Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1033: "·Coming Soon·One"

You see, out of personal needs and expectations, the human mind often distorts everything. Such dangers always exist, and such temptations are always waving to you.

——Saguru (enlightened person, enlightened yogi, mystic, visionary humanitarian, excellent spiritual teacher)

According to Bai Feng and Lu Quesi's vision, the best-built Tuntian Corps should consist of three infantry wing and a longbow wing; except that the Tuntian corps has half fewer soldiers than the regular field corps. The full strength is only a thousand soldiers.

Taking into account the factors of weapons and equipment and the factors of quickly supplementing the front-line field corps, the three infantry wing of the Tuntian Corps are divided into two elite wing and a conventional wing; the difference between them is special training and Weaponry.

Each of the two thousand soldiers specially trained in the Tuntian Corps will be uniformly replaced with the Roman Youth Army standard weapons and equipment and will be organized into two elite teams; the remaining soldiers will be organized into a longbow team with a longbow as a weapon. Thousands of swords and shields are used as weapons to form conventional alliances.

In this way, after the formation of the four thousand soldiers, the Tuntian Army has actually become a multi-armed integrated army with independent combat capabilities after it has been formed into four squadrons; if it is engaged in a frontal battle, it can definitely suppress three or four times its own. The organized barbarians are young and strong.

If the first-line field corps in the city of Rome urgently needs to be supplemented, the specially trained team members of the Tuntian Corps will use their proficiency in the Roman youth army’s weaponry and equipment to form combat effectiveness with a little break-in. Even the process of replacing weapons and equipment Save.

Although the standard weaponry of the Roman heavy infantry is much better than that of the Roman Youth Army, there is no essential difference between the two standard weaponry; they are all combinations of daggers, square shields, and armor, which can also be constructed Shield wall defense, using Roman tactics.

The best-built town guards, correspondingly set up two standard 500-member brigades, one using the Roman youth army standard weapons and equipment, and one using the sword and shield suits; the town guards patrolling and maintaining order in the towns did not form a remote The need for troops.

The Town Guards, like the Tuntian Legion, belong to the reserve army of the Roman city, but the nature of the two is still different; the soldiers of the Tuntian Legion are likely to be added to the Field Army at any time, and the soldiers of the Town Guard are almost impossible to be Transfer away.

If there was a day when the guards of the town guards were transferred, I am afraid that the city of Rome had reached the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted. At that time, what could the tens of thousands of guards of the town guards in various cities and towns save?

In today’s city of Rome, without counting the shoguns, the elite Roman soldiers are more than 115,000, plus more than 300,000 troops from various field legions; only the frontline field troops, Rome There are as many as 434,000 in the city!

The 235,000 soldiers of the 45 Tuntian Corps and the 45 Town Guards are not so much the reserve soldiers of the first-line field corps as they are the native garrison troops of the Roman city. Their main function is to maintain Rome. The stability of the towns directly under the rule of the city.

This is just like the city defense army where the Tianlong Empire is located in various provinces and counties. It is a necessary garrison unit to maintain the rule of the empire and internal stability; unless it is to the point where the empire lives and survives, it is impossible for the city defense army to fight on the front line.

The city of Rome, which is in the booming stage, is definitely better than the declining national dragon empire; it only takes a year or two at most until the barbarians who are newly brought under the control of the city of Rome come to their hearts, Tuntian The legion can also be used.

Aside from the temporarily unavailable 230,000 soldiers of the Tuntian and the guards, the 280,000 soldiers of the Kingdom of Lucy and the Kingdom of Essini, that is the force that can be called by the Roman city at any time; 280,000 barbarian troops , But not the 280,000 Heavenly Dragon Defense Army!

The barbarian warriors are brave and wary and sturdy on the battlefield. Bai Feng, who he has seen with his own eyes, has no doubt at all; it is no exaggeration to say that as long as these 280,000 barbarian warriors have enough sophisticated weapons and equipment, their combat power It will never be worse than a million dragons!

However, whether it is Queen Budeka who has become a woman of Bai Feng, or Yang Xi Yamashita who is a part of the city of Rome, the identity of the king determines that they cannot hand over all the troops to the city of Rome; after all, the vassals and puppets There are differences.

In this way, the actual number of troops available in the city of Rome, in addition to its own 430,000 troops, the two vassal kingdoms can provide about 150,000 servant troops, plus nearly 80,000 shogun troops, the total strength is about For six hundred and sixty thousand!

Among them, it includes both the legions that the Roman city must stay in the homeland, and the standing troops of the Yanhuang family in the Mutsu State. Even so, the Roman legions that have been steadily improving their combat power still have the powerful strength to dominate the Dragon Empire!

Yes, it is dominating the Dragon Empire! After successive battles with the orc empire and the prairie tribe, the declining national dragon empire exhausted almost all its elite troops; even the royal legion that defended the emperor's capital, took the front line to exchange blood.

In the current Dragon Empire, there are a large number of troops, but there are no more powerful legions; there are only twenty or thirty elite legions, either directly under Bai Feng’s orders or indirectly obeying Bai Feng’s commands (for example, Longde Steide's army).

The other eighty and eighty legions of the ninety legions are all unrecruited recruits, and their weapons and equipment are incomparable. How can such a 1.8 million army be a Roman army armed to the teeth? Opponent?

With the passage of time, the combat power of the various dragon corps of the Dragon Empire will definitely be improved to a certain extent; but while their combat power is improved, the Roman city that is actively expanding outward will inevitably move towards stronger at a faster rate!

The expeditionary Roman army, as long as they boarded the land of the Yamato Empire, the Ida family and the Uesugi family, which are enemies with the Yanhuang family, will inevitably retreat; by then, the Yanhuang family's ruling area is still only limited to the corner of the Mu'ao Kingdom. Ground?

The three countries of Yushan, Ueno, and Shimo, which are close to Mutsu, must be part of the Yanhuang family under the strong soldiers of the Yanhuang family; the Echigo country of Hokuriku and the permanent country of Tokaido, Whether they can block the soldiers of the Yanhuang family is unknown!

In fact, Bai Feng knew in his heart that the Hokugo Kingdom, still one of the core territories of the Uesugi Family, still within the radiation range of the Hojo Clan, certainly could not block the powerful army of the Yanhuang Clan; It is not a simple military issue.

Military means are often a specific extension of political issues. Bai Feng cannot rely on the strength of the Yanhuang family to kill the three families of Uesugi, Date, and Hojo at the same time; it is the Yanhuang family that wipes out the relatively weakest Date family in one fell swoop. The most stable expansion strategy.

As for the Uesugi family in Hokkaido and the Hojo family in Tokaido, as long as these two families are willing to pay something, Bai Feng does not mind maintaining the peace they deserve; between countries, there has never been a friend forever, nor forever. Enemy, isn't it?

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