Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1028: "·Vassal Legion"

The miracle did not come with a loud noise of "Boom". On the contrary, the miracle came quietly. The arrival of the miracle is as silent as flowers blooming and trees growing.

——Saguru (enlightened person, enlightened yogi, mystic, visionary humanitarian, excellent spiritual teacher)

The Kingdom of Aisini, with a total population of 1.015 million, has 247,000 strong and young; but their army is only 45,000 soldiers in four legions, and another 180,000 strong and strong Settled in various villages and towns in the Kingdom of Aisini.

The Luxi Kingdom, with a total population of nearly one million, has 32.6 million young and strong; while their army has only five corps of 100,000 soldiers, and another 220,000 young and strong are distributed in the Kingdom of Luxi Settlements.

The reason why Lucius proposed that Bai Feng draw the army of the Kingdom of Aisini and the Kingdom of Lucy to participate in the expedition was mainly due to the loyalty of the people of these two vassal kingdoms to the city of Rome and the governor’s palace. To the point where people are not at ease,

Especially for the Kingdom of Aisini, who was originally loyal to the city of Rome, after receiving more than 300,000 Eastern Alliance people, the overall loyalty fell from the previous full value to 85% today; the Kingdom of Lucy did not How good, its loyalty is only a poor 67%.

However, after all, the Kingdom of Lucy has just been brought under the control of the Roman city, and the growth rate of its loyalty is still satisfactory to Bai Feng; as for the Kingdom of Aisini, how long will it take for them to assimilate the people of the Eastern Alliance, which is very concerned by Bai Feng The problem.

I really can’t find time to go to Baifeng in the city of King Essini. I can only send my sword servant Maxi to bring two hundred carts of food to the city of King Essini. Queen, let her be used to help the Eastern Union people.

Although the Kingdom of Essini is a vassal of the city of Rome, and Queen Budeka is the woman of Bai Feng, it does not mean that the governor’s palace in Rome can bypass Queen Budeka and interfere in the interior of the Kingdom of Essini. Affairs.

Whether it is to assist the development of the Essini Kingdom’s various materials or to help the Essini Kingdom’s relief to the Eastern Union’s food, the Roman city must first hand it to Queen Budeka from the official channel, and then Queen Budeka will personally Distribute in name.

Of course, Maxi was ordered to bring Queen Budika not only two hundred carts of food, but also an important order that Bai Feng personally issued; this order was after Bai Feng and Luquis discussed, to the Kingdom of Aisini Army's drafting plan.

The four existing legions in the Kingdom of Essini are the Guards Corps directly under the Queen, the First Corps of Nardoba, the Second Corps of Assam, and the Third Corps of Joshuaul; among them, the most elite The Guard Corps of China has 25,000 soldiers!

The third legion is second only to the Guards Corps, and it is also a royal legionary unit that is loyal to Queen Budeka. The weapons and equipment used by the 20,000 soldiers in its legion are all provided by the Roman city. Weaponry.

The First Legion of Nardoba and the Second Legion of Assam are not so much a standing legion of the Kingdom of Essini, but rather a decoration used by Queen Budeka to buy people's hearts; the quality of the soldiers of these two legions It is far from weapons and equipment.

Needless to say, this time Bai Feng’s decision to mobilize the army from the Kingdom of Essini is the first legion of Nardoba and the second legion of Assam; however, the current size of these two legions is far from satisfying Can not meet Bai Feng's demand.

According to Luquez’s proposal, the first army of Nardoba and the second army of Assam must be expanded to 25,000 soldiers before the expedition; Joe Hugher's Third Army also needs to be expanded accordingly.

The scale of the expansion of the First Army of Nardoba and the Second Army of Assam, Lucius proposed a proposal, and Bai Feng also agreed with his proposal; therefore, it was Bai Feng who brought Maxi to Queen Budika. The formal order confirmed.

How the expansion of the Guards Corps directly under Queen Budeka and the Third Corps of Joshuael was decided by Queen Budeca; Bai Feng’s promise to Maxi was that after Queen Budeca’s decision, Rome The city will provide weapons and equipment needed for expansion.

Bai Feng sent a sword-servant from Maxi to King Aisini's city, and he sent a shield-servant from Darnell to the under construction of King Luci. For the king of Lucy, Yamashita Yamashita, Bai Feng used it most. Direct orders.

The five existing legions in the Kingdom of Luxi are the Guard Corps directly under the Yamashita Yamashita, the First Corps of Xiachuan Pinggong, the Second Corps of Willed, the Third Corps of Walker, and Lucy of Jun Nishimura Expeditionary legions, each legion's establishment is different.

Considering the particularity of the Lucy Kingdom (the king of Lucy, Yamashita Yang Xiben is a figure in the shogun system), Lucius and Bai Feng unanimously decided to transfer the Second Legion of Willet and the Third Legion of Valk to participate in the Roman city against the Yamato Empire Expedition.

With only 10,000 soldiers in the full force, the 2nd Army of Willet and the 3rd Army of Walker, the lack of strength is obvious; plus the number of young and strong in the Kingdom of Lucy is relatively large, so Lucius suggested that these two Each legion was expanded to 35,000 soldiers.

In addition, the West Village Junxi Expeditionary Corps, which had previously followed Bai Feng, will be officially renamed as the Fourth Army Corps of the West of Luxi, and will be responsible for the joint Stay in the native land of the kingdom of Lucy.

Before the reorganization, the Nishimura Jun Luxi Expeditionary Corps had 15,000 soldiers, and Xiachuan Pinggong’s 1st Corps had 20,000 soldiers, and the guards’ regiment directly under the Yamashita Yangxi had 10,000 soldiers; after the adaptation, the three legions All will be expanded to a large army of 30,000 soldiers.

Bai Feng and Lu Quesi actively urged the Kingdom of Essini and the Kingdom of Lucy to expand extensively. The purpose is to reduce the number of young people in these two kingdoms to maintain the internal stability of these two kingdoms; otherwise, too much youth Strong numbers will only bring endless worries.

After sending Maxi and Darnell, Bai Feng only waited for eight days, and Maxi returned from the city of King Essini to Rome; the reply he brought back was: Queen Budika decided to rename the Guards Corps to Aisi. The royal family of the King of Nepal was banned and expanded to 40,000 soldiers!

In order to ensure the fighting power of the royal ban, Queen Budeka expanded the 15,000 soldiers needed by the royal ban, all selected from the third army of Joshuall; the third army, which only left 5,000 veterans, was recruited again. After 25,000 soldiers, the number of soldiers will be expanded to 30,000!

In this way, the number of armies in the Essini Kingdom will be increased from 65,000 to 120,000, while the number of young people in the Essini Kingdom will be reduced by more than 180,000. At less than 130,000, this is also a good thing for Queen Putika.

Even the very self-conscious Queen Budeka is so coordinated with the layout of Bai Feng. As a character of the shogun system, Yamashita Yangxi naturally has no unreasonable reason; then returned to the city of Darnell in Rome, and brought back Yamashita unconditionally obedience Order reply.

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