugi family surrounding the Bianshi Imperial College only had 42,000 soldiers left. Nor can it pose a fatal threat to Bian Shi Yu.

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